Выбрать главу

cuckold 262

crostini 178

cucullus 63

crotch 536

cud 16

crotch shot 536

cuddy 587, 589

crouchway 121

cue burn 440

croup 11, 552

cue card 447

croupe 530

cue light 447

croustade 186

cue line 447

croute au pot 187

cuero 458

croutons 178

cue sheet 447

crow 235, 596

cue up 440

crowde 46

cuff 85

crown 90, 157

cuff bracelet 91

crowning 215

cuff link 91

crownpiece 11

cuirass 63, 65

crown wheel 50

cuir-bouilli 65

crow's foot wrench 566

cuissards 65

crow's nest 589

culdoscope 325

crucible 562

culina 39

crucifixion 602

Culinan diamond 149

cruciform 46

cull 17

crudites 175

culmination 489

cruel and unusual punishment

culottes 95, 97


cultivar 130

cruise 538, 542, 592

cultivate 130, 392

cruise control 569

cultivation 356

cruise missile 360, 361

cultivator 393

cruiserweight 511

cult of personality 404

cruising level 343

culture 330, 351

cruller 191

cultured pearl 91

crumb 178

culture shock 250, 273

crumhorn 391

cum 262

crumpet 178

Cumberland sauce 196

crunch 102, 507

cummerbund 72

crusade 416

cumuliform 123

crush depth 368

cumulonimbus 123

crusher 74

cumulus 123

crust 135, 539

cuneiform 266, 472

crutching 16

cunnilingus 262

crwth 387

cup 527

cryogenics 338

cupcake 188

cryoprobe 325

cupola 25, 44, 525

cryosurgery 338

cuppy 552

cryothalectomy 338

cup turning 207

crypt 46, 48, 395

Curasao 195

crypta 38

curate 472

cryptanalysis 356

curator 472

cryptic 614

curet 325

cryptic coloration 15

curettage 338

cryptography 108

curia 32

cryptology 356

curie 485

cryptonym 356

curlicue 226, 430

cryptozoology 316

curling stone 515

crystal 90, 316

current 114

crystal ball 316, 354

curricle 580

crystalline 91

currycomb 11

crystallize 91, 149

curry favor 615

crystalomancy 316

curse 317

crystal power 316

cursor 102

C-story 157

cursory 615

cuadrilla 513

curt 615

curtail 25

cynical 615

curtailment 293

cynology 9

curtain of fire 159

cynophobia 9

curtain side airbags 569

cystadenoma 213

curtain wall 30, 33

cystectomy 338

curvature of space 489

cystic fibrosis 236

curve 509

cystoscope 325

curveball 500

cytoanalyzer 325

curve of pursuit 343

cytometer 326

cusp 268, 483

cytotoxin 335

cusps 119

cyzicene 39

custom 273

customer ship 365


custom harvester 393


cut 91, 516, 520

D 504

cutaneous 269

da capo 377

cutaway 437

dacha 44

cutback 547

dacite 149, 159

cut ball 500

dacquoise 188

cut beads 91

Dacron 578

cut down the angle 532, 544

dactylography 398

cut glass 91

dactylomancy 317

cuticle 269

Dada 53

cut-in speed 50

Daedalus 454

cutlass 601

daffy 539

cutline 423

daggerboard 557, 582

cut man 511

dagger moth 20

cutoff destroy 343

dagger striper 58

cut of his jib 587

dagges 65

cutout 78

daikoku-bashira 41

cut shot 527

dailies 434

cutter 365

daily double 552

cut the Gordian knot 615

daiquiri 179

cutthroat 536

dais 25, 30

cutting 130

daisy chain 262

cutting edge 615

daisy clipper/daisy cutter 500

cutting horse 11

daith piercing 91

cut to 434

dakota 442

cutworm 133

Dalai Lama 460

cyanosis 228, 232

Dale 13

cyberbullying 250

dale 158

cybercafe 108

dalmatic 65

cybercrime 108

dalton 485

cyberfraud 108

dam 4, 9, 11, 17

cybernaut 108

damages 305

cybernetics 116

damascene 61

cyberphobe 102

damask 65, 67, 80

cyberpunk 102, 419

damnum absque injuria 305

cybersex 108, 262

dampening 542

cyberspace 108

damper 376

cybersquatting 108

damper pedal 376

cyberstalking 108

damping off 133

cyberterrorism 108

dan 365

cyborg 116

Danae 454

cycad 6

dan buoy 365

cyclical stock 169

dance 511

cyclic model 489

dance skirt 97

cyclic pitch stick 578

dancing grounds 2

cyclone 162

dandle 235

Cyclops 458

dandy 84, 96

cyclorama 447

danger close 351

cyclotron 485

dangle operation 356

cygnet 2

dangler 285, 296

cylinder 569, 599

Danish 191

cylinder head 569

dan runner 365

cymbal(s) 386

danseur 427, 428

cyme 127

Daphne 454

cynanthropy 317

dappled 14

Darjeeling 199

debacle 615

dark 552

debarkation 365

dark-dependent seeds 130

debilitate 615

dark horse 404, 552, 615

debitage 472

dark house 442

debonair 615

dark matter 489

Debouillet 20

darknet 108

debriefing 351

dark roast 181

debris avalanche 159

dart 343

debris cloud 123

Dartmoor 13

debt instrument 169

Darwinism 472, 482

debug 102

Darwin's tubercle 220

decadent 615

dash 20

decaf 181

dashiki 78

decaffeinated 181

database 102

decant 201

data communication 102

decapitable sentence 296

data-driven attack 113

decastyle 25

date cookie 189

decathlon 555

date file 416

decay 360, 485, 592

dateline 416

deceased 395

date rape 265

decibel 381, 565

datum 365, 368

deciduous 157

daube 198

deciduous teeth 268

dauntless 615

decision 511

davenport 203, 205, 212

deck 97, 509, 538, 594

Davis Cup 549

deck ape 365

davit 589

deck chair 205

Davy Crockett 74

deck hand 586

day 25

deck officer 586

day air defense fighter 343

deck pants 95

day for night 447

declassify 356

day-for-night photography 437

declination 489

day order 169

decline a penalty 520

D-day 351

decompensation 250

dead 527, 549

decompensation reaction 477

dead ahead 582

decompress 537

dead air 440

decompression 537

dead axle 569

decompression tables 537

dead ball 536

decongestant 335

deadblow hammer 563

decontamination station 351

dead door 587

decorum 615

dead drop 356

decoupage 53

dead-end bay 596

decoy 351,534

deadfall 157, 518

decoy ship 365

deadhead 130, 423

decrescendo 377

dead heat 552

decriminalization 305

deadlift 507

decrypt 356

deadlight 25, 589

decryption 108, 447

deadline 416

dedentition 268

dead link 108

dedication 419

dead metaphor 296

deep 153, 552

dead pack 442

deep-fry 183

dead reckoning 575, 582