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pollywog a sailor yet to cross the equator.

scrambled eggs the gold insignia on an officer's cap.

seagull a loose woman who follows the fleet around from port to port.

sea legs accustomed physically and mentally to life at sea.

send a fish to fire a torpedo.

shellback an experienced sailor; one who has crossed the equator.

shivering Liz Jell-O.

sick bay onboard hospital.

skibbies the Japanese.

slop chute a garbage chute leading to the ocean.

slushy nickname for the cook.

smukes dollars.

sparks a wireless operator.

step off the plank to get married.

straight as a deck seam trustworthy.

submarine ears hard of hearing.

swab a large mop.

three sheets in the wind drunk.

three striper a commander.

two and a half striper a lieutenant commander.

two striper a lieutenant.

watch a four-hour watch duty.

watch cap a black, knitted stocking cap.

wicky wicky hurry up; chop chop; on the double.


Annie nickname for a nurse anesthetist. arthritis of the cerebellum, have to be stupid. bedpan alley the hospital.

blues the two-tone blue uniforms worn during the war.

brown kitties bronchitis.

dock the hospital.

doctorine a woman doctor.

follow-up man mortician.

gubbins dirty dressings.

idiotorium hospital for the mentally ill.

inkie an incubator baby.

misery hall an emergency room.

scrub nurse a nurse who follows sterile procedures in order to handle operating room instruments.

sick bay ship hospital.

stiffy a paralyzed person.

stink kitchen a chemical laboratory.

temperature, don't run a don't get excited.


arsenal wear general issue lingerie.

barracks bags bags under the eyes from working a night shift.

blow boy bugler.

boll weevils heavy brown cotton stockings.

book rack bunk bed.

burp class a defense class on gas warfare.

canteen cowboy soldier who hangs out at the can­teen to flirt with the women.

cool good.

cut off a scene to leave.

dry ammunition cosmetics.

gigs demerits.

GI Jane an OK person.

gravy good-looking, as in "he's gravy."

gruesome twosome regulation shoes.

hair warden the camp hair stylist.

jeep jockeys women auto mechanics in Motor Transport.

jubilee reveille.

monkey suits general issue coveralls. night maneuvers fooling around with a man. put a nickel in it hurry up. scoff to eat.

screwy as a toad a nut case.

square from Delaware a hick girl from a small town.

WAC Women's Army Corps.

WAC shack the barracks. Also known as the Wackery.

wolfing looking for men.



baby grand a small grand piano, usually no more than 5 feet in length.

bandoneon the Argentine equivalent of an accor­dion, characterized by notes that are produced by buttons instead of a keyboard.

calliope any organ played or activated by steam.

celesta a small, keyboardlike instrument in which keys depress hammers that strike tuned steel bars, creating a haunting bell-like sound; invented in 1886 and used in T chaikovsky's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy."

clavichord a stringed keyboard set in a rectangular box and producing soft sounds, popular from the 16th to the 18th centuries.

concert grand the largest size of piano, usually about 9 feet in length.

concertina a simple accordion with buttons in place of a keyboard.

damper any device that mutes or stops the sound vibrations of an instrument, as in the small pieces of felt-covered wood used in a piano.

damper pedal on a piano, the right-hand pedal that raises all dampers, allowing all of the strings to vibrate freely.

harpsichord a pianolike instrument having strings that are plucked instead of being struck by hammers; popular from the 16th to the 18 th centuries and still in use.

hydraulos a type of pipe organ invented by the Greeks, notable for its regulation of air pressure by the displacement of water in special chambers.

key any of the individual levers on a keyboard.

manual a keyboard played by the hands as opposed to one played by the feet, as an organ pedalboard.

pedal any one of the two or three foot pedals con­trolling volume and tone on a piano.

pedal organ the section of organ pipes, often of low pitch, operated by an organ's pedal board.

piano keyboard in which keys activate hammers that strike tuned strings.

player piano a mechanical piano that plays tunes automatically by means of air pressure and special perforated music roles.

soundboard the resonant board over which strings are strung in a piano or harpsichord.

spinet a small harpsichord, popular from the 16th to the 18th centuries.

stop in organs, a lever or knob that stops air to a particular set of pipes; the set of pipes so affected is also called a stop.

synthesizer a modern keyboard instrument capable of producing or reproducing hundreds of different sounds through electronic means.

virginal a small, rectangular harpsichord popular from the 15th to the 17th centuries.

wind chest the air chamber in some organs.


(tempos, volume, etc.)

accelerando accelerating gradually.

adagietto a slow tempo, slightly faster than adagio.

adagio a slow tempo, faster than largo, slower than andante, specifically from 98 to 125 quarter notes per minute.

adagissimo extremely slow tempo.

ad libitum ad-libbing tempo, rhythm, accents, notes, and so on.

affettuoso with tenderness.

affrettando in a rushed manner.

agilmente lightly and nimbly.

agitato in an agitated, restless manner.

allargando slowing down and increasing in volume.