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dedentition loss of teeth.

dentalgia toothache.

dentition the eruption of the teeth through the gums.

denture false teeth; artificial teeth.

enamel the hard, smooth substance covering the crown of a tooth.

gingivitis inflammation of gums; early form of gum disease.

gumboil an abscess found in the root of a rotting tooth.

impaction a condition in which one tooth lies nearly on its side and is wedged tightly against another tooth, usually involving wisdom teeth.

incisor teeth the eight front cutting teeth.

macrodontia abnormally large teeth.

malocclusion a condition in which the top and bot­tom teeth fail to meet or clench together properly, causing problems with biting and chewing.

masticate to chew.

milk teeth see deciduous teeth.

molars the large teeth at the back of the mouth used for grinding and chewing.

odontectomy removal of teeth.

odontology dentistry.

odontoma a tumor formed from the tissue involved in tooth growth.

periodontal surrounding a tooth.

periodontal disease any disease of the tissues sur­rounding the teeth.

periodontitis inflammation of the gums, loss of bone tissue, and the formation of pockets around the teeth. Also known as pyorrhea.

plaque a sticky film made of mucus, food particles, and bacteria; it forms on teeth after eating.

premolars the teeth between the canines and the molars.

pyorrhea see periodontitis.

tartar a yellowish concretion on the teeth composed of calcium phosphate.

wisdom teeth the last or rearmost molars on each side; they erupt during late adolescence.


achromasia a condition of lacking skin pigmenta­tion, as an albino. Also known as leukoderma.

acne common skin condition, characterized by pus­tules and cysts, particularly on the face; caused by hormonal changes during puberty.

acrogeria premature wrinkling.

alopecia hair loss; balding.

blackhead a plugged sweat gland.

boil a painful, contagious skin swelling caused by bacteria.

carbuncle a group of interconnected boils forming a large, painful mass that discharges pus from several locations.

chloasma brown patches frequently seen on the skin of pregnant women, due to hormonal changes.

collagen skin's network of connective fibers.

contact dermatitis any skin inflammation caused by contact with an irritant, such as poison ivy.

corn a horny, thickening of the skin around the toes, usually formed by friction.

cradle cap an infant scalp condition characterized by greasy, scaly, yellow patches.

cutaneous relating to the skin.

cuticle the hardened skin around the base of finger­nails and toenails.

derma skin.

dermabrasion a method of removing scars by scrap­ing off the top layers of skin.

dermatitis inflammation of the skin.

dermatologist a skin specialist.

dermatology the study of skin.

dermis the second layer of skin, below the epidermis.

eczema an acute or chronic inflammatory skin dis­order characterized by redness, thickening, crusting, and the formation of papules and vesicles.

epidermis the outermost layer of skin.

erysipelas a streptococcus skin infection character­ized by sharply defined red areas and accompanied by high fever. Also known as St. Anthony's fire.

exfoliation the constant process of skin peeling or skin cell shedding.

hives an allergic skin condition characterized by the eruption of itchy welts or blotches.

impetigo a contagious skin disease seen in children and the elderly and characterized by the eruption of itchy, crusting blisters.

keratin produced by the epidermis, the tough skin substance that nails and hair are made from.

keratinization the process by which the epidermis creates new keratin for use in nails and hair.

keratosis an overgrowth and thickening of the skin.

lentigo a brownish spot on the skin, unrelated to a freckle.

leukoderma see achromasia. lichen any skin eruption.

lichen planus a common skin disease characterized by the eruption of itchy, reddish purple spots on the skin.

lupus erythematosus an acute or chronic skin dis­ease marked by a scaly rash and often forming a but­terfly pattern over the nose and cheeks.

lupus vulgaris tuberculosis of the skin, usually affecting the face.

melanin the dark pigment produced by skin.

melanoma cancer originating from skin pigment cells; a malignant mole.

melanosis the pigmentation or darkening of the skin after prolonged exposure to sunlight.

mole a congenital growth on the skin composed of a pigmented cluster of cells.

nevus any mark or growth present on the skin since birth.

panniculus adiposus a layer of fat beneath the skin. papule a pimple.

piebald skin patchy areas of skin lacking in pig­ment, a mysterious condition. Also known as vitiligo.

portwine stain a wine-colored birthmark.

pruritus itching of the skin.

psoriasis a chronic, noncontagious skin disease characterized by reddish patches covered with silvery scales.

pustule a small, pus-filled abscess.

rosacea an inflammatory skin disorder character­ized by the eruption of papules and pustules and the dilation of facial capillaries.

St. Anthony's fire see erysipelas.

scabies a skin infestation of mites (commonly known as itch mites) causing the formation of itchy lesions.

scleroderma pathologic thickening and hardening of the skin, sometimes with color changes.

sebaceous cyst a cyst containing smelly, fatty material.

sebaceous gland a skin gland that produces and secretes oil (sebum) to help keep the skin moist.

strawberry birthmark birthmark resembling a strawberry, caused by dilated blood vessels.

subcutaneous the layer of fat tissue beneath the dermis. Also, a general term for beneath the skin.

tag a skin polyp or small outgrowth of skin.

vesicle a blister.

vitiligo see piebald skin.

wheal a hive; a skin swelling.

Zeiss gland an oil-secreting skin gland.


advanced sleep phase syndrome a disorder in which one's sleep cycles are engaged too early in the evening, resulting in early bedtimes and subsequent early wakeups.

altitude insomnia a form of insomnia that occurs at high altitudes and is usually accompanied by head­ache and loss of appetite.

arousal awakening from sleep.

arousal disorder term referring to either sleepwalk­ing or night terrors.