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anesthesia, local an anesthetic agent used in a lim­ited or confined area of the body.

anesthesia, spinal an anesthetic agent injected directly into the spinal fluid of the spinal canal.

surgical and medical procedures AND RELATED TERMS 337

anesthesia, topical a local anesthetic applied to a body surface.

appendectomy removal of the appendix.

approach surgical term referring to the method used and route taken to reach a particular organ.

arthroscopy examining the inside of a joint with a lighted instrument.

biopsy removal of tissue samples for the purpose of diagnosis, especially of tumors.

breast augmentation the implantation of saline- filled silicone bags under the breast and chest muscle to create fuller breasts.

Brunschwig's operation removal of all of the pel­vic organs in order to stop a massive spread of cancer.

bypass a blood vessel graft supplied to an area with inadequate blood supply due to clogging of an artery. Also, an operation to shunt intestinal contents from one section of an intestine to another.

canthoplasty plastic surgery on the upper eyelid.

catheterization the passing of a slender tube into a body channel to extract or deliver fluids.

catheterization, cardiac passing a tube through a blood vessel in an extremity and threading it to the vessels of the heart for taking blood samples and pres­sure readings.

cauterization the burning away of abnormal tissue by electric current, heat, or caustic material.

celiotomy any surgery that opens up the abdomen.

cephalotrypesis cutting a hole through the skull to diagnose or treat a brain disease.

chemonucleolysis injecting a herniated disk with an enzyme in order to dissolve it.

chemotherapy the employment of chemicals to treat infections and tumors.

cholecystectomy removal of the gallbladder.

cholecystogastronomy surgically joining the gall­bladder to the stomach.

choledocholithotomy removal of stones from the common bile duct leading from the gallbladder.

circumcision the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis on a male infant.

clone a genetically identical descendant created asexually through somatic cell nuclear transfer.

closed-chest massage an emergency method of restarting a heart that has stopped beating, specifi­cally by pressing down rhythmically on the breast­bone with the palm of the hand 80 times per minute.

closure the suturing of a wound; closing a wound.

colectomy removal of all or part of the large intestine.

colostomy a procedure to bring the large intestine to the abdominal wall, where an opening is made.

craniotomy a skull surgery that exposes the brain.

cryogenics the science of using cold as a medical treatment.

cryosurgery surgery employing extreme cold to destroy diseased tissue.

cryothalectomy the application of extreme cold to the thalamus of the brain; it destroys the area respon­sible for producing the palsy of Parkinson's disease.

curettage the scraping of tissue to obtain samples or to remove diseased tissue and growths.

cystectomy the removal of a cyst.

denervate to purposely cut a nerve in a body area in order to relieve pain.

divinyl ether an inhaled anesthetic agent.

electrocoagulation the coagulation of tissue through the use of an electric current.

embolectomy surgical removal of a blood clot in an artery to restore normal circulation.

encephalography an X-ray technique revealing parts of the brain.

endoscopic retrograde lithotripsy the passing of an instrument through the bladder and into the ureter to remove stones.

endoscopic shock wave lithotripsy disintegrating and eliminating kidney stones by the use of shock waves instead of surgery.

enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) a

noninvasive medical therapy used to eliminate or reduce angina. The procedure employs a device that delivers pulses of pressure to the legs that are timedwith the patient's heartbeats. Over a course of 35 or more treatments, the technique lowers the pressure that the heart must pump against and increases the rate of return of blood to the heart, reducing pain from angina.

enterectomy removal of part of the intestine.

esophagectomy removal of the esophagus.

esophagoscopy the passing of an instrument down the throat to inspect the esophagus.

ether an inhaled anesthetic agent.

ethyl chloride a local anesthetic agent that freezes any tissue it comes in contact with.

ethylene an anesthetic gas.

eviscerate to open the abdomen and pull out the intestines.

excision the surgical removal of a tissue or organ.

face-lift plastic surgery to remove wrinkles.

flap a section (graft) of flesh that includes subcuta­neous fat, muscles, nerves, arteries, and veins trans­planted to another part of the body by microsurgery.

fluoroscopy a technique of producing live X-ray images of the internal organs in motion on a fluores­cent screen.

fundal plication a procedure to correct a hiatus hernia by wrapping the upper end of the stomach around the intruding portion of the esophagus.

gamma knife radiosurgery a surgery that employs an irradiation machine to concentrate gamma rays on brain and other tumors to destroy them. The method is used when tumors are difficult or otherwise impos­sible to remove surgically.

gastrectomy removal of part or all of the stomach.

gastric lavage prior to surgery, the washing out of all stomach contents.

gastrostomy the surgical creation of an opening into the stomach through the abdominal wall, when feeding through the mouth is not possible.

gingivectomy the surgical removal of part of the gums.

glossectomy removal of the tongue.

graft the transplanting of tissue from one part of the body to another. Also, the tissue so transplanted.

graft, auto a graft taken from the patient's own body.

graft, fascial a graft consisting of fibrous tissue.

graft, full thickness a graft containing all layers of the skin.

graft, split thickness a graft consisting of only part of the layers of the skin.

hemostasis the stopping of bleeding, achieved in surgery by clamping and tying off blood vessels.

hernioplasty surgical repair of a hernia.

heterograft a graft taken from an animal for use on a human.

homograft a graft taken from the body of another person.

hypodermic beneath the skin, as a hypodermic injection.

hysterectomy removal of the uterus. incise to cut surgically. incision a surgical cut.

intubation the passage of a tube into a body channel.

keratectomy removal of the cornea of the eye.

Kraske's operation removal of the rectum, coccyx, and part of the sacrum.