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AGM-53 see Condor.

AGM-65 see Maverick.

AGM-69 see short-range attack missile.

AGM-78 see Standard Arm.

AGM-84A see Harpoon.

AGM-142 see Have Nap.

AIM-4 see Falcon.

AIM-7 see Sparrow.

AIM-9 see Sidewinder.

AIM-54A see Phoenix.

AIR-2 see Genie.

Condor an air-to-surface guided missile that pro­vides standoff launch capability for attack aircraft. Also known as AGM-53.

cruise missile highly accurate, computer-guided missile having a land range of up to 1,552 miles. See Tomahawk.

Falcon an air-to-air guided missile; optional nuclear warhead. Also known as AIM-4.

Genie an air-to-air, unguided rocket equipped with a nuclear warhead. Also known as an AIR-2.

HARM high-speed antiradiation missile; it homes in on radar signals from surface-to-air missile sites and destroys them.

Harpoon an all-weather, antiship cruise missile capable of being employed from ships, submarines, and aircraft. It is turbojet-powered and employs a low-level cruise trajectory. Also known as AGM-84A.

Have Nap a camera-guided missile. Also known as the AGM-142.

Hawk a mobile, surface-to-air missile system that provides nonnuclear, low-to-medium altitude air defense coverage for ground forces. Also known as MIM-23.

Hellfire an air-to-surface antitank missile.

Hound Dog a turbojet-propelled, air-to-surface missile designed to be carried externally on the B-52; it is equipped with a nuclear warhead. Also known as AGM-28A.

Lance a mobile, storable, liquid propellant, surface- to-surface guided missile, with nuclear and nonnu- clear capability. Also known as XMGM-52.

LGM-25C see Titan ii.

LGM-30 see Minuteman.

LGM-118A see mx.

Mace a missile guided by a self-contained radar guidance system or by an inertial guidance system and characterized by its long-range, low-level attack capability. Also known as MGM-13.

Maverick an air-to-surface missile with launch and leave capability. It is designed for use against sta­tionary or moving small, hard targets such as tanks, armored vehicles, and field fortications. Also known as AGM-65.

MGM-13 see Mace.

MGM-29A see Sergeant.

MGM-31A see Pershing.

MGM-51 see Shillelagh.

MIM-23 see Hawk.

Minuteman a three-stage, solid-propellant, ballistic missile guided to its target by an all-inertial guidance and control system. It is equipped with a nuclear war­head and is designed for deployment in underground silos. Also known as LGM-30.

MIRv multiple independently targetable reentry; a missile having two or more warheads aimed at differ­ent targets.

Mx an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with multiple warheads. Also known as LGM-118A.

Patriot a land-mobile surface-to-air antimissile used to protect small areas, such as an airfield.

Pershing a mobile surface-to-surface inertially guided missile of a solid-propellant type; it has a nuclear warhead capability. Also known as MGM- 31A.

Phoenix a long-range air-to-air missile with elec­tronic guidance and homing. Also known as AIM- 54A.

Polaris an underwater, or surface-launched, sur­face-to-surface, solid-propellant ballistic missile with inertial guidance and nuclear warhead. Also known as UGM-27.

Poseidon a two-stage, solid-propellant ballistic mis­sile capable of being launched from a specially config­ured submarine operating in either its surface or sub­merged mode. The missile is equipped with nuclear warheads and a maneuverable bus that has the capa­bility to carry up to 14 weapons that can be directed at 14 separate targets. Also known as UGM-73A.

Quail an air-launched decoy missile carried inter­nally in the B-52 and used to deceive enemy radar, interceptor aircraft, and air defense missiles. Also known as ADM-20.

RGM-66D see Standard SSM.

RIM-2 see Terrier.

RIM-8 see Talos.

RIM-24 see Tartar.

RIM-66 see Standard Missile.

Sam-D an army air defense artillery, surface-to-air missile system.

Sergeant a mobile, inertially guided, solid-propel- lant, surface-to-surface missile with nuclear warhead capability, designed for short-range targets up to 75 miles. Also known as MGM-29A.

Shillelagh a missile system mounted on the main battle tank and attack reconnaissance vehicle for employment against enemy armor, troops, and field fortications. Also known as MGM-51.

short-range attack missile an air-to-surface missile, armed with a nuclear warhead, launched from the B- 52 and the FB-111 aircraft. Also known as AGM-69.

Shrike an air-launched antiradiation missile designed to home on and destroy radar emitters. Also known as AGM-45.

Sidewinders a solid-propellant, air-to-air missile with nonnuclear warhead and infrared, heat-seeking homer. Also known as AIM-9.

Sparrow an air-to-air solid-propellant missile with nonnuclear warhead and electronic-controlled hom­ing. Also known as AIM-7.

Spartan a nuclear surface-to-air guided missile for­merly deployed as part of the Safeguard ballistic mis­sile defense weapon system. It is designed to intercept strategic ballistic reentry vehicle above Earth's atmo­sphere.

Sprint a high-acceleration, nuclear surface-to-air guided missile designed to intercept strategic ballistic reentry vehicles above Earth's atmosphere.

Standard Arm an air-launched antiradiation missile designed to home on and destroy radar emitters. Also known as AGM-78.

Standard Missile A shipboard, surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missile with solid-propellant rocket engine. Also known as RIM-66.

Standard SSM a surface-to-surface antiradiation missile equipped with a conventional warhead. Also known as RGM-66D.

Stinger a lightweight, portable, shoulder-fired, air defense artillery missile weapon.

Subroc submarine rocket; submerged, submarine- launched, surface-to-surface rocket with nuclear depth charge or homing torpedo payload, primarily antisubmarine. Also known as UUM-44A.

Talos a shipborne, surface-to-air missile with solid- propellant rocket and ramjet engine. It is equipped with nuclear or nonnuclear warhead, and command, beam-rider homing guidance. Also known as RIM-8.

Tartar a shipborne, surface-to-air missile with solid- propellant rocket engine and nonnuclear warhead. Also known as RIM-24.

Terrier a surface-to-air missile with solid-fuel rocket motor. It is equipped with radar beam rider or hom­ing guidance and nuclear or nonnuclear warhead. Also known as RIM-2.

Titan II a liquid-propellant, two-stage, rocket-pow­ered intercontinental ballistic missile guided to its target by an all-inertial guidance and control system. The missile is equipped with a nuclear warhead and designed for deployment in underground silos. Also known as LGM-25C.

Tomahawk an air-, land-, ship-, or submarine- launched cruise missile with conventional or nuclear capability.

Trident II a three-stage, solid-propellant ballistic missile capable of being launched from a Trident submarine. It is equipped with advanced guidance, nuclear warheads, and a maneuverable bus that can deploy warheads to multiple targets; its range is over 4,000 miles. Also known as UGM-96A.