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gemellus from pelvis to thigh, the muscle that rotates the femur outward.

genioglossus from the lower jaw to the tongue, the muscle involved in sticking out and returning the tongue.

glosso palatine in the soft palate, the muscle that lifts the tongue.

gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus from the pelvis to the upper thigh, the muscles that straighten the hip and pull the leg away from the body.

gracilis from pubic bone to tibia, the muscle that pulls the leg inward or toward the other leg.

hamstring running down the back of the thigh, the three muscles that flex the knee.

hiacus from pelvis to femur, the muscle that flexes the hip joint.

iliocostal extending from the ribs to the spine, the muscle that straightens the spine and aids in sideways movement of the trunk.

infraspinatus from shoulder blade to upper arm, the muscle that rotates the arm sideways.

intercostal in the rib area, muscles that draw the ribs together and aid in breathing.

interossei in the hands and feet, muscles that pull the digits toward one another.

latissimus dorsi from the spine to the upper arm, the muscle involved in extending, rotating, and pull­ing the arm in toward the body.

levator ani forming a sling in the pelvic region, the muscle that supports the pelvic organs.

levator scapulae from the neck to the shoulder blade, the muscle that lifts the shoulder.

levator of upper eyelid the muscle that raises upper eyelid.

levator of upper lip the muscle that raises upper lip and dilates nostril.

lingual a muscle running the length of the tongue and involved in changing its shape.

longissimus the back muscle involved in straighten­ing the spine.

longus capitus from the neck to the base of the skull, the muscle involved in bending the head.

lumbrical in the hands, the muscles that flex the fingers.

masseter from the cheekbone to the mandible, the muscle involved in chewing, especially in closing the mouth and clenching the teeth.

mylohyoid from the lower jaw to the neck, the muscle that elevates the floor of the mouth.

nasalis in the nose area, a muscle involved in some facial expressions.

oblique, abdominal extending from the ribs to the middle of the abdomen down to the pubic area, the muscle that flexes and rotates the vertebral column and supports the abdominal wall.

oblique, eyeball in the orbital cavity, a muscle involved in the eye's rotation.

oblique, head extending from the neck to the base of the skull, a muscle involved in rotating the head.

obturator from the pubis to the thigh, a muscle that rotates the thigh outward.

orbicularis oculi from the orbit to surrounding skin, muscles that close the eyelids.

orbicularis oris in the mouth area, the muscle involved in closing the mouth and pursing or pucker­ing the lips.

palmaris from the forearm to the palm of the hand, a muscle that deepens the "hollow" of the palm.

pectineal extending from the pelvis to the thigh, a muscle that pulls the thigh in toward the other leg and flexes the hip.

pectoral extending from the clavicle, sternum, and ribs to the shoulder blade and upper arm, the muscle that flexes, rotates, and pulls the arm in toward the body.

peroneus from the leg to the foot, the muscle that helps flex and extend the ankle.

piriformis from the pelvis to the thigh, a muscle that aids in turning the thigh outward.

plantaris from the lower thigh to the heel, a muscle that bends the ankle down.

popliteus in the knee area, a muscle that rotates the knee inward.

pronator extending from the upper arm to the fore­arm, a muscle that rotates the forearm.

psoas from the lower back to the thigh, a muscle involved in bending the trunk and hip.

quadratis femoris in the pelvic and thigh area, a muscle involved in rotating the thigh.

quadratis lumborum from the last rib to the hipbone area, a muscle involved in bending the spine sideways.

rectus abdominus extending from the sternum to the pubis, the muscle that bends the spine forward.

rectus capitis extending from the neck to the skull, the muscle involved in bending the head forward and back.

rectus femoris from the upper thigh to the knee area, a muscle that straightens the knee.

rectus oculi in the orbital area, a muscle involved in rotating the eyes.

rhomboid from the neck to the shoulder blades, the muscle that draws the shoulders backward.

risorius in the mouth area, a muscle that pulls the corners of the mouth down.

sartorius from the hip to the tibia, a muscle involved in flexing the thigh and knee.

scalene from the neck to the first ribs, muscle that inclines the neck to either side.

semispinalis from the upper chest to the base of the skull, a muscle that inclines the head back.

serratus extending from the lower back, ribs, and chest, muscle that elevates ribs to aid in breathing.

soleus from the upper leg to the heel, a muscle that flexes the foot and aids in balance.

sphincter ani a muscle that closes the anus.

sphincter pupillae a muscle that contracts the pupil of the eye.

sphincter urethrae in the pubic area, a muscle that tightens the passage of the bladder.

sphincter vaginae in the pubic area, a muscle that constricts the vaginal opening.

spinalis extending from the neck, chest, and back, muscles that straighten the head and spine.

stapedius the middle ear muscle that moves the stapes.

sterno thyroid from the sternum to the Adam's apple, the muscle that draws the larynx downward.

styloglossus the muscle that lifts and retracts the tongue.

supinator extending from the upper arm to the lower arm, a muscle that rotates the forearm so that the palm of the hand faces up.

supra spinatus from the scapula to the humerus, a muscle that pulls the arm away from the body.

temporal from the temple to the mandible, a muscle that closes the mouth.

teres major from the scapula to the upper arm, a muscle that rotates the arm inward.

teres minor from the scapula to the upper arm, a muscle that rotates the arm outward.

thyroepiglottis the Adam's apple muscle that closes the larynx and trachea.

tibialis anterior from the lower leg to the foot, a muscle that flexes the foot up and in.

tibialis posterior from the back of the leg to the foot, a muscle that flexes the foot down and in.

transversus abdominus from the lower ribs across the abdomen, a muscle involved in bending the spine forward and supporting the abdominal wall.

trapezius from the top of the neck to the shoulder blade and shoulder, a muscle that raises shoulder and pulls it back

triceps brachii from the upper arm to the forearm, a muscle that straightens the elbow.

vastus from the thigh to the lower leg, a muscle that straightens the knee.