Выбрать главу

berm 33, 119, 119

Bermuda 77

Bermuda high 141

Bermuda Triangle 314-315

Bernoulli principle 515

berth 581, 588, 596

bertha 71

beryl 148

besom 315, 514

best boy 431

bestiality 165

bestiarium 38

bestiary 45

beta-blocker 334

beta cloth 594

beta particle 484

beta rhythm 141

beta test 100

bethel 45

between the devil and the deep

blue sea 609 beurre 186 beurre blanc 186 beurre fondu 186 beurre noir 186 bevel 33, 106 beveled 88 bevy 1

bewitchment 315 bezel setting 88 Bhagavad Gita 466 Bhagavan 466 bhakti 460, 466 B-horizon 134 bhumi 41 bialy 178 bias 96

biased gene conversion 481 biathlon 539 bib 77

bibcock or bib nozzle 33 Bible code 315 biblia abiblia 411 bibliobibuli 411 biblioclasm 411 biblioclast 411 bibliogony 411 bibliography 418 biblioklept 411 bibliomancy 315, 411 bibliomania 411 bibliopegy 411 bibliophagist 411 bibliophile 411 bibliophobia 411 bibliopoesy 411

bibliopole 422

biometrics 100-101

bibliotaph 422

biomorphic form 52

bibliotheca 422

bionics 116

bib necklace 88

biopic 432

bib top 98

biopsy 213, 329, 338

bicarbonate of soda 334

biopsy needle 325

biceps brachii 237

biosolids 392

biceps femoris 237

biostratigraphy 134

bicuspid 267

bipartisan 403

bicycle kick 543

bipedal 5, 472

bid and asked 168

biplane 574

bidialectalism 295

bipolar disorder 249

bidirectional printer 100

bird 446

Biedermeyer 210

birdcage 519

Bielmann spin 539

birdie 526

bien cuit 186

birding 446

biennial 127, 129

bird of paradise 179

bier 48

birds and the bees 261

bifocals 86

bird's eye 206

big apple 425

bird's-eye 79

big bang 488

bird's-eye view 52

Big Blue 168

birdshot 599

Big Board 168

bird's nest 517

big ears 508

bird's nest soup 197

bigger bang for the buck 403

birdwing 20

biggin 67

birrus 63

big guns 499

birthstone 88

big head 446

biscotti 189

bight 146

bisexual 262

bigot 609

bishop 77, 462

bigotry 273, 609

Bismalah 468

big stick 403

bison jump 472

bikini head 423

bisque 58, 197, 526

bilateralism 413

bisque firing 52

bilboes 587

bissex 387

bile 218

bistoury 325

bilge 295, 581

bit 101, 551

bilge pump 588

bitch 8

bilges 588

bite 526, 578

bilk 609

bitloss 107

bill 403, 600

bitonality 380

billabong 146

bit player 432

billboard 446

bitt 581

billboard pass 442

bitter 176, 514

billet 350

bitter end 581

billiment 67

bitter lake 141

billing 432

BitTorrent 107

Bill of Rights 304, 411

bitumen 148

billy bi 197

bivouac 534

bimanual 329

biwa 387

bin 392

Biwa pearl 88

binary 488

black 355

bind 515

black and tan 176

binder 182

black art 315

binder line 423

black border crossing 355

binding 302, 315

black bottom 425

bingo 364

black box 574

binnacle 581, 588

black bread 178

biochemicals 392

black comedy 432, 442

biodegradation 477

blacken 182

biofeedback 248

black-faced Highland 20

biographical intelligence 355

Black Friday 168

biography 418

black gold 88

bioidentical hormone 233

black hats 403

biological agent 350

blackhead 268

biological clock 270

black hole 488

bioluminescence 153

black ice 139

biometeorology 249

black infiltration 357

black level 446

blindwall 24

black list 355

bling 88

blacklisting 432

blinkers 226, 551

black magic 315

blintz 188

black malt 176

blister 52, 79, 159

black market 609

blister agent 350

black mass 315

blithe 610

black opal 148

blitz 520, 548

black ops 355

blizzard 145

blackout 442, 446, 594

bloc 403, 413

blackout switch 442

block 159, 442, 446, 535, 556,

black pearl 148

581, 588

black powder method 397

blockbuster 418, 432-433

black propaganda 355

block flute 390

black Russian 179

block foot 206

blacksmith 416

blocking 249, 433, 508

black spot 133

blocking foul 504

Black Stone 468

blocking glove 531

blackstrap 181

block tackle 543

black tea 199

block volley 548

blackwork 67, 68

blog 107

bladder 246

blogger 107

blade 127, 514, 526, 531

blogosphere 107

bladesman 526

blond 8

blanc de blancs 200

blond and bitter 181

blanc d'oeuf 186

blond and sweet 181

blanch 182

blood 534

blank 423, 508

blood agent 350

blanket 581

blood bay 14

blanket chest 203

blood-brain barrier 241

blanket finish 551

blood chit 350

blanking out 249

blood clot 227, 231

blank lineup 397

blood count 231, 329

blanquette 197

bloodletting 232

blarney 295

blood liver enzymes test 329

blase 610

blood money 587

blaspheme 462

blood of the Moon 315

blasphemy 610

blood pressure 227, 232

blast 506, 526

bloodstain pattern analysis 397

blast fences 579

bloodstone 148

blastocyst 215

blood transfusion 329

blast-off 577

bloody mary 179

blast valve 577

bloody show 215

blast wave diffraction 359

bloom 8, 10, 52, 127

blatant 610

bloomed gold 88

blather 295

bloomers 71

blaze 4, 8, 14

bloop 499

blazer 97

blooper 433, 499, 581

bleached flour 178

blotter 397

bleachers 499

blouson 77, 87

bleed 52, 567

blow 355

bleeding heart 610

blow a rack 508

bleeding heart liberals 403

blowback 59, 413

blemish 88

blowdown 156

blend 182

blowfly 397

blender brush 58

blowhole 22, 159

blending 52

blow it by 499

bletonism 315

blow job 262

bliant 64

blown 496, 567

blimp 577, 578

blown out 547

blind 534

blowout 551

blind hole 526

blow smoke 499

blind score 508

blow the tanks 368

blind seat 442

blowup 59, 141

blind side 519

blue 4, 101

blind spot 221

blue babies 228

blindstory 24

blue balls 262

blind switch 551

blue books 567

blue card 544

body block 520

blue chip 168

bodycheck 532

blue diamond 148

body dysmorphic disorder 249

blue forces 350

body English 508

blue gold 88

bodyes 67

blue jet 142

body fake 504

blue law 304

body image 249

blue lines 531

body jewelry 88

blue moon 483

body lock 559

blue pencil 418

body matter 422

blue-pencil 416

body putty 567

blue-ribbon panel 403

body roll 429

blues 380

body shirt 96

blueschist 148

body surfing 547

blue screen 437

boeuf epice 186

blueshift 488

boffo 433, 442

blue shirt 364-365

bog 141

blue sky laws 168

bogey 365, 526

blue topaz 148

boggart 457