Выбрать главу

caffe corretto 181

camber 557, 568, 574, 582

caffe freddo 181

camberbeam 24

caffeine 181, 199

cambium 157

caftan 77

cambre 427

cagey 610

Cambrian explosion 134

cairn 144, 472

cambric tea 199

cairngorm 148

camel 539

caisson 28, 44

camelback sofa 204

cajole 610

camel hair brush 58

Cajun cottage 36

cameo 89

calando 377

cameo habille 89

calash 72

cameo role 433

calcando 377

camera cue 446

calcaneus 266

camera lucida 58

calcareous 134

camera mixing 446

calceus 63

camera rehearsal 446

calcite 121, 148

camera riser 446

calcium carbonate 148

camisole 99

calculator 552

camouflage 95, 350

caldarium 38

camouflage detection

caldera 141, 159

photography 350

caldo verde 198

camouflet 350, 359

caldron 153

camp 433

calendering 52

campaign furniture 210

campanella 386

capillaries 228

campan griotte 62

capital 24

campanile 24

capitalism 411, 610-611

camphor 334

capital offense 304

camphor glass 89

capitate 266

camshaft 568

capitulate 611

can 526

capnograph 325

Canadian stroke 514

capnomancy 315

canalize 350

capo 387

canape 175, 204

caponata 195

canard a la presse 186

capote 72

canary 398

cappa clausa 64

canary diamond 148

cappa nigra 64

cancan 425

cappuccino 181

cancer antigen 125 329

Capri 95

candle magick 315

capricious 611

Candlemas 315

caprile 38

candlepins 508

capriole 10

candor 610

capsicum 334

candy cane 556

capstan 589

cane 129,207

capsule 129

cane pole 517

captain 358, 359

canine 9

captain's chair 204

canine teeth 268

captive bead ring 89

caning 204

captive firing 359

canions 68

capture 594

canister 50

capuchon 64

canker 133

caputium 65

canned 446

car 578

canned copy 416

carabiner 534

cannele 186

caracalla cut 226

cannelloni 191

caraco 70

cannetille 89

caracole 10

cannoli 190

caramel 181

cannon 10, 500, 552

caramelize 183

cannonball 548

caramel malt 176

cannula 325

carapace 15

can of worms 610

carat 89, 149, 565

canon 304, 389,462

carbine 599

canonical hours 462

carbines 600

canonize 462

carbohydrate 219

Canopus 591, 594

carbo load 555

canopy 157

carbon 14 134, 484

canopy bed 203

carbon-14 dating 472

cant 295, 404

carbonaceous 149

cantata 381

carbonado 149, 183

canter 10, 552

carbonara 196

canterbury 203

carbonate 134

canthoplasty 338

carbon dating 484

canticle 389, 462

carbon dioxide 236

cantilever 24, 28

Carboniferous period 134

cantillation 389

carbon spot 89

cantle 10

carbony 181

cantor 389, 469

carbuncle 89, 268

cantoria 46

carburetor 568

canvas 58, 80, 511

carburetor barrel 568

canvass 404

carcenet 67

canyon 121

carcinogen 213

cap 50, 526

carcinogenic 611

capa 64

carcinoma 213

capacitance 114

carcinoma in situ 213

capacitor 114

carcinomatosis 213

cape 119

carcinosarcoma 213

Cape Cod 36

car coat 76

capeleion 38

card 59, 101, 433, 544, 552

capework 513

card-carrying 404

Capgras syndrome 249

cardiac 228

capilla mayor 44

cardiac arrest 228

cardiac catheter 325

cast 10, 134, 433, 446, 534

cardiac catheterization


castanets 386

cardigan 72, 77, 98

caste 273

cardinal 70, 462

castellated 29

cardiograph 325

castellum 29

cardiology 228

caster 568

cardioneurosis 249

caste system 15

cardiopulmonary resuscitation

casting 433, 526

228, 329

casting couch 433

card table 212

casting director 433, 446

care 304

casting file 446

cargo 95

casting of lots 319

cargo bay 594

casting reel 517

cargo carrier 350

castles in the air/in Spain 611

cargo hatch 589

cast off 430, 582

cargo net 589

castor 207

cargo port 589

castor oil 334

caricature 52, 611

castrato 389

caries 268

casual water 526

carillon 386

cat 365

Carnaby 84

catachresis 295

carnage 611

cataclysm 159

carnal 611

catacomb 48

carnelian 149

catacumba 46

carnificina 38

catadrome 38

carnivore 5

catafalque 48, 395

carnivorous 611

catagan 72

carnotaurus 5

catalog 101, 472

carol 389

catalysis 477

carotid artery 228

catalyst 477, 611

carottes a la flamande


catalytic attack 350

carpal 266

catalytic converter 568

carpal tunnel syndrome 101

catamaran 582

carpenter 586

catamite 264

carpenter Gothic 36

cataphasia 249

Carrara 62

catapult 29, 365

carrel 46

cataract 146, 221

carriage 235

catastrophism 481

carrot cake 188

catatonic 249

carry 520, 526, 548

Catawba 200

carry the target 552

catbird seat 611

carte blanche 611

catch-22 611

carte de vins 186

catch and release 517

carte du jour 186

catchfools 295

cartel 413, 611

catching air 542

Cartesian coordinates


catching glove 532

cartibulum 38

catchpole 600-601

cartilage 266

catch step 429

cartomancy 315

catch tanks 496

cartridge 101, 599

catechism 462

cartwheel 74

catecholamine 233

carve 538, 542, 557

catena 488

Carver chair 204

catenaccio 544

caryatid 24, 207

caterwaul 4

case furniture 203

catgut 325

case officer 355

catharsis 249, 611

case sensitive 107

cathartic 335

cash cow 168

cathedral 46

cash crops 392

cathedral beard 223

cashmere 80, 98

catheter 325

casing 33

catheterization 228, 338

casket 395

cathode-ray tube 101, 114

casket veil 395

catholicon 335

casque 65

cation 477

Cassandra 454, 611

catkin 127

Cassini 591

catnip 4

cassock 65

cats and dogs 168

cassoulet 192

CAT scanner 325

cat's eye 149

cenatio 38

chagrin 612

chaplet 90

catslide 24

cendal 65

chahr bagh 43

chapon 186

catslide house 36

cenotaph 48

chai 199

chaps 95

cat's paw 161, 563

censer 315

chain 89, 565

character actor 433

cattle call 446

censuarius 32

chain break 446

charade 293

catus 4

Centaur 458

chaine 429

Charadriiformes 2

catwalk 446

centaur 454

chain letter 107

Charbray 18

Caucasoid 472

center 520, 532

chain loafer 86

charbroil 183

caucus 404, 611

center back 544

chain mail 65

charcoal 58, 477