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polyamorous having or enjoying sex with multiple partners.

premature ejaculation ejaculation that occurs too early during sexual relations, before the female is adequately stimulated.

priapism a medical condition in which an erect penis fails to return to a flaccid state.

promiscuity frequent sex with varied partners.

quickie slang for simple sexual intercourse, usually without foreplay.

ravish to force a woman to have sex; to rape.

refractory period the postejaculation period when no new ejaculation is possible.

riding bareback slang for having sex without a condom.

rubber see condom.

scopophilia pleasure derived from viewing erotic photos.

score slang, to find someone to have sex with or to have sex with someone.

seduce to entice another into having sex.

semen in an ejaculation, the fluid that contains sperm.

sex surrogate a professional counselor who may act as a sexual partner to a client in order to teach or to help alleviate various anxieties.

sex therapist a professional who counsels couples or individuals with sexual difficulties.

sexually transmitted disease (STD) any one of

various infections spread through sexual contact, including AIDS, chlamidia, genital warts, gonorrhea, herpes, pubic lice, syphilis, etc.

sixty-nine position in which oral sex is mutually performed simultaneously, especially with one partner on top of the other.

sleep with euphemism, to have sex with.

softcore pornography that features nudity but little or no explicit sex.

soul kiss see French kiss.

Spanish fly a substance attained from beetle juice, which is alleged to increase sexual desire.

sperm the spermatozoon, or male seed, contained in semen that seeks out the female's egg, causing impreg­nation.

statutory rape having sex with someone who has not yet reached the legal age of consent.

STD see sexually transmitted disease.

submission giving in to another's domineering behavior, for sexual pleasure.

succubus a female demon that has sex with a man while he sleeps.

swinging the exchange of sexual partners between couples.

taboo anything sexual that the general population feels should be forbidden.

testosterone one of the main hormones known to influence sexual desire.

threesome any sex act in which three people partici­pate. Also known as a menage a trois.

titillation arousal or sexual thoughts.

tumescence the engorgement and rigidity of the penis during arousal.

union euphemism for sexual intercourse. venereal disease a sexually transmitted disease. venery the satisfaction of one's sexual desire. Viagra a drug that aids penile erection. vibrator a sexual aid used to stimulate a female. virility sexual potency.

voyeur one who gains pleasure by watching others engage in sex.

voyeurism gaining pleasure by watching others engage in sex.

wet dream while sleeping, the ejaculation of semen during a sexually charged dream.


berdache a male who dresses and acts as a female, accepted in some cultures as a third gender with magical powers.

butch lesbian behavior or dress that is very mascu­line. Also, a very masculine woman.

catamite a boy in a sexual relationship with a man.

drag queen a man who wears the clothing of a female.

dyke pejorative slang for a lesbian.

gay either homosexual or lesbian in sexual orienta­tion.

glory hole a small hole through which a penis is inserted in order for two males to participate anony­mously in oral sex.

homophile one who is homosexual or who sup­ports homosexual lifestyles.

homophobia a fear or hatred of homosexuals.

in the closet secretly homosexual.

latent hidden or under the surface, as some people's homosexual tendencies.

lesbian a female who has sex with other females. lezzie slang for a lesbian.

out to make known one's homosexuality to friends and family. Also, to come out.

outing making known one's homosexuality or that of another.

out of the closet openly homosexual.

Sapphic referring to lesbian sex.

sodomy anal or oral sex performed on a male.

sexual Deviations

analingus oral sex involving the anus.

asphyxophilia sexual arousal from being choked or smothered.

autoerotic asphyxia/strangulation strangling or suffocating oneself for sexual pleasure.

bestiality sex with animals. Also known as zoo- philia.

bondage the practice of tying one up or being tied up for sexual pleasure.

bondage and discipline the practice of tying one up and spanking or whipping for sexual pleasure.

coprophilia the derivation of sexual pleasure from feces.

crime against nature any sexually perverted act.

date rape forced, unlawful sex with an unwilling partner during a date.

deviance any unusual sexual behavior or sexual behavior considered abnormal by current cultural standards.

erotomania an extreme sexual desire or obsession. Also refers to the obsessive feelings and behavior (spy­ing and stalking) of a deranged fan toward a celebrity and the belief that the celebrity cares for them.

exhibitionism enjoyment and sexual arousal gained from showing off one's body or sexuality, especially in public.

exhibitionist one who enjoys or is aroused by show­ing off their body or sexuality, especially in public.

fetish an obsessive sexual fascination with a thing, such as a pair of shoes, or a body part, such as the feet.

fetishistic transvestism sexual arousal by a man when he dresses in female attire.

flagellation whipping for sexual gratification.

flagellomania sexual enjoyment from being whipped.

flash to expose one's genitals, often inappropriately, as in a public place.

flasher one who exposes his or her genitals, often inappropriately, as in a public place.

frottage gaining sexual stimulation by rubbing up against another person, such as in a subway.

golden shower urination on a partner to either give or get sexual stimulation.

incest sex with a family member other than one's spouse.

indecent exposure nudity in public.

infantilism sexual pleasure derived from acting like a helpless baby.

kleptophilia sexual pleasure from stealing.

klismaphilia sexual arousal from receiving or giv­ing enemas.

masochism gaining sexual pleasure by being abused, either physically or mentally.