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tyranny an oppressive system in which one person is given absolute power.

welfare state a system in which the state takes responsibility for citizen education, employment, health care, and retirement needs.

International Relations

accord agreement or harmony between two nations.

alien one from another country; a nonnative or noncitizen.

alliance a joining of forces between two or more nations for economic or military reasons.

ally a friendly nation associated with another for a common cause.

ambassador the highest-ranking diplomatic official of a nation.

annex to acquire and incorporate a territory into a state.

asylum government's formal protection from extra­dition granted to a refugee.

attache a diplomatic official or staff member of an ambassador.

axis of evil term coined by former president George W. Bush, in describing Iran, Iraq, and North Korea, in 2002.

balkanize to divide a territory into small political units, especially ones that may become antagonistic or hostile toward one another, so-named after the formation of the Balkan states (Yugoslavia, Albania, etc.) after World War I.

banana republic any small, Latin American coun­try having a shaky political foundation and a limited economy, often based on a single crop controlled by foreign interests.

bilateralism agreement of two nations to work together for the common good.

bloc a group of legislators or nations working together for a common cause.

blowback CIA term for any revenge action inflicted on a civilian population of a government that secretly attacked a terrorist group or rogue nation.

Bush Doctrine a state philosophy held by former president George W. Bush that countries that spon­sor or harbor terrorists should be dealt with on a par with the terrorists themselves.

cartel an alliance of international politicians or cor­porate officials formed in order to control produc­tion, pricing, etc., in order to monopolize or at least dominate a business, such as oil.

chancellery the office, building, or the staff of an embassy or consulate.

chancellor the head secretary of an embassy. In some European countries, the prime minister.

charge d'affaires a diplomatic officer filling in for an ambassador or carrying out a low-level task.

cold war a nonphysical war in which hostilities and political tensions are greatly heightened between two or more nations; originally named after the strained rela­tions and economic competition between the United States and the Soviet Union following World War II.

consul a diplomatic official assigned to take up for­eign residence and who acts as a representative for citizens and businesses from his own country.

consulate the residence or office of a consul.

consul general highest-ranking consul in charge of all other consuls in a foreign nation.

convention an agreement between nations.

covenant a legal agreement.

delegate one appointed to act as a representative.

detente a relaxation of hostilities and tensions between nations; a period of warming relations.

diplomacy the art of international relations, encom­passing skills for defusing tensions, forging alliances, and negotiating compromises.

diplomat government's representative in a foreign nation, particularly one who is highly skilled in defus­ing tensions, forging alliances, and negotiating com­promises.

diplomatic corps the diplomatic staff residing in a foreign country.

diplomatic immunity government-sanctioned exemption from taxation and legal prosecution granted to a diplomat residing in a foreign nation.

domino theory the theory that if a form of objec­tionable government, such as communism, is left unchecked, it will eventually spread to neighboring states.

Egyptian Islamic Jihad a terrorist group now allied with al-Qaeda that works to overthrow the Egyptian government and replace it with an Islamic state.

embargo the government-ordered prohibition of trade with another nation, concerning either a single commodity or many.

embassy the office building and personnel of an ambassador.

emigrant one who leaves his native land to take up residence in a foreign country.

emigre one who has abandoned his own country and taken up residence in another, particularly for political reasons.

emissary a representative or agent on a mission.

entente an agreement between nations stipulating mutual cooperation and action.

envoy a diplomatic representative, sometimes act­ing as a messenger, sent on a specific mission.

exile the voluntary or forced emigration of a citizen due to political differences. Also, the period of time spent out of one's country for this.

expatriation the removal of oneself from one's homeland, due to political differences.

extradition the surrender and delivery of a foreign criminal to the authorities in his homeland.

foreign policy a government's philosophy and pro­gram for dealing politically with another nation.

free trade trade between nations that is unrestricted by tariffs, quotas, etc.

GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; an international agreement to facilitate international trade.

General Assembly governing body of the United Nations, made up of all the representatives from member nations.

Geneva Conventions international treaties signed from 1864 to 1949, in Geneva, Switzerland, requiring combatants in war to treat civilians and prisoners of war humanely.

glasnost Soviet movement of the 1980s to open itself to greater political criticism and heightened influence from the West.

Hamas literally, Islamic Resistance Movement, a Palestinian militant organization whose goal has been to establish an Islamic state in Palestine and has been involved in suicide bombings and rocket attacks to that end.

Hezbollah a Shiite Muslim political group with a militant wing that the United States defines as terror­ist. Active in Lebanon, it is a major provider of social services.

immigrant one who takes up residence in another nation, leaving behind his homeland.

immigration the entry of foreigners who have left their homeland to take up residence in another country.

imperialism the practice of government expansion into other territories or countries, by force or through economic or political domination.

insurgents terrorist forces who travel from their home countries or bases to fight in a war in another country, to further their cause.

International Court of Justice the world court of the United Nations that judiciates international dis­putes.

International Monetary Fund a specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes international trade and currency stabilization.

Iron Curtain metaphor for the political and ideo­logical divide between the Soviet Union and the West from 1945 to 1990.

isolationism a philosophy or practice of noninter­action with other nations, either politically or eco­nomically.

jihad an Islamic term with varied meanings, includ­ing "struggle," but also, broadly, holy war.