alipterium 37
alpha fetoprotein 215
American Stock Exchange 167
anaphrodisis 261
a l'italienne 186
alpha particle 484
amer picon 194
anarchy 272, 411, 606
alive 498
Alpine 74
amethyst 148
anastrophe 294
alkali 477
alpine 144
ametrine 148
anatarium 37
alkali lake 141
alpine cafe 181
am Frosch 378
anathema 313, 461
alkaline soil 128, 156
alpinist 144
amiable 606
anchor 223, 508, 555,588
Allah 468
al-Qaeda 415
amicable 606
anchorage 580
All America Selections 128
al-Rahim 468
amice 64
anchor bolts 32
alla militare 378
al-Rahman 468
Amida Buddha 460
anchor light 580
alla prima 51
also-ran 551
amidah 469
anchors aweigh 580
allargando 377
altar 45, 313
amidships 513, 588
anconeus 237
all around your left-hand lady
altar frontal 45
amino acid dating 471
ancora 377
altar of repose 45
ammolite 148
Andalusian 12
all available 349
altarpiece 45
Ammut 457
andante 377
alla zoppa 378
altar screen 45
amnesia 248
Andean shift 77
allee 129
altar slab 45
amnesty 303, 606
andesite 159
allege 416, 606
alter 551
Amnesty International 602
androconia 20
allegory 23, 294
alter ego 606
amniocentesis 215
androgen 233
allegramante 377
alternade 293
amniomancy 313
androgen dominance 233
allegretto 377
alternator 567
amnion 215
androgynous 83, 606
allegro 377, 428
altiloquence 294
amniotic fluid 215
android 115
allelopathy 128
altimeter 574, 577
amniotomy 215
Andromeda 453
allemande 196, 430
altitude 574
amorini 206
andron 37
allentando 377
altitude insomnia 270
amorphous 606
andropause 233
Allen wrench 566
alto 379, 389
amoxicillin 333
anecdote 294
alley 548
altocumulus 122
ampere 114
anechoic covering 368
alley-oop 504, 542
altostratus 122
amphibian 574
anelace 64
alleys 498
altra volta 377
amphibious assault ship 364
anemia 231
alley shot 546
altricial 2
amphibious reconnaissance 364
anemometer 161, 577, 581
All Hallow's Eve 313
altruism 248, 272, 606
amphibology 294
anencephaly 215
anesthesia 337
anosognosia 148
anesthetic 334
anoxia 537
aneurysm 111
anserarium 37
angel food cake 188
Anseriformes 1
angelica 313
answer 379
angel's hair 111
antacid 334
angels on horseback 175
antagonist 334
Angelus 461
Antarctic Circumpolar Current
angina 319
angina pectoris 117
antecedent 185, 607
angioblastoma 113
antechapel 45
angiocardiography 117
antediluvian 607
angiogenesis inhibitor 113, 334
antenave 45
angiography 319
antennae 15, 10
angioplasty 117
antenna mine 364
angiportus 37
antennas 556
angle 416
antepartum 115
angled deck 364
antepodium 45
angle of attack 574
anterior 140
Anglicize 194
anterior commissure 140
angling 517, 547
anterior position 115
Anglo-Saxon 49
anteroom 13
Angora 3, 19
Anteros 453
angora 79
anthem 380
angst 606
anthemion 37, 51, 106
angstlich 377
anther 116
angular liner 57
anthology 418
Angus 18
anthracite 148
animal cracker 189
anthrax 16
animal round 495
anthropocentrism 171
animated 606
anthropoid 471
animato 377
anthropomorphism 171
animatronics 437
anthroposomancy 314
animism 313
antibiotic 334
animosity 607
antibody(-ies) 131, 334
anion 477
anticatalyst 477
anise 194
Antichrist 461
ankh 87, 313
anticipation 380
ankle boot 551
anticline 134, 148
ankle cutter 551
anticoagulant 334
ankle jacks 71
anticonvulsant 334
ankle ride 559
anticrop operation 349
ankylosaur 5
antidepressant 148, 334
anlace 598
antidote 113, 334
anneal 87
antiemetic 334
annex 411
antifoulant 581
Annie Hall 83
antifreeze 567
Annie Oakley 498
antigen 334
annihilation 484
antigram 193
anniversary reaction 148
antihistamine 334
annotate 607
antiknock agents 567
annotation 194
antilock brakes 567
announcer booth 445
antimateriel agent 349
annual 116, 119
antimatter 484
annul 607
anting 1
Annunciation 461
antinuclear antibody test 319
anodyne 334
antipasto 175
anoint 313, 461
antipathy 607
anomalous 607
antipersonnel mine 349
anomaly 607
antiphonal 389
anomia 140
antiphrasis 194
anomie 148
antipruritic 334
anon. 413
antipyretic 334
anonym 194
antiquark 484
anorak 97
antiquated 607
anorexia nervosa 148
antique guns 600
anorgasmic 161
antique taffeta 83
anosmia 145
antiquing 106
antirecovery device 364
aport 581
anti-Semitism 171, 469, 607
apostasy 461
antiseptic 334
apostate 461
antisocial personality 148
apostil 195
antispasmodic 334
Apostle 461
antispyware 107
Apostles' Creed 461
antisubmarine barrier 364
apostolaeum 45
antisubmarine carrier group
apotheca 37
apothecary chest 103
antisubmarine minefield 364
app. 413
antisubmarine rocket 364
Appalachian dulcimer 387
antisubmarine screen 364
Appaloosa 11, 14
antisubmarine torpedo 364
apparent wind 557, 581
antisweep device 364
apparition 314
antisweeper mine 364
appassionato 377
antitank mine 349
appeal 303
antithesis 185, 194, 607
appease 607
antitrust laws 303
appel 515
antitussive 334
appellant 303
antivenin 334
appellate court 303
antivirus 113
appendectomy 338
antiwatching device 364
appendicitis 118
antonym 194
appendix 118, 146, 418, 577
Anubis 453, 457
appestat 140
anus 118, 146
apple 498, 508
anvil 111, 110
apple box 441
anwesenheit 148
apple head 8
anxiety 148
apple pan dowdy 190
anxiety hierarchy 148
application 100
aorta 117
applied ornament 106
aortic valve 117
applique 51, 79
apadana 41
appointments 10
apantomancy 314
apport 314
apartheid 171, 607
appositive 185
apathy 607
apprehensive 607
apatosaurus 5
apprentice 551
Apennines 483
approach 338, 508, 515, 574
aperture 59
approach lights 578
apex 577
approach shot 548
apex rope 577
appurtenant 311
Apgar score 115
apraxia 140
aphagia 148
a priori 303
aphasia 140, 148
apron 8, 67, 106, 441, 496,
aphelion 479, 488
511, 515, 578
aphid 133
apropos 607
aphorism 195
apry 194
aphrodisiac 161, 334