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palliative a medicine that soothes symptoms but does not cure the underlying disease.

palpation feeling with the hands the contours of a body part to help make a diagnosis.

panacea a cure-all; a universal remedy.

pandemic an epidemic that has spread across an entire state or country.

Pap test a test used to detect cancer in the cervix or uterus. Also known as Pap smear.

paracentesis drawing off fluids from a body cavity.

patch test a technique in which skin is scratched and exposed to various allergens, such as cat dander or nut protein, to test for allergic reactions. Also referred to as a scratch test.

paternity test a test to determine the father of a child by matching blood types.

pathogen any bacteria or virus capable of causing disease or infection.

percussion tapping the chest, abdomen, and back and listening for sounds in response, usually used as a method of detecting lung congestion.

per os by mouth, often abbreviated p.o.

per rectum through the rectum, often abbreviated p.i-.

PET scan see positron emission tomography.

pharmacopoeia a book listing medicinal drugs and their formulas; the U.S. Pharmacopoeia was first pub­lished in 1820.

placebo a fake medicine given in experiments and sometimes having a positive medicinal effect due to psychological phenomena.

position, Fowler's a position in which the patient is lying down with head raised about 20 inches to aid in draining pus in cases of peritonitis.

position, knee-chest a position in which the patient

rests on elbows and knees with rump up for rectal exam.

position, lithotomy a position in which the patient is lying on back with knees up and legs spread, for a pelvic exam.

position, recumbent lying flat on back.

position, Sims a position in which the patient rests on the left side with the right leg bent and pulled up, for a rectal exam.

position, Trendelenburg's a position in which the patient lies with head 1 to 2 feet below knee level, to increase blood flow to the head to prevent shock. Also known as the shock position.

positron emission tomography (PET scan) an X-

ray technique that captures detailed images of body tissues as injected radioactive molecules decay and produce positrons, or antiparticles of electrons.

PreVue test a highly accurate blood test used to diagnose Lyme disease.

PRK photorefractive keratectomy; a procedure to correct visual impairment by reshaping the cornea through the removal of tissue with a beam of ultra­violet light.

p.r.n. in prescription writing, a term meaning "whenever necessary."

prodromal symptoms the earliest symptoms of a disease.

prognosis the prediction of the outcome of a disease.

prognosticate to make a prediction of the course a disease will take.

prosthesis any artificial body part, such as a limb or valve.

prothrombin time test a test to determine the time it takes blood to clot.

protocol the records of a patient's case.

PSA prostate specific antigen; a blood test to detect cancer in the prostate.

quack a phony doctor.

radionucleotide test the injecting of a radioisotope into the arm to determine heart damage.

rale clicking sound made by a congested lung, as heard through a stethoscope.

reflex, Achilles ankle reflex caused by a blow to the large tendon above the heel.

reflex, Babinski the reflexive rising of the big toe and fanning of the small toes when the sole of the foot is scratched, often a sign of brain disease.

reflex, patellar the knee-jerk reflex.

relapse the return of a disease after apparent recovery.

remission a temporary or permanent halting of a disease.

resonance the sound of the lungs when they are clear and normal.

rhonchus wheezing sound heard through a stetho­scope when excess mucus is present in the trachea.

Schultz-Charlton test a skin test to determine immunity to scarlet fever.

sigmoidoscopy an examination of the lower colon with a flexible tube.

Snellen test a vision test in which perfect vision is signified by the number 20/20.

socialized medicine a health care program paid for by the government through taxation.

somnoplasty a treatment for snoring in which heat is applied to remove excess tissue from the uvula and soft palate.

sonography reflection of sound waves recorded photographically to produce images of the interior of the body. Also known as ultrasound.

s.o.s. in prescription writing, a term meaning "if necessary."

spinal tap see lumbar puncture.

stat a hospital code word meaning "immediately."

stress test a test of the endurance and functioning of the heart, as measured during exercise.

submarine nanoparticle a developing technology consisting of a nanoparticle designed to carry and deliver drugs directly to cancer cells and eradicate faulty proteins while leaving surrounding healthy cells untouched.

sweat chloride test an analysis of perspiration to detect cystic fibrosis.

systemic affecting the entire body.

terminal fatal; near death.

thyroid blood test a test for levels of thyroid hor­mones to determine if the thyroid is underactive, overactive, or normal.

t.i.d. in prescription writing, an abbreviation for the Latin tres in diem, meaning "three times daily."

tilt-table test a test in which a patient is placed on an adjustable table that is tilted upward from a hori­zontal position in order to measure blood pressure deficiencies related to fainting.

TPN total parenteral nutrition; feeding of all nutri­ents through the veins.

traction the drawing or pulling together of broken bones in order to promote healing.

triage in disaster medicine, the sorting of patients by the seriousness and type of injury in order to pro­vide treatment first to those who need it most.

Triage Cardiac System a machine that measures the level of critical cardiac enzymes to determine quickly if a patient has had a heart attack.

two-step test exercise to test the heart under exer­tion and to determine the presence of angina pectoris.

ultrasound see sonography.

upper endoscopy the insertion of a flexible tube down the esophagus for examination of the esopha­gus, stomach, and duodenum.

upper G.I. series upper gastrointestinal series; an X-ray exam employing barium as a contrast medium to reveal detail in the esophagus, stomach, and duo­denum.

urea breath test a test performed to detect the pres­ence of Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria that causes inflammation and ulcers in the stomach.

urinalysis an analysis of urine to detect the presence of various diseases.

ventilation transfer of air into and out of the lungs.

vital capacity test a breathing test of lung capacity, an accurate predictor or life span.