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penetration the recruitment of agents within, or the infiltration of agents or monitoring devices into, an enemy organization.

perception management see psychological operations.

political intelligence intelligence concerning foreign and domestic policies of governments.

psychological consolidation activities planned psychological activities in peace and war directed at a civilian population in order to achieve desired behav­ior that supports military objectives.

psychological media all forms of communication media.

psychological operations (PSYOP) planned opera­tions designed to influence the emotions and reason­ing of a foreign audience. Also known as perception management.

psychological warfare the planned use of propa­ganda and other psychological tools to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of hostile foreign groups.

PSYOP see psychological operations. quisling a traitor.

radar intelligence intelligence derived from data collected by radar.

radiation intelligence intelligence derived from the emissions of electromagnetic energy from foreign devices, equipments, and systems but excluding those generated from nuclear weapons.

radio deception deceiving the enemy through the sending of false dispatches, deceptive headings, and enemy call signals over the radio.

receptivity the vulnerability of a target audience to psychological operations.

safe house a secret and secure house or apartment where spies may meet.

SIGINT signals intelligence; intelligence gathered by intercepting telephone, radio, or other communi­cations.

signal site any location used to signal information to another, through the use of a chalk mark, strip of tape, etc.

station any major CIA base of operations.

subversion action designed to undermine the mili­tary, economic, psychological, or political strength of a regime or its morale.

surveillance the secret watching or monitoring of a person or location to gather intelligence.

takedown the dismantling of a network of foreign agents.

target intelligence intelligence gathered concerning a potential target for destruction.

tradecraft all the techniques used by the CIA to gather information, avoid detection, etc.

white propaganda propaganda disseminated and acknowledged by the sponsor.

military insignia and ranks

(commissioned officers)

Army, Air Force, and Marines

general of the army, air force five silver stars, one 2-inch stripe, four %-inch stripes.

general four silver stars, one 2-inch stripe, three %- inch stripes.

lieutenant general three silver stars, one 2-inch stripe, two %-inch stripes.

major general two silver stars, one 2-inch stripe, one %-inch strip.

brigadier general one silver star, one 2-inch stripe.

colonel silver eagle, four %-inch stripes.

lieutenant colonel silver oak leaf, three %-inch stripes.

major gold oak leaf, two %-inch stripes.

captain two silver bars, two %-inch stripes.

first lieutenant one silver bar, one %-inch stripe, one %-inch stripe.

second lieutenant one gold bar, one %-inch stripe.

chief warrant officer (w-4) silver bar with four enamel bands, one %-inch stripe.

chief warrant officer (w-3) silver bar with three enamel bands, one %-inch stripe.

chief warrant officer (w-2) silver bar with two enamel bands, one %-inch stripe.

chief warrant officer (w-1) silver bar with one enamel band.

Navy and Coast Guard

fleet admiral five silver stars, one 2-inch stripe, four %-inch stripes.

admiral four silver stars, one 2-inch stripe, three %-inch stripes.

vice admiral three silver stars, one 2-inch stripe, two %-inch stripes.

rear admiral (upper half) two silver stars, one 2- inch stripe, one %-inch stripe.

rear admiral (lower half) one silver star, one 2-inch stripe.

captain silver eagle, four %-inch stripes.

commander silver oak leaf, three %-inch stripes.

lieutenant commander gold oak leaf, two %-inch stripes, one %-inch stripe.

lieutenant two silver bars, two %-inch stripes.

lieutenant (jg) one silver bar, one %-inch stripe, one %-inch stripe.

ensign one gold bar, one %-inch stripe.

chief warrant officer (W-4) silver bar with three enamel bands, one %-inch stripe.

chief warrant officer (W-3) silver bar with two enamel bands, one %-inch stripe.

chief warrant officer (W-2) gold bar with three enamel bands, one %-inch stripe.

missiles, nuclear weapons, and rockets

absolute dud a nuclear weapon that fails to explode.

active material material, such as plutonium and certain isotopes of uranium, that is capable of sup­porting a fission chain reaction.

acute radiation dose total ionizing radiation dose received at one time and over a period so short that it is fatal.

afterwinds wind currents set up in the vicinity of a nuclear explosion directed toward the burst center, resulting from the updraft accompanying the rise of the fireball.

air-breathing missile a missile with an engine requiring the intake of air for combustion of its fuel, as in a ramjet or turbojet.

airburst an explosion in the air, above ground.

air-to-air guided missile an air-launched guided missile for use against air targets.

ballistic missile any missile that does not rely on aerodynamic surfaces to provide lift and consequently follows a ballistic trajectory when thrust is termi­nated.

ballistic missile early warning system an electronic system for providing detection and early warning of attack by enemy intercontinental ballistic missiles.

base surge a cloud that rolls out from the bottom of the column produced by a subsurface burst of a nuclear weapon.

beam rider a missile guided by an electronic beam.

blast wave diffraction the passage around and envelopment of a structure by a nuclear blast wave.

booster an auxiliary or initial propulsion system that travels with a missile and that may or may not separate from the parent craft when its impulse has been delivered.

camouflet the underground cavity created by a sub­terranean nuclear detonation.

captive firing a firing test of short duration, con­ducted with the missile propulsion system operating while secured to a test stand.

chronic radiation dose a dose of ionizing radiation received either continuously or intermittently over a prolonged period of time, that may or may not cause radiation sickness and death, depending on the dose rate.

cloud top height the maximum altitude to which a nuclear mushroom cloud rises.

command destruct signal a signal used to operate intentionally the destruction signal in a missile.