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self-mutilation the cutting or burning of oneself, an expression of anxiety, rage, or self-punishment.

serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the modulation of mood, sleep, sexuality, and aggression and is targeted by antide- pressant drugs when levels are low.

sexual aversion disorder a disorder characterized by feelings of disgust toward sex, resulting in its avoidance. If no physical cause is found, it may be a result of sexual trauma in childhood.

shell shock combat neurosis characterized by jumpiness, fear of noise, and inability to sleep or relax.

short man syndrome see Napoleon complex.

social desirability bias the tendency for people who are polled to give answers that are more socially acceptable than accurate, as when someone is asked how often they attend church or if they would ever steal money from a friend. Such bias often skews sur­vey and polling results.

social facilitation the enhancement of an individ­ual's performance due solely to the presence of other people.

sociopath one with a mental illness marked by a deficient social conscience and a tendency to commit antisocial acts, such as murder.

somatization all ego defense mechanisms causing physical pain or illness as a means of expressing psy­chological pain.

somatoform disorder any one of various disor­ders, including hypochondriasis, in which the sufferer reports various aches, pains, or other physical symp­toms of which no medical or biological causes can be found. The symptoms may signal the presence of depression or other mental distress.

splitting a childlike perception that views a person who does one bad thing as all bad, and a person who does something good as all good, without being able to see a mix of traits, sometimes used by adults as a form of defense mechanism.

SSRI see selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

startle response a reaction of one's nervous system to a loud noise or sudden movement, the intensity of which may indicate heightened anxiety and stress, as seen in post-traumatic stress disorder.

stereotyped movements unnecessary and repeti­tive body movements such as rocking, hand-wringing, head banging, clapping, skin-picking, waving, etc.

stigma that which brands one with a negative or shameful reputation, as in having a mental illness.

Stockholm syndrome ironic behavior in which a hostage or kidnap victim comes to sympathize with his captors and may even assist them.

subjective reality one's own perception of reality, which may be different from someone else's.

sublimation the modification of an instinctual impulse into a socially accepted one.

subliminal information received by the brain on an unconscious level, as in subliminal advertising.

submissiveness a behavior characterized by frequent deference, eagerness to please, and other approval- seeking actions.

suggestibility level of receptiveness to the power of suggestion; the level to which one may be persuaded or manipulated to believe or act on something.

superego in psychoanalytic theory, the personality component involving morals, ideals, and conscience.

superiority complex a personality disorder in which one acts superior but actually feels inferior.

suppression the moving of unacceptable thoughts to the unconscious.

symbiosis a mutually beneficial relationship between two or more people.

syncrony the unconscious or conscious matching or mimicking of another's gestures, body language, and speech to enhance rapport.

syndrome a collection of symptoms that point to an underlying disease or disorder.

synesthesia sensory confusion, to the point of see­ing a noise as a color, evidence of a problem in the brain.

tachylogia rapid and excessive talking; manic speech.

tactile hallucination a hallucination that one is being touched or electrically shocked or that bugs are crawling under one's skin.

tend and befriend response in times of stress, the tendency in mothers to make friends and alliances, especially to help protect their children.

thought broadcasting a delusion that one's thoughts can be heard by others.

thought insertion a delusion that one's thought or thoughts have been planted in one's mind by another.

transcendental meditation a relaxation technique involving intense concentration on a specially chosen word or "mantra."

transference in psychoanalysis, the exchanging of feelings toward a significant person in one's past to one's therapist.

traumatic learning associating a frightening event with a neutral event so that the neutral event causes fear or anxiety.

trichotillomania the pulling out of one's own hair, to the point of leaving bald spots.

trigger any sound, smell, sight, or sensation that evokes a painful memory and may cause anxiety or depression.

Truman syndrome a syndrome in which the suf­ferer believes his life is being taped or recorded and broadcast to the nation, named after the movie The Truman Show, in which the main character is secretly filmed throughout his life.

type A personality a personality or temperament characterized by a high level of hostility and aggression.

type B personality a personality or temperament characterized by relaxed, easygoing behavior.

visualization using the imagination as a tool to help one "see" how a goal can or could be accomplished.

voyeurism sexual pleasure from secretly observing the naked bodies or sex acts of others.

warrior gene the monoamine oxidase A gene, which in a variant form has been implicated in a tendency toward displaying a higher level of aggression when provoked, found in about one-third of the Western population.

withdrawal the isolating of oneself, mentally and physically, from others, marked by extreme reserve and a need for solitude.

word association a method of revealing the uncon­scious mind by citing a series of words and asking one to cite the first word each given word elicits in the mind.

word salad incohesive or incomprehensible speech, seen in schizophrenia.

zoosadism deriving sexual pleasure from harming animals.


abstinence refraining from sex. AC/DC slang for bisexual.

adrenogenital syndrome a genetic disorder in which a female is born with male-like genitals due to a malfunctioning adrenal gland.

adultery sexual relations with someone other than one's spouse.

afterglow a feeling of deep relaxation and fulfill­ment after having sex.

age of consent the age at which it becomes legal to engage in consensual sex.

ambisexual see bisexual.

anal sex any sex act involving the anus.

anaphrodisiac any substance that diminishes sexual desire.

anaphrodisis lack of sexual desire.

anorgasmic incapable of achieving orgasms.

aphrodisiac any thing, substance, or activity that arouses sexual desire.