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cock-a-leekie 198

colic 235

clean the bases 500

closed stance 526

cockers 65

colitis 219

cleanup position 500

closed universe 488

cockpit 574, 582, 587

collage 52

clear 532, 544

close-hauled 557, 582

cockpit voice recorder 574

collagen 268

clearance 574

Close-In Weapon System 365

cockswain 586

collar 398, 526

clearance diving 365

closely held 168

cocktail dress 78

collar beam 24, 33

clear and convincing 304

close quarters 587

cocktail glass 177

collateral circulation 228

clear channel station 440

closer 500

cocktail ring 90

colle 427

clear coat 568

close reach 557

coco macaque 316

collect 463

clearcut 157

closure 249, 338

cocoon 20, 76

collecting 544

clear datum 368

clothes 552

cocoon cutter 20

collection 355

clear title 312

clothesline 500, 520

cocoribe 194

collective 411

clearway 579

cloth extensions 541

cocotini 179

collective hallucination 316

cleat 557, 582

cloth sail 50

coda 381

collective pitch lever 578

cleats 520, 589

clotted cream 183

coddle 183, 235

collectivism 411

cleavage 52, 477

cloture 404

codec 108

College of Cardinals 463

cledonomancy 316

cloud 90

codeine 335

Colles fracture 267

cleek 526

cloud forest 157

codependency 249

collider 485

clef 381

cloud on title 312

codex 472

Collins glass 177

colloid 477 colloquial 296 colloquialism 296 colloquy 296 collusion 304, 613 colobium 65 colon 219, 246 colonel 358 colonial 36, 49, 210 colonialism 411 colonial revival 210 colonnade 24 colonoscopy 330 colony 2, 15 colophon 419 color 90, 485 color bar 446 color blindness 221 color cards 433 color commentator 520 colored story 416 colorist 52 colorization 433 colors 552

color transparencies 60 colossal 61 colosseum 38 colostomy 338 colostrum 215 colpo 381 colposcope 325 colt 11

columbarium 395 Columbia 20 Columbiformes 2 columella 245 column 24, 121 Columna Maenia 38 .com 108 coma 479 comb 2 combat 85

combat engineer vehicle 351 combination 511 combination wrench 566 combine 392 combustion chamber 568 come about 582 comeback 520 come in 447 comet 488 Comex 168 comma chaser 416 command 101

command destruct signal 359 commander 359 comme ci, comme ga 613 commercial artist 52 commercial fiction 419 commercial fisherman 517 comminuted fracture 267 commiserate 613 commissary 433 commissioner 398 commode 70, 204 commodities 168 commodity 392 commodo 377 common ancestor 481 common bond 33 common law 304, 411 common-law marriage 305 common name 129 common sails 50 common stock 168 commonwealth 411 commoratio 296 communal reinforcement 316 communication deception 355 communique 296 communism 411 communist economy 404 community property 312 comorbidity 249 compact 568 compaction 134, 392 compage melange vert 62 companion planting 129 companionway 582, 589 company 587 compartmenting 355-356 compass 58, 389 compass saw 564 compass turn 429 compatibles 101 compel 613 compendium 296 compensation 249 compitum 38 complacent 613 completion 520 complex 200 complicity 613 compluvium 38 composite 437 composite drawing 398 Composite order 24 composite suite 90 composite volcano 159 composition 381 compost 129, 392 compound 477 compound attack 516 compound eye 15, 20 compound fracture 267 compound helicopter 578 compounding a felony 305 compression 101, 108, 134 compression turn 539 compression waves 159 comprobatio 296 compromised 356 compsognathus 5 compulsion 249, 613 compulsive personality 249 compulsory 530, 613 compunction 613 computer enhancement 60 computerese 101 computer forensics 101, 398 computerized axial tomography


con alcuna licenza 379 concasse 186 concealment device 356 conceit 613 concentrated fire 365 concentration 477 concentrator 50 concert grand 376 concertina 376 concertmaster 381 concerto 381 concert pitch 381 conch 90 concha 266 conch piercing 90 conciliatory 613 concise 613 conclave 463 conclavium 38 Concord 579 concours 52 concourse 24 concretion 134 concupiscence 463 concur 613 concussion 241 condensation 142, 145, 477 condensation cloud 359 condensation funnel 161 condenser 562 conder 586 condescend 613 conditioned insomnia 270 conditioner 509 conditorium 38 condom 262 condone 613 Condor 361 conducive 613 conduct disorder 249 conductive deafness 220 conductor 114, 477 conduit 33, 121, 159 cones 221 conestoga 579 confabulation 249, 316 confession 463 confessional 46 confessor 463 confirmation 463 conflagration 395 conformation 11 conformation fault 11 conformity 250, 273 confusion agent 356 conga 425 congenial 613 congenital 215, 613 congenital heart defect 228 congestion 108 congestive heart failure 228 congestus 123 conglomerate 149 congress 404 Congressional Record 404 congressman/congresswoman

404 conifer 157 conjecture 305, 613 conjugation 285 conjunction 285, 489 conjunctiva 221

conjunctivitis 221 conjure 316 conk 157 conn 365

connecting rod 568 Connemara 13 Conner prairie 19 conning tower 368 connive 613 connoisseur 613 connotation 296 consecrate 316, 463, 613 consensual validation 250 consensus 614

consensus gentium fallacy 296 conservation of energy and

mass 489 conservatism 411 conservative 404, 614 conservator 312 conservatory 129, 381 consideration 302 consistory 463 con slancio 378 console 24, 207 console table 24, 212 consomme 186, 198 consonance 250, 381 consonant 292 con sordino 379 consort 381 conspicuous 614 conspiracy 305, 614 constellation 489 constituency 404 constituent 404 constitution 411 Constitution, U.S. 411 constitutional government 411 constrictor of pharynx 237 constructio ad sensum 296 consul 404, 413 consulate 404, 413 consul general 413 consummate 614 consummation 262 contact dermatitis 268 contacted ball 556 contact mine 351 contamination 359 contemporary 210 contempt of court 305 contentious 614 contentjacking 108 continental 95 continental drift 134, 159 continental grip 549 continental shelf 134, 153 contingent 614 continuity 433 continuous illumination fire 351

contour farming 392 contour feathers 2 contraction 215, 285, 296, 429 contracture 240 contrails 123 contralto 389

contrapposto 61

corbeled roof 43

corrugator 237

coupler 596

contrarian 168

corbeling 25

corruption 296

courier 356

contredanse 425

corbie steps 25

corrupt text 463

Courreges 87

contre jour 60

cordage 43, 582, 589

Corsair II 343

course 25, 33, 387, 582

contrite 614

cor de chasse 391

corset 70

course rating 526

contrition 463

corded 80

cortege 395

court-bouillon 198

contrived 614

cordial glass 177

cortex 241

courtesy line 60

controlled effects nuclear

cordial medoc 194

cortisol 233

courtesy turn 430

weapons 359

cordillera 144

cortisone 335

couvade 215

controlling interest 168

cordocentesis 215

cortisone injection 335

cove 119

control room 368, 447

cordon 129

corundum 149

cove ceiling 25

control tower 579

cordonazo 162

corymb 127

coven 316

contumacy 305

Cordon Bleu 186

coryphee 427

covenant 302, 312, 413, 463,

contusion 330

corduroy 80, 542

cosmati 25


conundrum 296, 614

core 135, 472

cosmetology 395

covenantee 302, 312

convection 142

coreometer 325

cosmic microwave background

covenantor 302, 312

convent 46

Corinthian 38


covener 316

convention 273, 413

Corinthian order 25

cosmic ray 489

covenstead 316

convergence 481

Coriolis effect 153

cosmic rays 485