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ovine like a sheep; pertaining to sheep.

pedigree a written record or registry of the ancestry of an animal. Also, the registration certificate itself.

poll to cut off or cut short the horns.

pollard an animal with its horns removed.

porcine like a pig; pertaining to a pig or hog.

purebred an animal from two registered parents or from unmixed descent.

ram a male sheep.

reticulum the second stomach of a ruminant.

rumen the first stomach of a ruminant.

ruminant any of the cud-chewing animals, includ­ing cattle, sheep, and goats.

ruminate to chew the cud.

rutting sexual excitement of the male.

scours severe diarrhea suffered by livestock animals.

scrub an animal of unknown or unimproved ancestry.

service to stud.

silage green fodder stored in a silo.

sire to father an animal; the father of an animal.

sow an adult female pig.

stud a male used for breeding.

swine collective term for pigs or hogs. switch the hairy part of a tail. taurine like a bull; pertaining to bulls. tribe closely related families within a breed. ungulate any animal with hooves. yearling a newly born sheep or goat.

Beef Cattle Breeds

Angus originated in Scotland, black, polled head.

Barzona originated in Arizona, red, specially adapted to arid ranges.

beefalo a crossbreed of a buffalo, a Charolais, and a Hereford, cold-tolerant, lean, flavorful meat, origi­nating in the United States.

beef Friesian bred in the United States, black and white, broad-muzzled, and strong-jawed.

beefmaster Texas breed, red or varied colors, horned or polled, good milk producer.

belted Galloway originally bred in Galloway, Scotland, black with brown tinge or dun-colored with white belt encircling the body, polled head.

Brahman originating in India, gray, red, or spotted, long face with drooping ears, hump over shoulders, pendulous dewlap, heat- and insect-tolerant.

Brangus Oklahoma breed, cross between Brahman and Angus, black, polled, sleek coat, crest on neck.

Charbray Texas breed, creamy white, horned, slight vestigial dewlap.

Charolais French breed, creamy white, horned, large size.

Chianina Italian origin, white, horned, black tongue, the largest cattle in the world, with some bulls weighing in at 4,000 pounds.

Devon English breed, red, horns with black tips.

Dexter Irish breed, black or red, horned, small with short legs.

Fleckvieh German breed, red and white-spotted, horned.

Galloway Scottish breed, black or black with brown or red tint, or dun; polled, long, curly hair, cold-tolerant.

Gelbvieh German breed, golden red or rust, horned, large, long, and muscular.

Hays converter Canadian breed, black with white face, white feet and white tail, good milk producer.

Hereford English breed, red with white markings and white face, horned, thick hair.

Indu Brazil Brazilian breed, light gray silver, dun or red; long, drooping ears, horns pointing up to the rear, hump on shoulders, pendulous dewlap.

Limousin French breed, wheat or rust, horned, long and large, abundant meat.

Lincoln red English breed, cherry red, horned or polled, long, fast-growing, good milk producer.

Maine-Anjou French breed, dark red with white, long, large, fast-growing.

Marchigiana Italian breed, grayish white, small horns, large-bodied.

Normande French breed, dark red and white, spec­taclelike patches over eyes, large-bodied.

Norwegian red Norwegian breed, red or red and white, horned, good milk producer.

Piedmont Italian breed, white or pale gray, double- muscled, excellent meat producer.

polled Hereford Iowa breed, red with white mark­ings, white face, polled, thick coat of hair.

polled Shorthorn U.S. breed, red or white, or red and white, polled.

ranger U.S. breed of the western range, all colors, hardy, medium-sized.

red Angus Scottish breed, red, polled, similar to black Angus.

red Brangus U.S. breed, cross of a Brahman and Angus, broad head, sleek coat.

Salers French breed, deep cherry red, horned or polled, hardy, fast-growing, and large.

Scotch Highland Scottish breed, red, yellow, silver, white, dun, black, or brindle; long, shaggy hair, cold- tolerant.

Shorthorn English breed, red, white, or red and white; short horns curving inward.

Simmental Swiss breed, red and white-spotted, white face, horned, fast-growing, excellent meat and milk producer.

Sussex English breed, mahogany red, mostly polled, high yield of lean meat.

Tarentaise French breed, wheat-colored or light cherry or dark blond, small-bodied.

Texas longhorn Texas breed, all colors; long, spreading horns, long head, long legs.

welsh black Welsh breed, black, mostly horned, good milk producer.

Dairy Cattle Breeds

Ayrshire Scottish breed, cherry red, mahog­any, brown, or a mixture of these colors; mostly horned.

brown Swiss alpine breed, solid brown, black nose and tongue, horned, strong and muscular, placid.

Dutch belted Dutch breed, black and white with white belt extending around the body, horned.

guernsey originating on the Isle of Guernsey, fawn with white marks, horned; yellow milk.

Holstein-Friesian Netherlands breed, black and white or red and white, broad-muzzled, strong-jawed.

Illawarra Australian breed, red or red and white, horned.

Jersey originating on the Island of Jersey, usually fawn-colored with or without white marks; large, bright eyes.

milking Shorthorn English breed, red, white, or red and white, horned.

Goat Breeds

American La Mancha U.S. breed, all colors, short or no ears, hornless, milk producer.

Angora Turkish breed, white face, legs and mohair, horned or polled, long locks of mohair.

French Alpine French Alps breed, multicolored, horned or polled, large and deerlike, milk producer.

Nubian a cross of Indian and Egyptian breeds, mul­ticolors, horned or polled, long and droopy ears, Roman nose, milk producer.

Rock Alpine U.S. breed, multicolored, horned or polled, milk producer.

Saanen Swiss breed, white or creamy, horned or polled, large, milk producer.

Swiss Alpine Swiss breed, ocher or brown, polled, erect ears, milk producer.

Toggenburg Swiss breed, fawn to dark brown with white stripes on face and white on legs, polled, milk producer.

Pig Breeds

American Landrace Danish breed, white with small black spots.

Berkshire English breed, black with white feet.

Chester white U.S. breed, white with or without small bluish spots.