cover 356
convergent evolution 472
Coriolis force 162
cosmic tree 43
coverage 434
conversion 250, 520
corked bat 500
cosmic year 489
cover crop 129, 392
conversion reaction 250
corkscrew curls 224
cosmogony 489
covered position 516
convert 509
corkscrew turn 429
cosmological principle 489
covered wagon 579
convert a corner 544
corm 127
cosmology 489
cover set 434
convert a penalty 544
corn 145, 268, 539
cosmonaut 592
cover shot 447
convertible 568
corn bread 178
cosmopolitan 179
cover stop 356
convivial 614
corncrib 392
cossack 74, 426, 431
covert 157, 614
convocation 2, 463
corn dodger 178
cossacks 72
covert operation 356
convolution 241
corn dog 192
costome 325
covey 2
convoy 365
cornea 221
costume jewelry 90
cowbell 386
coo 235
corner 520, 544
costume supervisor 434
cowboy 85, 96
cookie 108
cornerback 520
Cotard's syndrome 250
cowen 316
cooky 365
corner blitz 520
cote 65
cow-hocked 11
coolant 568
cornering the market 168
cote-hardie 65
cowl 77
cool colors 52
corner kick 544
Cotswold 20
cowl hood 77
cooler 177
cornerman 511
cottage 210
cowling 574
coolie 74, 76
corner shot 546-547
cottage garden 129
cowl-neck 98
cooling system 568
cornerstone 25, 614
cotter 32
cow path 392
cool out 440
cornet 69, 191, 391
cotton-eyed Joe 426
Cowper's glands 246
coop 395
cornette 72
couch 205
cowpunk 84
cope 65
cornice 25, 144, 207, 535, 539
couche 178
cowrie shell 90
Copernicus 483
cornish pasty 192
coudieres 65
coxa 266
coperto 378
corn pone 178
cough button 440
coy 614
Cope's rule 6
cornrows 224
coule 516
crabbing 541, 582
coping 25
cornstarch 196
coulis 196
crabs 262
coping saw 564
cornucopia 207
couloir 144, 535
crab shot 447
copious 614
corolla 127
count 509
crack 398
copotain 67
corona 493
countercharm 316
crackdown 398
Copper Age 472
coronal holes 493
counterculture 273
cracker 101, 108
coprolalia 250
coronal mass ejection 493
counterdeception 356
cracking 101, 108
coprolite 6, 135, 472
coronary angioplasty 330
counterespionage 356
crackle 52
coprophagia 250
coronary arteries 228
counterflashing 33
cracowes 65
coprophilia 250, 265
coronary artery disease 228
counterguerrilla warfare 351
cradle 235, 582, 589
copse 157
coronary bypass surgery 228
counterintelligence 356
cradle cap 235, 269
Coptic Church 463
coronary occlusion 228
countermining 351
Craft, the 316
copulation 262
coroner 395, 398
counterpoint 381
craft beer 176
copy 416
coronet 11
countersabotage 356
craft service 434
copyboy/copygirl 416
Corot 592
counterspell 316
crag 144
copyediting 419
corps-a-corps 516
countersubversion 356
crampon 535
copy editor 416
corpus callosum 241
countertraction 267
cramp roll 431
copyright 419
corpuscles 232
counter wrestling 559
crane 447
coq au vin 192
corpus delecti 305, 398
country rock 149
crane grip 447
coq au vin rouge 186
correction 168
coup 614
crane shot 434
coquillage 207
correspondent 416
coup d'etat 404, 614
craniotomy 338
coquille 186
Corriedale 20
coup double 516
cranium 241, 266
coquilles St. Jacques 175
corroborate 614
coupe 568
crank 509
coracobrachial 237
corrosive fingerprint technique
coupe 429, 516
crank bait 517
corbel 25, 29, 33
coupee 427
crankcase 569
cranking 569
crest 6, 9, 11, 119, 495
crankshaft 569
Cretaceous period 6
crankshaft pulley 569
crevasse 139, 535
crash 101, 169
crew chief 496
crashing the boards 504
crew cut 224
crash locator beacon 343
crew egress 594
crash mat 530
crew ingress 594
crass 614
crew-neck 98
crater 159, 483, 542
cribbed logs 43
craterlet 483
cribbled 52
craton 135
cricothyroid 237
cravat 70, 72
crime against nature 265
craw 2
crime lab 398
crawl 121, 434, 447
crime of passion 305
crawler 108
crime scene staging 398
crawlers 95
criminalist 398
crawlerway 594
criminal negligence 308
Cray 101
criminology 398
crayon 58
cringle 582
crazy bag 511
crinoline 72, 97
cream ale 176
Criollo 13
cream puff 191
crippler air 542
crease 532, 544
cripple stud 33
creatine 507
crisscross 430
creationism 481-482
critical altitude 343, 359
credence 46, 614
critical intelligence 356
credenza 212
critical mass 359, 485, 614
credit default swap 169
critical speed 575
credits 434, 447
crocket 25
creek 146
crocking 129
creel 518
crocodile tear syndrome 221
creep 135
croft 32, 392
creeper 129, 447, 509, 569
Crohn's disease 219
creeping mine 365
croise 516
crema 181
croissant 178
cremains 395
Cro-Magnon man 472
cremaster 20, 237
crone 316
cremation 395
Cronus 454
crematory 48, 395
cronyism 404
creme brulee 190
crook 391
creme chantilly 186
croon 389
creme d'amande 194
crop 9, 11, 60
creme de cacao 194
crop circle 316
creme de cassis 194
crop dusting 392
creme de cerise 194
cropped top 99
creme de fraises 195
croquembouche 190
creme de la creme 614
croquette 192
creme de menthe 195
cross 511
creme de noyaux 195
crossbow 495
creme de rose 195
crossbowmen 30
cremello 14
crossbreed 16
creme vichyssoise 186
crossbuck 596
crenel 30
cross-check 532
creole 183, 296
cross-country 555
Creole townhouse 36
crosscourt serve 556
creosote bush 124
crosscourt shot 547, 549
crepe 80
crosscut saw 564
crepe 186, 190
crosscutting 437
crepe-backed satin 82
cross-dating 472
crepes suzette 190
crossdeck pendant 365
crepida 63
cross-examination 305
crepido 38
crossface 559
crepitation 267
crossfoot spin 539
crepuscular 20
cross grip 530
crescendo 377, 614
crosslighting 434
crescent 386
crossline 423
Crescent wrench 566
cross pass 544
crespine 65
cross pattern 520
cross pollination 129
cub 416
cross rhythm 381
Cuban link chain 91
cross seas 153, 557
cubiculum 38, 48
cross slice 549
cubic zirconia 91
cross the Rubicon 614
cubism 52
cross tree 589
cubit 43, 565
cross trees 50
cuboid 266
crosswind 575