volition n. (voh LISH un) conscious choice. I'm signing up for the army of my own volition; nobody is forcing me.
voracious adj. (vo RAY shus) extremely hungry or insatiable. He cut into his steak with voracious abandon.
waffle vb. (WAWF ul) to equivocate or speak ambiguously. We don't want another governor who is going to waffle on the issues; we need someone who will make a firm decision and stick to it.
wanton adj. (WON tun) wild, unrestrained; reckless. The boys were punished for the wanton destruction of their bedrooms.
wary adj. (WAIR ee) cautious; leery. It's hard not to feel wary when walking through a graveyard at midnight.
WASP n. (WASP) white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. The north side of town is populated almost exclusively by WASPs.
Waterloo n. (WOT ur loo) defeat. A metaphor coined after Napoleon's defeat in Waterloo, Belgium, in 1815. Our team has beaten all challengers, but the game against our crosstown rivals next week may prove to be our Waterloo.
whimsical adj. (WIM suh kul) fanciful; out of the ordinary. His wood carvings of elves and trolls were whimsical.
wily adj. (WYE lee) sly, cunning; crafty. The wily coyote is not easily fooled.
windfall n. (WIND fall) a godsend; a boon; an unexpected stroke of good fortune. My tax refund last year came as a surprising windfall.
wistful adj. (WIST ful) full of sad longing; pensive. Whenever she was reminded of her youth, she became wistful and nostalgic.
zeal n. (ZEEL) passion; great or extreme enthusiasm. Blinded by her zeal to lose weight, Sally consumed nothing but water and crackers for three days straight.
zealous adj. (ZEL us) passionate; fanatical; intense. He was a zealous believer in ESP and scoffed at the notion that it was only pseudoscience.
zenith n. (ZEE nith) the highest point; pinnacle. At its zenith, the company was manufacturing more baby buggy bumpers than any other competitor.
Abaia 457 abandonment 312 abattre 79 abat-voix 45 abbess 461 abbey 45, 461 abbot 461 abdicate 604 abdomen 15, 20 abductor 237 abductor muscles 237 abeam 557, 580, 588 abercrombie 79 aberration 604 abhor 604 abisante 194 abject 604 ablation 139 able seaman 586 ablutions 461 aboard 441,498 abolla 63 abomasum 16 abominable 604 abomination 461 aborigine 471 abort 594 abortion 214 above 441 abozzo 51 abr. 423
abracadabra 313 abrading stone 471 Abrams 349 abraun 313 abreaction 247 abridge 604 abruption placentae 214 abs 506 abscond 302 absent healing 313 absinthe 194 absolute dating 471 absolute dud 359 absolute pitch 389 absolute zero 476 absolution 461 absolve 604 absorption 476 abstain 604 abstinence 261, 604 abstract 224, 604 abstract art 51 abstract expressionism 51 abstruse 604 abuse of process 303 abutment 23, 28 abyssal 153 abyssal hill 153 abyssal hills province 153 abyssal plain 153 abyssal zone 153 Abyssinian 3 academic 51 academic press 418 acaina 37 acanthus 23, 51 acanthus leaf 206 a cappella 389 accelerando 376 accelerant 397 accelerating universe 488 accelerator 476, 484, 567 accent 379 accent plant 128 accessory 303
accessory before/after the fact
acciaccato 379 accidence 293 accidentals 379 accident-prone 247 acclimate 604 accolade 184 accolades 604
accommodation address 354 accomplice 303, 604 accord 412, 604 according to Hoyle 604 accordion-pleated 96 accost 604 accretionary 158 accretion disk 488 accusatory instrument 303 AC/DC 261
ace 441, 498, 525, 535, 546,
548 acerbic 180 acetaminophen 333 acetone 57 acey deucey 551 achene 126 Acheron 146, 453 Achilles 453
Achilles' heel 604 Achilles reflex 332 achiria 247 achromasia 268 achromatic colors 51 achromotrichia 223 acid 476 acidic soil 156 acid rain 145 acid test 604-605 acidulated water 182 acidy 180
acknowledgments 418 ACL surgery 337 acne 268 acolyte 461 A-copy 293 acorn 206
acoustical surveillance 354 acoustic coupler 100 acoustic intelligence 354 acoustic mine 363 acoustic minehunting 363 acoustics 379 acquiesce 605 acquiescence 303 acquisition 167 acquisitions editor 418 acquit 303, 605 acre 392 acrid 605 acroaterion 37 acrobaticon 37 acrocanthosaurus 5 acrogeria 268 acroite 147 acrolith 61 acronical 493 acronym 293 acropolis 37
across the board 167, 551
acrostic 293
acrylic 79
acrylic brush 57
acrylic colors 57
act 403, 441
acting out 247
action 303
action painting 51
activator 477
active galactic nucleus 488
active material 359
active phase 214 active voice 286 active volcano 159 activism 605 activist 403 actor-proof 441 Actors' Equity Association 441
Acts of the Apostles 461 actuator 115 acumen 605 acupuncture 329 acute radiation dose 359 adage 294, 605 adagietto 376 adagio 377 adagissimo 377 Adam 210 adamant 605 adaptation 206, 418, 432 ad damnum 303 addendum 294, 418 additive 477, 567 additur 303 additus maximus 37 address 100, 107 addressing the ball 525 address position 508 adductor 237 adductor brevis 237 adductor hallucis 237 adductor magnus 237 adductor pollicis 237 adductors 237 adelaide boots 71 adenectomy 337 adenocarcinoma 213 adenoidectomy 337 adenoids 246 adenotonsillectomy 337 adept 313, 605 a deux 378 adhan 468 adherent 605 adhesion contract 302 ad hoc 605 ad hominem 294 ad ignorantium 294 ad in 548
ad infinitum 294, 605 adipocere 397 Adirondack 210 adjective(s) 285 adjourn 303
adjudicate 605
aeromedical evacuation
adjustable wrench 566
coordinating officer 342
ad-lib 294, 605
aeromedical staging unit 342
ad libitum 377
aeronaut 577
admiral 76, 358
aeronautical chart 342
Admiralty court 303
aeroneurosis 247
admissible evidence 303
aero-otitis 220
admonish 605
aerostation 577
ad nauseam 294, 605
aesthetic 605
adnomination 294
aether 453
adobe 35, 43, 44
aethousa 37
Adonai 469
affect 248
Adonis 453
affectation 294, 605
Adonis wig 225
affective disorder 248
ad out 548
affettuoso 377
adrenalectomy 337
affidavit 303, 605
adrenal glands 246
affidavit of performance 445
adrenalin 233
affiliate 445
adrenogenital syndrome 261
affinity 605
adret 144
affirmative action 272, 303
Adriamycin 213
affix 294
adroit 605
affluent 605
а droit 515
affogatto 180
adsorption 477
affrettando 377
adularescent 147
affricate 292
adularia 147
affriole 184
adulterate 605
affront 605
adultery 261
Afghanistan 97
advance 418
Afghanistanism 416
advanced sleep phase syndrome
afloat support 364
Afro 83, 224
advance man 403
Afro puffs 224
advancement 311
aft 514, 557, 580, 588
advancing and retreating colors
afterburner 567
afterburning 342