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snow a narrow band of jamming signals swept back and forth over a wide band of frequencies; sweep jamming.

sortie an operational flight by one aircraft.

spitting in air antisubmarine operations, a code meaning "I am about to lay, or am laying, sonobuoys. I may be out of radio contact for a few minutes."

splashed in air intercept, a code meaning "enemy aircraft shot down."

spoofer a code meaning "a contact employing elec­tronic or tactical deception measures."

Starfighter a supersonic, single-engine, turbojet fighter capable of employing nuclear or nonnuclear weapons. Also known as an F-104.

Starlifter a large cargo transport powered by four tur- bofan engines, capable of intercontinental range with heavy payloads and airdrops. Also known as a C-141.

state chicken a code meaning "I am at a fuel state requiring recovery, tanker service, or diversion to an airfield."

state lamb a code meaning "I do not have enough fuel for an intercept plus reserve required for carrier recovery."

state tiger a code meaning "I have enough fuel to complete my mission as assigned."

static line a line attached to a parachute pack and to a strop in an aircraft so that when the load is dropped the parachute is automatically deployed.

Stealth Bomber a bomber, otherwise known as the B-2, specially designed in the shape of a flat, flying wing in order to render it invisible to enemy radar.

Stealth Fighter a combat fighter/bomber with stealth (radar-eluding) design. Also known as F-117A.

stern attack an attack by an interceptor that termi­nates with a heading crossing angle of 45° or less.

stick a number of paratroopers who jump from a door of an aircraft during one run over a drop zone.

stick commander jumpmaster.

strafing the delivery of automatic weapons fire by aircraft on ground targets.

strangle a code meaning "switch off equipment indicated."

strangle parrot a code meaning "switch off Identifi­cation Friend or Foe equipment."

Stratofortress an all-weather, intercontinental, stra­tegic heavy bomber powered by eight turbojet engines; capable of delivering nuclear and nonnuclear bombs, air-to-surface missiles, and decoys. Also known as a B-52.

Stratofreighter a strategic aerial tanker/freighter powered by four reciprocating engines; it is equipped to refuel bombers and fighters in flight. Also known as a KC-97L.

Stratotanker a multipurpose aerial tanker/transport powered by four turbojet engines; it is equipped for high-speed, high-altitude refueling of bombers and fighters. Also known as a KC-135.

stream take off aircraft taking off in a column for­mation.

subsonic less than the speed of sound.

Super Sabre a supersonic, single-engine, turbojet, tactical fighter/bomber. Also known as an F-100.

supersonic greater than the speed of sound.

tally ho a code meaning "target visually sighted."

Thunderbolt II a twin-engine, subsonic, turbofan, tactical fighter/bomber capable of taking off or land­ing on short fields and of delivering an assortment of weapons; has an internally mounted 30mm cannon and can be refueled in flight. Also known as an A-10.

Thunderchief a supersonic, single-engine, turbojet- powered tactical fighter capable of delivering nuclear weapons as well as nonnuclear bombs and rockets; equipped with a sidewinder weapons and can be refu­eled in flight. Also known as an F-105.

tied on a code meaning "the aircraft indicated is in formation with me."

Tomcat a twin turbofan, dual crew, supersonic, all- weather, long-range interceptor designed to operate from aircraft carriers. Also known as an F-14.

toss bombing similar to loft bombing but per­formed at any altitude.

Tracer a twin-reciprocating engine, airborne radar platform designed to operate from aircraft carriers. Its mission is the detection and interception control of airborne targets. Also known as an E-1B.

Tracker a twin-reciprocating engine, antisubma­rine aircraft capable of operating from carriers, and designed primarily for the detection, location, and destruction of submarines. Also known as an S-2.

tracking a code meaning "by my evaluation, target is steering true course indicated."

train bombs dropped in short intervals or sequence.

turbojet a jet engine whose air is supplied by a turbine-driven compressor, the turbine activated by exhaust gases.

vector a code meaning "alter heading to magnetic heading indicated."

vigilante a twin turbojet engine, dualcrew, super­sonic all-weather reconnaissance aircraft designed to operate from aircraft carriers. It carries a wide assort­ment of photographic and electronic surveillance sys­tems. Also known as an RA-5.

viking a twin turbofan engine, multicrew antisub­marine aircraft capable of operating off aircraft carri­ers. Also known as an S-3.

voodoo a supersonic, twin-engine turbojet air inter­ceptor with twin cockpits. Also known as an F-101.

walleye a guided air-to-surface glide bomb; it incorporates a contrast-tracking television system for guidance.

wild weasel an aircraft specially modified to iden­tify, locate, and destroy ground-based enemy air defense systems.

wingman an aviator subordinate to, and in support of, the designated section leader; also, the aircraft flown in this role.

zippers target dawn and dusk combat air patrol.

ARMY, GROUND FORCES, AND general military


(Also see robotics in electronics)

Abrams the U.S. forces premier battle tank, having either a 105mm or 120mm gun and a top speed of 40 miles per hour with a four man crew. Also known as the M-1.

all available a request or command for all available fire to be aimed at the same target.

anticrop operation the employment of anticrop agents to destroy an enemy's source of food.

antimateriel agent a chemical or natural substance used to deteriorate or damage enemy equipment.

antipersonnel mine a mine designed to cause casu­alties to personnel.

antitank mine a mine designed to immobilize or destroy a tank.

armored earthmover a heavy, full-tracked bull­dozer used to clear obstructions and fill antitank ditches, used by the engineering unit. Also known as the M-9.

armored personnel carrier a lightly armored, highly mobile, full-tracked vehicle, amphibious and air-droppable, used for transporting personnel.

armored-vehicle-launched bridge a 60-foot fold­ing bridge mounted in place of a turret on an M-60 or M-1 tank; used to span antitank ditches.


army corps a tactical unit larger than a division and smaller than a field army; usually two or more divi­sions together with auxiliary arms and services.

army group the largest formation of land forces, nor­mally consisting of two or more armies or army corps.

assault echelon a unit scheduled for an initial assault on an area.