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devil's grip extreme and sudden pain in the chest that lasts two days or less; it is caused by inflamma­tion of the chest cavity lining. Also known as acute pleurodynia.

diaphragm muscle that separates the abdominal and chest cavities; it is the main breathing muscle.

dyspnea shortness of breath.

emphysema a lung disease characterized by enlarge­ment of the alveoli, causing breathing difficulties and possible damage to the heart.

farmer's lung lung condition caused by the inhala­tion of particles from moldy hay.

goblet cells lung cells that produce mucus.

hyperventilation excessive breathing with an intake of too much oxygen and exhalation of too much carbon dioxide, which may cause light-headedness, buzzing in the head, tingling of the lips, and a sensa­tion of suffocation. Often brought on by anxiety, it may cause panic and fainting, but is usually relieved by breathing into a paper bag.

hypoxia inadequate oxygen in the lungs and blood.

intercostal muscles between the ribs, the muscles that aid in breathing.

larynx the upper portion of the respiratory tract; the voice box.

lobe one of five divisions that make up the lungs.

orthopnea having to sit up in bed in order to breathe adequately, a sign of abnormal heart function.

pharynx the throat.

pleura the membrane that envelops the lungs and lines the chest cavity.

pleurisy inflammation of the pleura, causing chest pain, especially when breathing deeply or coughing.

pneumonia a viral or bacterial infection of the lungs.

pulmonary pertaining to the lungs.

pulmonary edema excess fluid in the lungs.

respiratory centers portions of the brain that regu­late breathing by monitoring levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.

spirometer a device that measures the amount of air inhaled.

stertorous breathing loud breathing, as in snoring.

stridor loud breathing caused by partial closure of the larynx.

trachea the windpipe leading to the lungs.

tuberculosis a communicable disease characterized by lesions in the tissues of the lungs.

wheeze raspy breathing due to mucus in the trachea or bronchial tubes.

muscular system

abductor a muscle that pulls a body part away or out from center. Opposite of adductor.

abductor hallucis extending from the base of the big toe to the heel, the muscle that pulls the big toe away from the other toes.

abductor pollicis brevis extending from the base of the thumb to the hand, the muscle that bends the thumb and pulls it away from the fingers.

abductor pollicis longus from the base of the thumb to the forearm, the muscle that straightens the thumb.

adductor a muscle that pulls a body part in toward center. Opposite of abductor.

adductor brevis extending from the pubic bone to the femur, it adducts (moves inward), flexes, and rotates the thigh.

adductor hallucis from the foot to the base of the big toe, the muscle that flexes and pulls the big toe inward.

adductor magnus from the pubic bone to the femur, the muscle that flexes, rotates, and pulls the thigh inward.

adductor pollicis from the hand to the thumb, the muscle that pulls the thumb into a grasping position.

adductors, fifth finger and toe the small muscles on the back of the hand and foot that pull the little finger and little toe away from the other digits.

anconeus extending from the upper arm to the fore­arm, the muscle that straightens the elbow.

aryepiglottic the muscle that closes the entrance to the larynx.

auricularis in some people, a vestigial muscle that moves or wiggles the outer ear.

biceps brachii the strong upper arm muscle.

biceps femoris extending from the femur to the fibula, the muscle that flexes the knee and straightens the hip.

brachialis from upper arm to forearm, the muscle involved in bending the elbow.

buccinator the jaw muscles involved in retracting the angle of the mouth.

chondroglossus on the sides of the tongue, it depresses the tongue.

ciliary the eye muscle that makes the eye more con­vex to aid in focusing.

constrictor of pharynx constricts the throat mus­cles when swallowing.

coracobrachial from the shoulder blade to the upper arm, the muscle that flexes and pulls the arm inward.

corrugator forehead muscle that wrinkles the fore­head and pulls the eyebrows together.

cremaster from the lower abdomen to the pubis, the muscles that elevates the testicles.

cricothyroid the group of muscles that work the vocal cords.

deltoid from the collarbone to the upper arm, the muscle that lifts, flexes, and extends the upper arm.

depressor a group of muscles that pull the corner of the mouth and bottom lip down.

depressor, nasal septum muscle that constricts the nostrils.

diaphragm between the chest and the abdomen, the muscle involved in inhalation.

dilator of nose muscle that widens the nostrils.

dilator of pupil eye muscle that widens the pupil.

epicranial the scalp muscle involved in raising the eyebrows.

erector clitoris a sexual muscle, it causes the clitoris to become erect.

erector penis a sexual muscle, it causes the penis to become erect.

erector pili on the skin, the tiny muscles that make body hair stand on end, causing goose bumps.

extensor carpi radialis from the humerus to the wrist bones, the muscle involved in straightening the wrist.

extensor carpi ulnaris from the humerus to the wrist bones, the muscle involved in straightening the wrist.

extensor digitorum, feet from the heel to the toes, the muscle that straightens the toes.

extensor digitorum, hands from the upper arm to the back of the hand, the muscle that straightens the fingers.

extensor hallucis from the fibula to the heel bone, the muscle that straightens the big toe and helps turn the ankle up.

extensor pollicis from the forearm to the thumb, the muscle that straightens the thumb and pulls it away from the fingers.

flexor carpi radialis from the humerus to the wrist, the muscle that bends the wrist.

flexor carpi ulnaris from the humerus to the wrist, the muscle that bends the wrist.

flexor digitorum, feet from heel bone to toes, the muscle involved in bending toes.

flexor digitorum, hands from forearm to fingers, the muscle involved in flexing or bending the fingers.

flexor hallucis from fibula to foot, the muscle that flexes the big toe.

flexor pollicis from forearm and wrist to thumb, the muscle that flexes the thumb.

gastrocnemius extending from the femur to the heel, the muscle that bends the ankle down.