Twilight and Liet both blanched. Slip sobbed. Even Gargan scowled.
A hoarse, despairing cry came from Taslin's lips. "I know it was you! I know it!" She squirmed. "Let me go, Twilight-let me go!"
"We need him!" snapped Twilight. "Control yourself!"
Taslin struggled for a few tense heartbeats, but finally relented. She relaxed against Twilight, shuddering, and stared daggers at Davoren.
"I've said it before," said Twilight, "but I'll repeat. If any of us plans to make it out of here alive, we need to work together." Then she added, so only Taslin would hear and understand: "We don't know if any of us helped or harmed Asson. Have your suspicions if you will, but don't let them jeopardize us all."
"As you say," Taslin said. She turned to Davoren. "But as soon as we leave this place, human, I shall cut out your heart for this. Upon Corellon's bloody tears-"
"No!" Twilight hissed, trying to stop the cleric, but it was too late.
"— you will not see another sunrise," Taslin finished. "This I swear."
Twilight fought to stop a scowl. A blood oath was never taken lightly by either party. She knew then that the two might work side by side, but their mutual hatred would leave a crack in the band. And their survival relied upon cooperation.
The warlock only smiled. In his eyes was a bitter promise-he would see Taslin dead, for no other reason than because he could.
Twilight knew what she had to do-weakened thought she might be.
She handed Taslin over to the goliath. "Go," she said slowly and levelly to the others. "Follow Gargan. Skirt the labyrinth, find the sewers, set camp. Leave markings." She turned back and looked upon the warlock, who smiled. "Davoren and I shall join you presently."
"But 'Light, ah-" Liet started.
"No argument," she said. "Davoren and I have some words to share. Lead them, Gargan." She nodded to Liet without looking at him. "We shall join you."
Liet nodded slowly and began walking. Taslin kept her eyes on the warlock, but let Slip tug her along.
Gargan stared at Twilight hard, and she flicked a gaze to him. She was reminded once again of the keen intuition behind those emerald eyes. Without words, they conversed, and Gargan understood entirely what Twilight intended. He made her an offer, but she declined. She had to do this alone. He nodded and turned.
As the goliath joined the others, disappearing into the darkness, Twilight let a smile spread across her face. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then she relaxed, and flashed Davoren a winsome look.
"Is anyone watching?" asked Davoren, flexing his fingers, around which little sparks danced.
"I think not," replied Twilight, hand on her rapier hilt. The shadows came to her.
Davoren's lip curled. "Good."
Twilight's rapier scraped out of its scabbard and she lunged, just as the warlock threw ruby flames at her.
Twilight twisted in mid-dive and the blast scorched across her back. Only her ring's protective magic kept her skin intact. She landed lightly and kicked out. Davoren scowled and threw himself aside just in time to avoid the blow.
Feeling rather than seeing the miss, Twilight wasted no time reversing her momentum, spinning, and slamming an elbow into the warlock's chest. Davoren recoiled and fell back a step, but his eyes were already blazing with ruby light. The warlock snarled an infernal oath and jerked his hands apart.
"Damn and burn," Twilight snapped, throwing herself back, trusting instinct.
The elf maid somersaulted back as a fan of ruby fire cut over her chest. She flipped completely over, landing on her feet in a crouch. She rose halfway into a combat stance, keeping her eyes on Davoren. The man had backed away and was holding up burning, clawed hands, one forward, one at his ear.
"Come, fiend-spawn." Twilight hissed as she dipped and wove. "You can do better than that, eh?"
The warlock grinned as they both circled. "You think you can elude my power, do you?" he said. "You await a strike, thinking you will dodge and I will be open, eh?"
"How clever." Twilight never took her eyes off him. "And your solution?"
Davoren lifted his left arm. The diabolic face molded into his leather bracer chuckled for an instant. The air rippled and a chittering giggle floated forth that matched the gauntlet's mirth. A tiny winged creature with night black flesh-an imp, Twilight realized-appeared a few paces at her back, laughing and hissing.
Summoned aid, Twilight thought. How original.
Davoren threw his blasts of flame past her, and she understood. With a curse, she sprinted toward the warlock.
The flames consumed the imp before it had the chance to move or even squeak in protest, then the heat arced from its ashen remains to strike Twilight in the back, blowing her out of her charge and slamming her body against the wall.
Davoren laughed uproariously. "Fool!" he said. "You think you can outwit Hellsheart?" He fell into the grip of fiendish power once again.
Fighting against the pain that ripped through her, Twilight struggled to her feet. Little trails of smoke rose from her back. The ring's magic had absorbed much of the blast, but not all. Limping, she extended the rapier toward Davoren and bent low.
Davoren's right gauntlet shimmered with magic. A second imp, identical to the first, appeared at her back. Wonderful.
Twilight didn't give Davoren the chance. She straightened, pulling her rapier back to throw, and ran toward him. She might not cover the five or six paces between them in time, but her blade would. The warlock's eyes went wide and he shot flame at her. Had he blasted the imp, it would not have arced to Twilight in time.
Even in panic, though, he had not abandoned all aim. The ruby ray struck her rapier's hilt, superheating it in an instant and unleashing a tremor upon her hand with the kind of force that would have shattered bone had she not released the weapon to fly over her shoulder.
Cursing in pain and consternation, the shadowdancer watched as Betrayal skittered along the ground behind her. A thumb's breadth lower, and his blast would have destroyed her hand to the wrist. Davoren cursed his missed blast and danced back, power flickering in his eyes as he invoked his lord's gifts again.
"I will destroy you, whore!" Davoren sneered.
Always insults about my lovelife-or my profession, she mused as he threw fire that consumed his imp. It darted for Twilight.
This time, the elf managed to dodge, but only by leaping onto Davoren. The flames jetted over her head and slammed into the wall, sending chips of stone flying. The elf and the warlock went down in a heap of bodies, kicking and scrabbling.
Davoren slammed Twilight to the ground, but she hit his stomach with her knee. The warlock reeled, rolling away, and Twilight seized the chance to pounce atop him, hands going for his throat. He caught her wrist in both hands and pried at her grip.
They locked, pitting wiry muscles against each other. She had his throat in her right hand. Her left slapped her belt, searching for some weapon. She knew she didn't have the strength to choke the life from him or shatter his neck. One of her lockpicks would do; a quick thrust to the eye or temple would put the warlock down.
Then a thin blade appeared in Davoren's hand, snatched from a sheath inside one of his demon bracers, and it darted for Twilight's face. Her hand shot out and caught Davoren's wrist. The warlock spit and slavered, straining against Twilight, the point of his stiletto just a hair's breadth from her jugular.
The tip scratched her neck and a bright spot of blood welled up.
"Almost, filliken." Davoren hissed through clenched teeth. "Almost."
"Almost nothing," she said.
Twilight squeezed the tendon in his wrist just so, and Davoren squealed in pain. She slammed his hand against the ground once, twice, knocking the blade free. The warlock, to his credit, kicked Twilight off him, but she was already extricating herself. She rolled free, over the fallen stiletto, and went for Betrayal where it lay.