dormie 527
diminuendo 377
disk flower 127
doctor 501
dorsal fin 22
diminution 381
disk harrow 393
docudrama 434
Dorset 20
dimorphism 15
disk jockey 440
dodo 509
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
dimples 527
dismount 530
dog 169,442
dim sum 175
disorganized 399
dog collar 91
dos-a-dos 205
dim the house 442
disparage 617
dogged 617
dose 485
dingo 9
disparity 617
dogging 496
dosi around 430
dining car 596
dispensation 463
doggy style 262
do-si-do 430
dink 556
dispenser 343
dogleg 527
dosimeter 485
dinner 78
displacement 251
dogma 617
dosimetry 330, 360
dinner jacket 87
disposition 396
dogmatic 617
dot matrix printer 102
dinner theater 442
disqualify 552
dog's ear 77
dotted note 381
diocese 463
disseminate 617
dog watch 587
double 509
diode 114
dissension 617
dolce 377
double-action 599
Diomedes 454
dissertation 296, 617
doldrums 153, 162, 582
double agent 356
Dione 454
dissident 405, 617
dolente 377
double axel 538
Dionysus 454
dissipate 617
dollar-cost averaging 169
double bass 387
dioptometer 326
dissociation 251
doll hop 432
double blind 251
diorama 53
dissolve 437, 447
doll-out 447
double-blind test 617
diplax 63
dissonance 251, 381
dolly 437
double block 556
diplodocid 6
dissuade 617
dolly grip 447
double bogey 527
diplomacy 405, 413, 616-617
distance learning 108
dolly-in 447
double canon 389
diplomat 405, 413
distemper 9
dolly shot 437, 447
double cast 442
diplomatic authorization 343
distill 478
dolly tracks 447
double clutching 569
diplomatic corps 405, 413
distractability 251
Dolly Varden dress 72
double damages 305
diplomatic cover 356
distraint 32
dolma 175
double digging 130
diplomatic immunity 405, 413
distressed 207
dolman 98
double dribble 504
diplopia 221
distributor 569
dolmen 473
double eagle 527
dipstick 569
distributor cap 569
dolomite 149
double elephant folio 422
direct carving 61
district attorney 305
dolphin kick 538
double entendre 296, 617-618
direct free kick 544
district superintendent 463
domain 108
double exposure 60
Directoire 210
distyle 25
Domain Name System 108
double fault 549
director 434
ditching 343
dome 121, 135, 144, 159
double flyaway 530
director's chair 205
ditty bag 366
domed 91
double fugue 382
director's cut 434
diuretic 330, 335
Dome of the Rock 468
double-handed 381
direct to video 434
diurnal 20
domepit 121
double-handed grab 542
direct writing 317
divan 205
domes 483
double hit 549
dirigible 577, 578
dive 556, 575
domestic affairs 405
double image 53
dirndl 78, 95, 97
diver down flag 537
domesticate 393
double jeopardy 305
dirty 416
diverticulitis 219
dominance 251, 262
double knit 81
dirty bomb 360
divertissement 428
dominatrix 262
double monastery 46
disadvantage position 559
divest 617
domino theory 413
double-muscled 17
disaffected 617
divestiture 305
Dom Perignon 201
double negative 285, 296
disarming 617
dive through 430
donjon 30
double open-twist turning 207
disarticulated skeleton 6
divide and rule 405
donkey kick 558
double-overhead-cam engine
disbar 305
dividend 169
donut 501, 536
disbud 17
divination 317
Doomsday Clock 360
double pinochle 509
disc brake 569
divine fallacy 317
door badge 396
double play 501
discerning 617
divine office 463
door list 442
double reed 391
disclaimer 617
diving well 515
doors 589
double reverse 520
disconcerted 617
divining rod 317
doorsill 33
doubles 536, 547, 549
discord 381, 617
divinity 463
dope sheet 552
doublespeak 296
discovery shot 447
divinyl ether 338
doping 114, 501, 520, 555
double standard 273, 618
discreet 617
division 351
doppelbock 176
doublet 65, 67, 69, 91
discrimination 273
divot 527
doppelganger 317
double team 504
discus 555
Dixie chain 430
doppio 181
double up 511
disdain 617
Dixieland 381
doppio movimento 377
double wood 509
disengage 516
DJcopy 440
Doppler effect 489
doughball 518
doughnut 191
dredge 183
dry beer 176
Duroc 19
Douglass sea and swell scale
drench 552
dry block 447
dust cover 422
dress 61
dry dock 589
dust devil 162
doula 216
dressage 11
dry eye syndrome 221
Duster 351
dour 618
dress a stage 442
dry farming 393
duster 72, 76
dove 405
dresser 204, 434, 442
dry fly 518
dust tail 479
dovetail 207
dress extra 442, 447
drypoint 53
dust well 139
dovetail saw 564
dressing 335
dry roast 183
Dutch 200 509
dowel 207
dressing room 447
dry suit 558
Dutch angle 438
Dow-Jones industrial average
dress plot 447
drywall 33
Dutch belted 19
dress-room list 442
D-story 157
Dutch boy 74
down 2, 102, 108, 520, 527
dress shirt 96
dual agent 356
Dutch breeches 69
downbeat 381
dress the lane 509
dual carbs 569
Dutch colonial 36, 49
downdraft 145
dribble 505, 544
dub 434, 447, 527
Dutch door 25
downhaul 582
dribbler 501
dubious 618
Dutch draught 13
downlink 592, 595
drift 139, 149, 495, 496, 599
duchess 183, 205
Dutch elm disease 157
download 102, 108
drifter 582
duchesse satin 82
Dutch roll 575
downshift 569
drift ice 139
duck 343, 521
duty to retreat 310
downstage 442
drifting mine 366
duck a l'orange 192
duxelles 187
down the alley 501
drill 393
duckbill choke 599
dvoine 44
down-the-line pass 536
drill core 135
duck-billed dinosaur 6
dwarf 130, 458
down-the-line shot 549
drip 25
duckcloth 80
dwarf dud 360
down-the-T shot 549
drip cap 33
ducker 447
dwell 552
downtown 501, 504
drip irrigation 130
duckfoot 542
dyed-in-the-wool 405, 618
downtrain 597
dripstone 121
duck hook 527
dyke 265
downward dog 560
drive 521, 527, 547, 549
ducking 587
dynamation 438
downy 127
driver 527, 597
duckpin 509
dynamic 618
dowser 317
drive serve 536
duck sauce 196
dynamic accent 379
dowsing 317
driveshaft 569
duck tack 558
dynamics 381
dozuki 564
drive system 116
ducktail 223, 224