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extraction parachute an auxiliary parachute used to release, extract, and deploy cargo from aircraft in flight.

F-4 see Phantom II.

F-5A/B see Freedom Fighter.

F-14 see Tomcat.

F-15 see Eagle.

F-16 see air combat fighter.

F-35 Lightning II a joint strike fighter jet.

F-100 see Super Sabre.

F-101 see Voodoo.

F-102A see Delta Dagger.

F-104 see Starfighter.

F-105 see Thunderchief.

F-106 see Delta Dart.

F-111 a twin-engine, supersonic turbofan, all- weather tactical fighter armed with nuclear or non- nuclear weapons and capable of taking off from or landing on short runways.

F-117A see Stealth Fighter.

F/A-22 Raptor the most advanced tactical jet fighter in the United States air arsenal, noted for its ability to carry air-to-air missiles internally in order to maintain its stealthiness.

faded in air intercept, a code meaning "contact has disappeared from reporting station's scope, and any position information given is estimated."

faker a friendly aircraft simulating a hostile aircraft in training exercises.

famished in air intercept, a code meaning "have you any instructions for me?"

feet dry in air intercept, a code meaning "I am over land."

feet wet in air intercept, a code meaning "I am over water."

ferret an aircraft especially equipped to detect and analyze electromagnetic radiation.

firebee a remote-controlled, subsonic drone act­ing as a target to test and evaluate weapon systems employing surface-to-air or air-to-air missiles. Also known as BQM-34.

firepower umbrella the range or distance a naval unit's weaponry can reach, within which is hazardous for enemy aircraft to fly.

flare to change the flight path of an aircraft to decrease the rate of descent for landing.

flight deck in some aircraft, an elevated cockpit.

foam path a path of fire extinguisher foam laid on a runway to help prevent an explosion or fire in an emergency or crash landing.

fox away in air intercept, a code meaning "missile has fired or been released from aircraft."

freddie a controlling unit.

Freedom Fighter a twin-engine supersonic turbojet, multipurpose tactical fighter/bomber. Also known as F-5A/B.

free drop the dropping of equipment or supplies from an aircraft without the use of parachutes.

free lance in air intercept, a code meaning "self- control of aircraft is being employed."

Galaxy a large cargo transport aircraft powered by four turbofan engines. Also known as C-5A.

gate in air intercept, a code meaning "fly at maxi­mum possible speed."

glide bomb a bomb fitted with airfoils to provide extra lift.

glide mode a flight control system that automati­cally positions an aircraft to the center of a glide slope course.

go around mode a flight control system that auto­matically terminates an approach and initiates a climb mode when needed.

grand slam all enemy aircraft sighted are shot down. H-2 see Sea Sprite. H-3 see Sea King. H-46 see Sea Knight.

harassing harassing attacks by air, designed to aid ground units in battle.

Harrier a single-engine, turbojet light attack aircraft designed to take off vertically or from short runways. Also known as an AV-8.

Hawk a mobile, surface-to-air missile system that provides nonnuclear, low-to-medium altitude air defense coverage for ground forces. Also known as MIM-23.

Hawkeye a twin turboprop, multicrew airborne early warning and interceptor control aircraft designed to operate from aircraft carriers. It carries a long-range radar and integrated computer system for the detection and tracking of airborne targets. Also known as E-2.

HC-130 see Hercules.

heading the direction an aircraft is headed expressed in degrees clockwise from north.

heads up in air intercept, a code meaning "enemy got through."

helicopter lane an air corridor reserved for helicop­ters during operations.

helipad a reserved area used specifically by helicop­ters when parking, taking off, or landing.

heliport airport facility specifically designed to ser­vice helicopters.

Hercules a troop and cargo transport equipped with four turboprop engines.

hypersonic speeds equal to or exceeding five times the speed of sound.

imagery sortie a single reconnaissance flight to obtain photographic and other visual information.

instrument flight a flight controlled by reference to instruments only.

interceptor an aircraft used to identify, intercept, and engage enemy targets.

in the dark a code meaning "not visible on my scope."

Intruder a twin-engine, turbojet, two-place, long- range, all-weather, aircraft carrier-based, low-altitude attack aircraft armed with an assortment of weapons, including Sidewinder, Bullpup, napalm, or all stan­dard navy rockets. Also known as an A-6.

Iroquois a light, single-rotor helicopter used for cargo and personnel transport and sometimes armed with machine guns or light rockets.

Jet Star a small, fast transport aircraft powered by four turboprop engines. Also known as a C-140.

judy a code meaning "I have contact and am taking over the intercept."

jumpmaster the person who manages or supervises a team of parachutists.

jump speed the airspeed at which parachutists can safely jump from an aircraft.

KA-6 see Intruder.

KC-97L see Stratofreighter.

KC-135 see Stratotanker.

landing roll the rollout or deceleration of an air­craft from touchdown to taxi speed.

laydown bombing a low-altitude bombing run in which delay fuses or delay devices are used to allow the aircraft time to escape the effects of its own bombs.

liner a code meaning "fly at speed giving maximum cruising range."

LOCAP low combat air patrol.

loft bombing a low-altitude bombing run in which the aircraft drops its bombs as it begins to pull up or climb.

machmeter an instrument displaying the Mach number of the aircraft.

mach no a code meaning "I have reached maximum speed and am not closing my target."

mach yes a code meaning "I have reached maxi­mum speed and am closing my target." mark a term used to designate the exact time of a weapon's release, usually preceded by the word "standby."

mark mark command from ground controller for an aircraft to release its bombs.

Mayday distress call.

merged a code meaning "tracks have come together."

midnight a code meaning "changeover from close to broadcast control."

MIM-23 see Hawk.

MIM-72 see Chaparral.

MOAB massive ordnance air-blast bomb; a 21,500- pound bomb dropped from an aircraft, sometimes used for intimidation purposes alone. Also known as the mother of all bombs.