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benign not cancerous; not malignant.

biopsy taking a tissue sample from a tumor to help make a diagnosis.

Burkitt's lymphoma a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma usually producing a tumor in the abdomen, most often seen in teens and young adults.

carcinogen any substance that causes cancer.

carcinoma any cancer formed from the cells lining organs.

carcinoma in situ a localized cancer that has not spread and is therefore easier to treat.

carcinomatosis cancer that has spread to or invaded other parts of the body.

carcinosarcoma a malignant tumor of the lining and muscles of the uterus.

chemotherapy the treatment of cancer with drugs or chemicals.

chondrofibroma a benign tumor consisting of carti­lage and fibrous tissue.

chondrosarcoma a malignant tumor composed of cartilage.

choriocarcinoma malignant cancer formed in the sexual organs.

cystadenoma a benign tumor containing cysts.

dermatofibroma a benign tumor of the skin.

eosinophilic tumor a tumor of the pituitary gland that in children sometimes causes extreme growth spurts (gigantism).

ependymoma a type of brain tumor.

feminizing tumor an ovarian tumor that in chil­dren may cause premature menstruation and preco­cious breast development; in older women, it may cause new breast growth and a return of vaginal bleeding.

fibroadenoma a common benign tumor made of fibrous and glandular tissue found in the breast.

fibroid tissue benign uterine tumor made of muscle and fibrous tissue.

gamma ray a type of radiation used in treating malignancies.

germinoma a tumor of the testicle.



Hodgkin's disease a malignant lymph disease that spreads to the spleen, liver, and bone marrow, most often seen in young adults.

Kaposi's sarcoma a vascular cancer characterized by the development of purple nodules on the skin, most often seen in patients with AIDS.

leukemia collective term for a family of malignant diseases of white blood cells and blood-forming mar­row; some cause death within weeks, whereas others may last 20 years or more.

Leukeran an anticancer medication used in treating leukemia.

lipoma common benign tumor made of fat and found beneath the skin.

liposarcoma a malignant tumor composed of fat tissue.

lumpectomy surgical removal of a tumor or mass.

lymphoblastoma a malignant tumor of the lymph glands.

malignant deadly, potentially fatal, cancerous.

masculinizing tumor of the ovary ovarian tumor that may produce such masculine traits as a deepen­ing voice and facial hair in women.

mastectomy the surgical removal of a breast as a treatment for cancer.

melanoblastoma malignant skin tumor arising from pigment cells.

melanoma a skin mode that has become cancerous.

metastasis the spread of cancer from one body part to another.

metastasize to spread from one part of the body to another.

monoclonal antibodies cloned antibodies used as a treatment to resist cancer growth.

myclocytic leukemia a fatal form of leukemia.

myeloma a malignant tumor of bone marrow.

myofibroma a benign tumor made of muscle and fibrous tissue.

myoma a benign tumor of muscle. myosarcoma a malignant tumor of muscle. neoplasm a tumor; a growth. nephroma a kidney tumor.

oncogenic carcinogenic.

oncology the branch of medicine cornered with tumors and tumor growth.

osteogenic sarcoma a malignant bone tumor.

papilloma a benign growth of mucous membranes.

photochemotherapy cancer treatment consisting of drugs or chemicals exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which has been shown to increase effectiveness.

polyp a benign growth or tumor arising on a stalk from mucous membranes.

radioresistant of a tumor, unaffected by radiation therapy.

radiotherapy radiation therapy.

remission a reversal of a cancer in which cancer cells may be present in the body, but all signs of tumors and symptoms are gone.

resectable that can be surgically removed.

sarcoma a malignant tumor composed of bone, muscle, or fat.

SU5416 a powerful angiogenesis inhibitor.

thermography measuring the amount of heat given off by different body areas. Cancerous growths give off slightly higher heat.

Warthin's tumor a benign tumor of the parotid gland.

Wilm's tumor a malignant tumor of the kidney found in young children.

conception, pregnancy, and childbirth

(Also see sexuality)

abortion the spontaneous or medically induced ter­mination of a pregnancy.

abruption placentae separation of the placenta from the uterine wall.

active phase during the first stage of labor, the phase characterized by contractions lasting about 60 seconds and occurring every two to five minutes.

afterpains postbirth pain and cramping caused by con­tractions of the uterus as it returns to its normal size.

alpha fetoprotein (AFP) a protein produced in the liver of a fetus and passed through the placenta into the mother's bloodstream; a high amount of AFP in the mother's blood indicates a neural tube defect.

amniocentesis the taking of a small sample of amni- otic fluid in order to determine the presence of genetic or other disorders in the fetus.

amnion the innermost bag containing the fetus and amniotic fluid; one of two layers making up the amni- otic sac.

amniotic fluid waters, urine, and other fluids in which the fetus floats in the uterus.

amniotomy the medically induced rupturing of the amniotic sac to speed up labor.

anencephaly a congenital defect in which only a small part of the brain develops.

antepartum before labor or before childbirth.

anterior position the head position most frequently assumed by an infant during birth, specifically head first and face down.

Apgar score a system for rating a baby's general health at birth, specifically a number score from 0 to 2 for each of five characteristics: heart rate, respira­tion, muscle tone, reflexes, and color.

artificial insemination the depositing of semen into the cervix through a plastic tube.

blastocyst the earliest form or stage of embryonic development.

bloody show a discharge of blood and mucus, a symptom of impending labor.

bonding the emotional attachment that grows between parents and child before and after birth.

Bradley method childbirth techniques involving the husband or partner as labor coach and the use of slow, rhythmic breathing and relaxation to control pain.

Braxton-Hicks contractions often mistaken for true labor contractions, actually mild and intermit­tent prelabor contractions that go away within a few hours.