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alectryomancy divining an answer to a question through the order in which a bird reveals letters by eating the grains set on top of them.

aleuromancy a divination technique in which mes­sages are rolled into balls of flour and given to sub­jects at random, still practiced today in the form of fortune cookies.

All Hallow's Eve Halloween. In ancient times, the Celtic and Druid New Year. Also, the sabbat of Sam- hain, a gathering of witches held on October 31 to mark the seasonal transition.

almadel a talisman made of wax and inscribed with images, symbols, or the names of angels.

alomancy a divination technique that uses the sprin­kling of salt to create patterns which can be read.

altar a table, tree stump, flat stone, or other place where Wiccan rituals are performed.

ambrosia in Greek and Roman mythology, the food and drink of the gods that imparted immortality to any human who ate it.

amniomancy a divination method that allows the practitioner to read a caul on a newborn's head.

amulet a charm worn around the neck to ward off evil.

anaphrodisiac any herb concoction that reduces or eliminates sexual desire.

anathema a sorcerer's curse, usually against another witch.

angelica in the 15 th century, a medicinal herb worn around the neck, especially by children, to protect against the plague or a sorcerer's spell.

animism the belief that everything in nature has a soul or form of consciousness.

ankh of ancient Egyptian origin, a cross with a loop at the top, a symbol of life and knowledge, com­monly carried by the gods and today used by modern witches in rituals.



anoint in Wiccan rituals, to purify with special oils or holy water.

anthroposomancy a divination method in which a person's face and body are read for signs or omens.

apantomancy the practice of taking as omens the crossing of paths with various birds or animals, including black cats.

apophenia the projection of mystical meanings onto coincidences or other random occurrences of everyday life, such as when a clock stops on the day a relative dies or when a cloud takes the shape of a dol­lar sign and prompts one to buy a lottery ticket.

apparition a ghost.

apport an object that materializes out of thin air, especially at a seance.

arcane referring to any knowledge that is secret or hidden.

arithmancy divination by numbers, a method that preceded numerology.

asagwe a Haitian voodoo dance, known as the salute to the loas.

aspergillum in Wiccan tradition, a bundle made from herbs and twigs and used to sprinkle holy water. Also known as an asperger.

asport an object that vanishes into thin air, espe­cially at a seance.

asson a seed-filled rattle used in voodoo ceremonies.

astraglomancy divination by the throw of dice.

astral body a ghostlike double of a physical being in the midst of astral projection.

astral plane a parallel dimension through which astral bodies may operate.

astral projection the "leaving" of the physical body and traveling in spirit to wherever one desires.

astrology the pseudoscientific art of divining one's character and fate by the positioning of celestial bod­ies at birth.

astromancy a divination technique in which the stars are read for omens.

athame in Wicca, a black double-edged knife used in witch rituals to direct energy by drawing magic circles and diagrams but not for actual cutting.

attunement in Reiki teaching, the clearing of the body and energy channels to prime it for healing energy.

augur originally, an ancient Roman cleric who interpreted omens and signs; now, any soothsayer or prophet.

augury the study of omens to divine the future.

aura a mystical radiance believed to surround some people and objects.

aureole a halo or any circle of light around the head of a mystical person.

auspice divining the future by the actions of birds.

austromancy a divination technique in which the winds are listened to for possible omens.

autokinetic effect an error in perception in which a stationary point of light, such as the planet Venus, may appear to be moving, and especially so when bolstered by the power of suggestion, a phenomenon thought by many skeptics to explain some UFO sightings.

automatic art drawing or painting through spirit guidance or the unconscious.

automatic writing a communication technique in which a medium in a trance state allows a spirit to control his hand and write messages.

automatism collective term that encompasses the field of automatic writing, drawing, painting, and speaking.

Avalon Island of the Apples, a mythical, Celtic paradise.

balefire in Wiccan practice, a large ceremonial fire lit during Beltane, Midsummer, and Yule.

bane a negative energy.

banishing ritual a ceremony that attempts to ban­ish evil influences by various means, including the recitation of prayers and swinging a sword to inscribe pentagrams in the air.

Beltane in Wicca, a witch's festival that takes place on the evening of April 30 and continues through May 1, it celebrates the union of the god and goddess and is also known as Walpurgis.

Bermuda Triangle also known as the Devil's Tri­angle, a broad expanse of ocean covering points from

Miami to Bermuda to Puerto Rico, where numer­ous ships and planes have vanished, allegedly due to aliens or other unexplained forces.

besom in Wiccan culture, a straw broom used by witches to sweep away negative energy and to purify a circle, especially during handfasting and Candlemas ceremonies. In the Middle Ages, a besom was tradi­tionally placed around a hearth to protect the open­ing from evil spirits.

bewitchment the casting of a spell over another.

Bible code named after a book by the same name, an alleged hidden code left by God in the Bible, through specific letter sequencing, which reveals prophecies and other truths.

bibliomancy divining the future by randomly choosing a passage in a book, especially the Bible.

binding the use of magic to restrain someone from doing something.

black art sorcery or witchcraft.

black magic any form of magic used for evil pur­poses.

black mass in Satanism, a ceremony in which the Lord's Prayer is recited backward and, according to legend, unbaptized children are sacrificed to the devil.

bletonism a divination technique in which water currents are read for omens.

blood of the Moon in Wicca, the menstrual period, when women are thought to have their greatest power.

bokor a sorcerer who practices voodoo.

boline in Wiccan culture, a traditional white- handled knife used to harvest herbs, carve symbols, and cut wands.

Book of Shadows in Wicca, any book of spells, potions, or rituals that may be kept by an individual witch or by a coven. See grimoire.

boucan in voodoo, a ceremonial bonfire that rep­resents the relighting of the Sun, especially at the end of the year.