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barker a large artillery gun.

battery acid coffee.

beans nickname for a commissary officer.

bear grease general-issue soap.

big boot general.

blackout coffee.

blackstrap coffee.

blanket drill sleep.

blitz a bombing.

blow it out of your bag shut up.

B-19 a fat woman.

bobtail a dishonorable discharge. bog pocket a cheapskate. brass hat a staff officer.

brig jail Also known as the clink, stockade, hoosegow.

brown bombers army laxatives.

bucking trying to get a promotion.

bucking for a section 8 trying to get discharged through any means possible.

bulldog military police.

bunky a buddy, friend, or pal.

Butch nickname for a commanding officer.

cackle jelly eggs.

camel corps infantry.

camp happy a little touched in the head.

canteen an army retail store.

cat beer milk.

cat stabber a bayonet.

CB confined to barracks.

cheese toaster bayonet.

chest hardware medals.

chicken a very young recruit.

chili bowl a military haircut.

civvies civilian clothes.

Clara all-clear air raid signal.

corn willie tinned corn beef.

corpuscle corporal.

cowboy a tank driver.

cream on a shingle creamed beef on toast.

croot recruit, rookie, bozo, bucko.

crow chicken.

crowbar hotel any jail.

crumb hunt kitchen inspection.

daisy may a denim fatigue hat.

devil's piano a machine gun.

ditty bag bag for keeping valuables in.

dog fat butter.

dog house the guardhouse.

dog tag the metal identification tag worn around the neck.

drive it in the hangar shut up. duds shells that fail to explode. elephant trap a large hole dug for refuse. faint wagon ambulance. fisheyes tapioca with raisins. fly one wing low to be drunk.

foxhole a pit dug to protect oneself against enemy fire.

frogskin a dollar bill.

fuzzie-wuzzies winter trousers.

garrison shoes any dress shoes.

general's car a wheelbarrow.

Gertrude a soldier working in an office.

GI general issue.

GI Jesus the chaplain.

goldfish canned salmon.

goof burner one who smokes marijuana.

goofy discharge a discharge given for mental illness.

grandma low gear in a jeep or other vehicle.

grubber lowest ranking.

hay sauerkraut.

hi Jackson a friendly greeting.

hip flask a .45-caliber pistol.

hitch an enlistment.

housewife a sewing kit.

Irish grapes potatoes.

jack money.

Jerries Germans; German planes. John L's long Johns.

jumping Jesus a chaplain in a paratrooper unit.

Kendall did it an oft-repeated buckpassing line.

kennel rations hash or meat loaf.

KP duty assisting the cook in food preparation, serving, and cleanup; kitchen police.

krauts Germans.

lacy of a soldier, effeminate.

laid out for inspection unconscious.

leatherneck a marine.

light chassis a woman with a great figure.

Li'l Abners army shoes. Also known as groundhogs.

low on amps and voltage out of ideas.

machine oil pancake syrup.

Mae West a life jacket worn like a vest.

maneuvers putting the make on a woman.

Matilda one's blanket roll.

meat wagon ambulance.

mess gear knives, forks, spoons.

nappy nickname for the barber.

noncom noncommissioned officer.

on the beam, are you are you OK?

padre chaplain.

paint remover coffee.

pantywaist a sissy.

pea shooter rifle.

pill rollers medical corps.

pineapple hand grenade.

pipped shot, as in "he got pipped."

pocket lettuce dollar bills. Also known as happy cabbage.

police up to pick up, clean up. popeye spinach.

popsicle motorcycle.

post exchange merchandise store; the PX.

prang an avoidable airplane crash.

propeller wash B.S.

ptomaine domain the mess hall.

pull rank to remind another of one's higher rank, as a coercive tactic.

PX post exchange.

Q company a recruit receiving company. quiff a girl.

rabbit food lettuce, celery, carrots. Rachel high gear in a jeep or other vehicle. red nose shrapnel. rudily doo not worth a damn. sand and specks salt and pepper. sawbones an army doctor.

shimmy pudding Jell-O. Also known as shivering Liz. skirt patrol looking for women. slingshot pistol.

snafu situation normal all fouled up. snap snap hurry up, on the double. squirrel cage the psychoanalyst's office. stocks and bonds toilet paper. swampseed rice.

tarheel soldier from the U.S. South.

three seventy three square meals and 700, a day's wages.

tin titty canned milk.

tommy Thompson submachine gun.

Waldorf, the mess hall.

Australian Soldiers

billy a can for boiling tea in. bloke a man.

bloody very "damned," for example, "bloody good," "bloody stupid."

bonzer excellent.

boshter great.

bosker fine.

bush the back country. American equivalent of the "boonies."

chivvy back talk.