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cervical muscle and skin of the neck,

shoulders, and arms

chorda tympani taste sensations in tongue; salivary glands

ciliary contracts and dilates the pupil of the


cranial 12 pairs of nerves attached to the

base of the brain; olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, acoustic, glos­sopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal

cutaneous sensation to all skin areas of the


digital facial skin sensation to fingers and toes;

also, muscles of the face

femoral muscles and skin of hip and thigh

frontal skin of forehead and upper eyelid,

frontal sinus

genitofemoral sensation to skin of thigh, testicles, and the lips of the vagina

glossopharyn- supplies tongue, palate, and pharynx geal

gluteal muscles of the buttocks

hemorrhoidal muscles and skin of the rectum area

hypogastric pelvic organs

hypoglossal muscles of the tongue

iliohypogastric muscles and skin of abdomen and buttocks

ilioinguinal muscles of the abdominal wall, skin of thigh, scrotum, and labia

infraorbital supplies upper teeth, nasal floor, facial skin beneath the eyes

interosseous forearm muscles labial sensation to the lips

lacrimal lacrimal gland and skin of upper


laryngeal muscles of the larynx, esophagus,

trachea, and tongue

lingual floor of mouth and a portion of the


lumbar muscles and skin of the lower back

and pelvic organs, sensation to the skin of lower abdomen and legs

mandibular supplies chewing muscles; sensation to the lower teeth

maxillary sensation to the skin of the upper

face, palate, and upper teeth

median muscles of the forearm; sensation to

the wrist and hand

mental sensation to the skin of the lower lip

and chin

nasal sensation to the skin of the nose

nasociliary sensation to the eye and the eyelids

nasopalatine sensation to the nasal septum and mucous membrane of the hard palate

obturator hip and knee joints, inner side

muscles of the thigh; sensation to the skin of all these regions

occipital sensation to the scalp over the top

and back of head; sensation to the back of the ear and back of the neck

oculomotor eyeball muscles

olfactory supplies the olfactory bulb and is

responsible for the sense of smell

ophthalmic sensation to the forehead, eyeball, and sinus area

optic supplies the retina of the eye; vision

is impossible without it

palatine sensation to the gums, mucous

membranes of hard palate, soft palate, and tonsils palpebral sensation to the eyelids

peroneal supplies the knee joint; sensation to

the skin of the leg, ankle, and foot

petrosal serves parts of the palate and

salivary glands phrenic diaphragm

plantar toe muscles

plexus collective term for any group or

conglomeration of nerves popliteal muscles around the knee

pterygoid jaw muscles and joints

pudendal penis and clitoris; skin of the anus

radial muscles of the upper arm and fore­

arm; also supplies sensation to the skin of the arm and hand recurrent larynx


sacral pelvic organs, thigh muscles; also,

sensation to these areas

saphenous sensation to the skin of the inner

side of the leg and foot

scapular muscles that move the shoulder blade

sciatic large nerve extending from the

lower back down the back of the thigh; it supplies the skin and muscles of the thigh and leg

scrotal sensation to the skin of the scrotum

splanchnic groups of nerves serving the stom­

ach, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, intestines, and other organs supraclavicular sensation to the skin of the neck, shoulders, and chest

supraorbital sensation to the forehead and upper eyelid

thoracic 12 pairs of spinal nerves supplying

skin and muscles of the back, arms, and abdominal wall

thoracic, lateral pectoral muscles of the chest anterior

thoracodorsal supplies latissimus dorsi muscle tibial skin and muscles of leg and foot

trigeminal skin and muscles of face and jaw

trochlear eyeball muscle

ulnar muscles of the forearm, hand;

sensation to the skin in little and ring fingers; responsible for painful "funny bone" sensation when struck

vagus muscles of the throat, larynx, heart,

lungs, abdominal organs

zygomatic skin of cheek and temple


anosmia inability to smell.

barosinusitis a sinus inflammation caused by a dif­ference in atmospheric pressure inside and outside the nose.

columella the lower, front portion of the septum.

deviated septum a septum that has become crooked due to surgery, trauma, or abnormal growth; it often causes headaches or sinusitis; or it may block breath­ing through one nostril.

epistaxis a nosebleed.

nasal polyps benign nasal growth or tumors.

nasopharynx the nose and throat.

olfactory pertaining to the sense of smell.

olfactory bulbs extensions of the brain that relay odor signals to the brain.

olfactory epithelium in the roof of the nose, two yellow brown patches of membrane that trap odor molecules and act as smell receptors.

olfactory nerves transmit smell signals to the olfac­tory bulbs and to the brain.

osmology the study of the sense of smell.

parosima a distorted sense of smell, occurring in some cases of schizophrenia.

phantosmia odor hallucinations, suffered by some mentally ill patients.

philtrum the divot just below the nose and above the upper lip. Also known as the rhinarium.

postnasal drip mucus from the back of the nose that discharges down the throat.

rhinencephalon the portion of the brain concerned with smell.

rhinitis inflammation of the lining of the nose.

rhinology the study of the nose and its diseases and disorders.

rhinophyma a condition causing enlargement and redness of the nose. Also known as rummy nose, whiskey nose.

rhinoplasty plastic surgery on the nose; a nose job.

246 HUMAN BODY AND MIND rhinorrhea runny nose.

septum the thin wall of cartilage separating the two nasal passages.

sinuses the four groups of air-filled, mucus-lined chambers in the facial bones: frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal, and maxillary.

sinusitis an inflammation of the sinuses, often resulting from the common cold.

vibrissae hairs in the nose.

organs and glands

adenoids organs of unknown function in the back of the throat behind the nose.

adrenal glands resting above the kidneys, the glands that secrete a wide array of hormones, includ­ing adrenalin and cortisone. Also known as the supra­renal glands.

anus the end portion of the gastrointestinal tract whose muscular action eliminates feces.

apocrine glands sweat glands.

appendix near the large intestine, a vestigial organ whose function is unknown.

bladder in the lower abdomen, a storage sac for urine secreted by the kidneys.

bone marrow the soft tissue in the middle of bones that manufactures new blood cells.

brain the organ of mental and nerve processes, divided into two hemispheres and several suborgans.