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con a convict.

conjugal visit a visit from a spouse, in a private room, for sexual purposes.

contraband any forbidden items, such as drugs or alcohol or weapons.

cooler slang for a prison.

count a check or headcount of prisoners, taking place several times a day.

death row an area of prison cells that hold those awaiting execution. May also refer to being sentenced to death, as in on death row.

dime slang for a 10-year sentence.

drop an item delivered or smuggled to someone in prison, often from an outdoor work detail.

dropped taken down to the floor by a corrections officer.

dungeon solitary confinement.

eyeballing staring at, as an inmate, sometimes for intimidation purposes.

fishing line any string or torn sheet used as a line to toss items down to another's cell.

fishing pole any contrivance, but especially a rolled newspaper with a paper clip on one end, used to retrieve kites or other items thrown over from anoth­er's cell.

fix up to give another inmate more food than he is due, as a favor.

funky describing an inmate who neglects to shower.

gasser one who throws blood, urine, or excrement on a prison staff member, behavior that is considered a felony in many states.

gated released from prison.

hard time a sentence served in a maximum security prison.

hole any cell used for solitary confinement or segre­gation purposes, but especially one that is cold, dark, and windowless.

hustle one's means for making money or bartering value, including drugs, tatooing, sexual favors, etc.

incarcerate to put in jail or prison.

infirmary a prison's medical facility.

ink tatoo

inmate a prisoner.

jail one or more holding cells for those awaiting trial or serving a sentence of less than a year.

jailhouse lawyer an inmate who has schooled him­self in law and prison regulations.

kite a note passed between prisoners.

lifer one who is serving a life sentence.

man slang for any correctional officer or person in authority.

nickel slang for a five-year sentence.

parole an early trial release of a prisoner, before his jail term is up, during which he must report to a parole officer and avoid illegal activity of any kind, to prove himself worthy of living in society.

parole board state officials who meet with an inmate to decide if he should be released, before the end of his sentence.

penitentiary a correctional facility for serious crimi­nals, particularly murderers.

P.O. parole officer.

prison any correctional facility used for incarcerat­ing convicts for a year or more.

rabbit one who tries to escape or has a history of attempts to escape.

rat one who snitches or informs on another inmate.

recidivism committing crimes, even after serving jail time. The failure to rehabilitate oneself.

recidivist one who breaks the law again and again, even after jail time.

remand the detention of a suspect before a trial.

runner one who is attempting an escape.

shank a homemade knife made from scrap metal. Also, to stab someone with such an object.

shiv a small, homemade knife made from ordinary items, such as a sharpened toothbrush. Also, to stab someone with such an object.

spit mask a face mask fitted over a prisoner to pre­vent him from spitting on a prison official.

state issue any items provided by the state, such as clothing, shoes, toothbrushes, soap, etc.

super max any maximum security prison.

tats tattoos

wack sack a psychiatric ward.

ward a division or wing of a prison containing cells.

warden the head of a prison.

yard any outdoor recreation area.

yolked very muscular, as an inmate who works out every day.

urban street and rap slang

a'ight pronounced "ite," short for all right.

all that having several great qualities; excellent.

all up in my business meddling; failing to mind one's own business.

all up in my grill up in my face; confrontational. ax to ask.

baller one who has attained a high measure of suc­cess in either making money or attracting women, or both. Also, an impressive basketball player.

'bama short for Alabama, referring to a stereotypi­cal loser from a rural area; one who is stupid and unsophisticated and lacks style.

bang to fight or kill. Also, to have sex with some­one. Also, a party, especially one with attractive girls.

banger a gang member. Also, one who enjoys hard rock or metal.

beamer a BMW car.

benjamins money, especially $100 bills, which have Benjamin Franklin's picture on them.

Benz short for Mercedes Benz.

biatch alternative pronunciation and spelling of bitch.

bling bling silver, gold, platinum, or diamond jew­elry; expensive clothing, cars, etc. Also known as bling blang.

blood a member of the Bloods gang in Los Angeles, California. Also, a blood brother or member of one's own race or family.

bomb, the stunning; fantastic; the best. Someone or something that is truly impressive. Also, marijuana mixed with heroin.

bone to have sex. Also, the penis.

boo a friendly nickname, used for a boyfriend or girlfriend.

booty the rear or backside.

booty call a call to arrange to have sex.

bootylicious deliciously attractive or sexy.

boo-yah! exclamation of triumph, after winning a game or trumping someone verbally.

boy a male friend.

bounce to get up or leave.

braw derived from bro or brother, a friend; buddy; pal.

brother a friend, especially a black male.

buggin' stressing out or worrying. Also, acting strange.

burner a very large, multicolored piece of graffitto that takes up an entire wall or subway or railroad car.

bust to execute or perform skillfully.

busta someone having low status; a loser or weakling.

bust a cap to shoot a bullet. Also known as bust a slug.

bust a nut to ejaculate.

butter, like smooth; performing well or admirably. cap bullet.

check yourself be aware of one's own behavior. cheddar money.

chickenhead a stupid person who talks a lot. Also, a female who perform oral sex.

chill to calm down; relax.

chronic potent, homegrown marijuana.

clique on the West Coast, a group of friends one hangs out with.

cracker a white bigot.