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fry sticks marijuana joints dipped in embalming fluid.

ganja marijuana. grass marijuana. hay marijuana.

hit a single inhalation from a joint.

homegrown marijuana grown in one's backyard or home.

jay a joint.

joint a hand-rolled cigarette of marijuana.

lid one ounce of marijuana.

Mary Jane marijuana.

matchbox % ounce of marijuana.

Maui wowie marijuana grown in Hawaii.

nickel bag a $5 bag of marijuana.

Panama Red a variety of marijuana.

pot marijuana.

rasta marijuana.

reefer marijuana.

roach the butt end that remains after the majority of a joint has been smoked.

roach clip a small alligator or other clip used to hold a roach, for smoking.

rolling papers cigarette papers used to hand-roll joints.

shotgun the blowing of marijuana smoke from one smoker's mouth into another's.

sinsemilla a powerful variety of marijuana.

skunkweed marijuana.

speedboat marijuana laced with PCP and crack and smoked.

stoned under the influence of marijuana.

Thai sticks marijuana bundles soaked in hashish oil.

toke a single inhalation from a marijuana joint. wackytabacky marijuana.

water pipe a pipe in which marijuana or hashish is filtered through water.

weed marijuana.

woolah blunt a mixture of marijuana and heroin in a cigarette.

Zig Zag popular marijuana rolling papers.

other Drug Terms

addict one who is addicted to a drug. agua methamphetamine. ames amyl nitrite.

amp short for amphetamine. Also, marijuana dipped in embalming fluid or formaldehyde.

amped under the influence of amphetamines.

amphetamine an addictive, crystalline stimulant.

angel PCP.

angel dust PCP.

angel hair PCP.

angel mist PCP.

Arnolds steroids.

bagging inhaling chemicals from a bag; getting high from inhalants.

bang inhalants.

barbies depressants.

barrels LSD.

batmans MDMA.

battery acid LSD.

beam me up, Scotty crack and PCP.

beast heroin, LSD.

belladonna PCP.

bennie amphetamine.

bens amphetamine. Also spelled Benz.

Bermuda triangles MDMA.

Bianca methamphetamine.

bibs MDMA.

Big O opium.

bindle a small packet of powdered drugs. bitch methamphetamine. black beauty methamphetamine. black birds amphetamine. black bombers amphetamine.

black cadillacs amphetamine. black dust PCP.

black hash opium mixed with hashish. Also known as black Russian.

blank any pill or drug having low or no potency.

blizzard methamphetamine.

blue devils methamphetamine.

blue nile MDMA.

bullet isobutyl nitrate.

bumblebees amphetamine.

burned out a state of brain damage or other impair­ment due to chronic drug abuse. Also, having col­lapsed veins due to numerous drug injections.

burnout one who is permanently apathetic or impaired due to chronic drug use.

buttons mescaline.

buzz drug-induced high.

buzz bomb nitrous oxide.

cactus mescaline.

cactus head mescaline.

candy man drug dealer.

cats in the hats MDMA.

chalk crack; amphetamine.

crank amphetamines or methamphetamines; heroin; crack.

criss cross amphetamine. crossroads amphetamine.

crystal meth amphetamines or methamphetamines.

date rape drug gamma hydroxybutrate (GHB), a central nervous system depressant.

dead road MDMA.

E ecstasy.

ecstasy methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), favorite illegal drug used at dance parties.

Egyptians MDMA.

eightball V ounce of methamphetamine; a mix of crack and heroin.

elephant flipping under the influence of PCP and MDMA.

elephants MDMA.

eye-openers amphetamine.

fiend one who regularly uses drugs.

footballs amphetamine.

GHB see date rape drug.

glading using inhalants.

glass amphetamine.

go amphetamine.

greenies amphetamine.

green triangles MDMA.

gum opium.

hammerheading mixing MDMA with Viagra. H-bomb ecstasy mixed with heroin. horse heads amphetamine.

high under the influence of drugs; euphoric or in another state of consciousness.

hippie flip mixing mushrooms with MDMA.

huffer one who uses inhalants.

huffing using inhalants.

ice a smokable form of methamphetamine.

Jerry Garcias MDMA.

kilo a bundle of drugs weighing one kilogram.

lid poppers amphetamine.

lightning amphetamine.

liquid X see date rape drug.

love pill MDMA.

mainline to inject a drug.

marathons amphetamine.

MDMA methylenedioxymethamphetamine, the usual basis for ecstasy.

Medusa inhalants. mesc mescaline.

mescaline a powerful psychedelic drug derived from the buttonlike tops of a spineless cactus of the southwest.

methamphetamine a stimulant derived from amphetamine.

moon mescaline.

moon gas inhalants.

opium derived from poppy seeds, a yellow-brown narcotic.

Oxycontin an abused painkiller. oz inhalants.

paper a quarter gram of methamphetamine.

PCP phenylcyclohexylpiperidine, a potent psyche­delic drug.

peeper one who uses MDMA. pep pills amphetamine. peyote mescaline.

piggybacking simultaneous injection of two illicit drugs.