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centrifuge a machine that separates substances of varying densities by subjecting them to centrifugal (whirling at high speed) force.

clamp an instrument clamped on a cut blood vessel to stop bleeding; a hemostat.

clip a metal clip used to hold tissues together.

colposcope a microscope used to directly examine the vagina and cervix.

coreometer an instrument that measures the size of the pupil of the eye.

costome an instrument used to cut through ribs.

cryoprobe an instrument that freezes malignant tis­sue in order to destroy it.

culdoscope a lighted instrument passed through the vagina and into the pelvic cavity to examine the organs there.

curet a spoonlike instrument used to scrape away diseased tissue and growths or to collect tissue samples.

cystoscope a long, metal tube used to inspect the inside of the bladder.

cytoanalyzer an electronic apparatus that analyzes smears thought to contain malignant cells.

cytometer a device that counts and measures blood cells.

defibrillator an apparatus that delivers an electric current to the heart to restore normal heart rhythm.

dilator an inflatable instrument used to enlarge the opening of an organ or internal cavity.

dioptometer an instrument used to measure eye refraction for the purpose of determining eye defects.

drain a tube or wick used to drain fluid from a wound, sometimes assisted by a pump.

EEG see electroencephalograph.

EKG electrocardiogram. A recording or readout of the heart's electrical functioning, as recorded by a car­diograph or electrocardiograph.

electroencephalograph an instrument used to record the brain's electrical waves.

electromyograph an instrument that records the electrical impulses of contracting muscles.

electron microscope an extremely powerful micro­scope utilizing electrons rather than visible light to produce magnified images of objects too small for an ordinary microscope to resolve.

elevator surgical hand tool used to pry up bone fragments.

endoscope collective term for a family of instru­ments used to examine hollow organs or body cav­ities, such as gastroscope, proctoscope, and cysto- scope.

ergograph an instrument that measures the physical output of a muscle.

fetoscope a fetal stethoscope.

file one of a family of instruments used for cutting, smoothing, or grinding.

flowmeter a device used to measure the flow of a liquid as it is dispensed.

fluoroscope an X-ray device in which X-rays are passed through the body to strike a fluorescent screen and render a live picture of the internal organs in motion.

forceps a tongslike instrument used for grasping, clamping, and extracting tissue.

forceps, bulldog forceps used for clamping cut blood vessels.

forceps, capsule forceps used to extract the lens of the eye in cataract surgery.

forceps, hemostatic locking forceps used for clamp­ing cut blood vessels.

forceps, mosquito tiny hemostatic forceps.

forceps, obstetrical forceps used to grasp the head of the fetus.

forceps, rongeur forceps for gouging out bone.

forceps, thumb forceps used to hold soft tissue while suturing.

gastroscope an instrument passed through the mouth and into the stomach to examine the stomach lining.

gouge a chisel-like instrument for cutting out bits of bone.

guillotine a rib cutter.

Hagedorn needle a surgical needle with cutting edge, used to sew up skin. Also, the finger-pricking needle used to draw blood.

hemocytometer a device that determines the num­ber of red blood cells in a blood sample.

hemodialyzer an apparatus used to purify or elimi­nate wastes from the blood, an artificial substitute form a diseased kidney.

hemostat an instrument used to stop bleeding by clamping a cut vein or artery.

kangaroo tendon suture material derived from the tails of kangaroos.

keratome a knife used to cut into the cornea of the eye.

lancet a surgical knife used for puncturing.

laryngoscope a lighted hollow tube used for exam­ining the larynx.

linear accelerator an X-ray machine used for deliv­ering radiation for the treatment of malignancies.

mecometer an instrument used to measure a newborn.

micrometer an instrument used to measure micro­scopic objects.

microsyringe a syringe designed to measure out precise, tiny portions of fluid.

microtome a lab device for slicing thin sections of tissue for examination with a microscope.

MRI magnetic resonance imaging; a noninvasive internal imaging technique employing magnetic prop­erties instead of X-rays.

ophthalmometer an instrument used to determine problems with vision.

ophthalmoscope an instrument used to inspect the retina or rear lining of the eye.

osteotome a surgical bone chisel.

oximeter an infrared sensor attached to the ear and finger to measure the concentration of oxygen in a patient's blood.

otoscope a lighted instrument for examining the ear.

panendoscope a cystoscope that provides a pan­oramic view of the interior of the bladder.

pelvimeter a caliperlike instrument for measuring the size of the pelvis or birth canal.

Penrose drain a rubber tube with a gauze center inserted into a wound to drain fluids. Also known as a cigarette drain.

plexor a rubber-headed hammer used in percussion.

Politzer's bag a device used to inflate the middle ear.

proctoscope an instrument used to examine the anus and rectum.

protractor an instrument for removing shrapnel or bullets from a deep wound.

retractor an instrument used in surgery to pull an organ or body part out of the way of work being performed.

rhinoscope an instrument for examining the nasal passages.

rongeur plierslike instrument with sharp edges for cutting bone.

EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS 327 scalpel a thin surgical knife.

serrefine a small clamp used for clamping blood vessels.

sigmoidoscope a lighted tube used to inspect the rectum and sigmoid portion of the large intestine.

snare an instrument fitted with a wire loop used for snaring and severing a tumor or polyp.

speculum an instrument used to enlarge a body cav­ity, especially for visual inspection.

spirometer a device for measuring the rate and vol­ume of air inhaled and exhaled by the lungs.

splint a support for an injured area or broken bone.

splint, airplane a large support that holds the arm up and to the side of the body.

splint, banjo a support and traction splint made of wire and rubber and resembling a banjo, for a broken finger.

splint, T a T-shaped support for the upper back, used in cases of broken collarbones.