Выбрать главу

caudipteryx zoui 5

centerboard 582

chain reaction 477, 484

charcoal paper 58

caught leaning 500

center circle 504, 544

chain wrench 566

charge 462, 532, 544

caught looking 500

centerfire cartridge 599

chaise 579

charge d'affaires 413

caul 67, 215

center forward 544

chaise longue 205

charging 504, 532

cauldron 315

center halfback 544

chakra 315

charging system 568

cauliflorous 157

center ice 532

chakras 467, 560

charientism 295

cauliflower ear 220, 511

centerline 549

chalcedony 149

charisma 612

cauliflower wig 226

centerline approach system 579

chaldean 315

Charismatics 462

caulking 33

centerline lights 579

chalice 315

charitable word 293

caupona 38

centers 430

chalk 149, 500

charlatan 612

causa mortis 311

center stone 89

chalk horse 552

Charleston 425

cause celebre 611

Central Intelligence Agency 355

chalking 52

charlotte 190

causerie 295

central nervous system 241

chalk player 552

charm 2, 90, 484

caustic 611

centrifuge 325, 562

challah 178

charm bracelet 90

cauterization 338

centrist 404

challis 80

charmoula 196

cautery 325

centry-garth 48

chamber 404, 599

charm ring 90

caution 544

century plant 124

chamberlain 29

Charolais 18

cautionary tale 611

cephalic disproportion 215

chamber music 381

Charon 454

cavaedium 38

cephalic presentation 215

chamber orchestra 381

charter 32

cavalier 611

cephalothorax 15

chambray 80

chart house 589

cavalry twill 80

cephalotrypesis 338

chameleon 612

Chartreuse 194

cave 200

Cepheus 454

chamois 80

Charybdis 454

cavea 38

cephid variable 488

champagne 200

chase crew 577

cave art 472

ceramic 472

champagne diamond 149

chashitsu 41

caveat 304, 611

ceramics 52

champagne glass 177

chasing 52, 90

caveat emptor 304, 611

ceratopsian 5

champignons au gratin 186

chasse 427

cave pearl 121

ceraunoscopy 315

champion 612

chasseur sauce 196

caver 121

Cerberus 454, 458

chancel 46

chassis 58, 568

cavesson 10

cerclage 215

chancel arch 46

chaste 612

caviar 175

cercus 15

chancellery 413

chastise 612

cavitation 368, 557

cereal grains 392

chancellor 413

chastity 262

Cavitron 325

cerealogist 315

chancel screen 46

chasuble 65

cay 119

cerebellum 241

chandelier earrings 89

chat 107

cayuse 10

cerebral 612

chandelle 574

chateau 29, 36, 200

CD-ROM 101

cerebral cortex 241

chandlery 29

chateau potatoes 186

cecum 246

cerebral thrombosis 228

Chandra 591

chatelaine 29, 70, 90

cedez 377

cerebrospinal fluid 241

change of engagement 516

chatelet 29

ceding a parry 516

cerebrovascular accident 228

change on the fly 532, 544

chaton 90

ceiling 122, 574, 577

cerebrum 241

changeover 549, 555

chatoyancy 149

ceiling ball 535

cereus 124

changeover cue 433

chat room 107

ceiling pocket 121

ceromancy 315

change-up 500

chattel 312

ceiling serve 536

certifiable disease 330

changing bag 59

chatter 542

celebrant 462

certification 89

chaniwa 129

chattering 2

celesta 376

cerumen 220

channel 119, 146

chatya 46

celibacy 262, 462

cervical os 215

channeling 207, 315

chausses 65

celibate 262, 611-612

cervix 215

channel inlay 90

chausson 186

celiotomy 338

cesarean section 215

chant 389

chauvinism 273, 612

cell 355, 433

cesspit 29

ch'an t'ang 41

chavada 42

cellar 500

c'est la vie 612

chantilly 191

cheat 506

cellarer 32

cestus 63

chanting 315

check 80

cellarette 212

cetacean 22

chap and lie 515

checkerwork 24

cello 387

cetology 22

Chaparral 350

checking 52

celluloid 89

cetus 458

chaparral 157

check swing 500

Celsius 142

Ceylon 199

chapati 178

cheek 525

Celtic cross 46

cf. 423

chapbook 419

cheek straps 10

Celtic jewelry 89

Chablis 200

chapel 46

cheerful robots 273

Celtic revival 89

cha-cha 425

chapel de fer 65

cheese 500

cementum 268

chaff 127, 354

chapel royal 46

cheesecake 188, 508

cemetery beacon 48

chafing gear 589

chaplain 29, 462

cheese souffle 192

chef de cuisine 186

chimera 5, 458, 612

chela 467

chimichanga 192

chelation 477

chimney 121, 534

chemical mine 351

china doll 224

chemical weathering 149

chinchilla 4

chemise 67, 70, 77

chin-clout 67

chemise robe 72

Chinese 86

chemisette 72

Chinese wood block 386

chemist 477

chinking 43

chemoluminescence 477

chino 80

chemonucleolysis 338

chinoiserie 207

chemotherapy 213, 338

chinook 161

chen ch'uan 41

chinos 95

chenille 80

chintz 80

cheongsam 78

chip 101, 114, 544, 549

cheri-suisse 194

chipaneca 425

cherry 262, 508, 568

chip carving 207

cherry marnier 194

chiphead 101

cherry picker 446

Chippendale 210

cherry rocher 194

chipping iron 526

chert 149, 472

chippy 532

cherubim 462

chip shot 526

Chesterfield 205

chiromancer 316

chesterfield 72, 76

Chiron 454

Chester white 19

chisel brush 58

chest lift 429

chit 467

chestnut 14, 295

chitarrone 387

chest on chest 203

chitin 15

chest trap 544

chiton 63

chest voice 389

chitoniscus 63

cheval de bataille 295

chiuso 378

chevet 46

chlamys 63

cheville 295

chloasma 215, 268

Cheviot 20

chlorofluorocarbon 118

chevron 226

chloroform 335

chewy 200

chlorophyll 127

Cheyne-Stokes breathing 236,

chlorosis 157


chock 582

chi 315, 324

chockstone 535

Chianina 18

choclair 194

Chianti 200

chococo 194

ch'iao 41

chocolate chip 189

chiaroscuro 52

chocolate mousse 190

chicane 496

Choctaw 539

chicanery 612

choir 46

chicken a la king 192

choir loft 46

chicken cacciatore 192

choir stall 46

chicken cordon bleu 192

choke 500, 526, 568, 599

chicken divan 192

chokepoint 355

chicken-fight 520

choker 77, 90

chicken Kiev 192

choke up on the bat 500

chicken Marengo 192

cholecystectomy 338

chicken Marsala 192

cholecystogastronomy 338

chicken of the sea 368

choledocholithotomy 338

chicken tetrazzini 192

cholesterol 219, 228

chicken wing 559

cholla 124

Chicxulub 5

chondrofibroma 213

chief justice 304

chondroglossus 237