Выбрать главу

extortion 306, 620-621 extra 434, 448 extraction 478 extraction parachute 344 extradition 306, 414 extraneous 621 extranet 109 extra point 521 extrapolate 297, 621 extrasolar planet 489 extreme long shot 438 extremis 330 extremist 405 extroversion 252 extrovert 621 extrusion 159 extrusive 149 extrusive rock 135 exultant 621 eye 127, 357 eye bounce 448 eyelet 85, 518 eyelet tab 85

Eye Movement Desensitation

and Reprocessing 252 eye of the storm 143 eye of the wind 558 eyes 141 eyespot 21 eyeteeth 9 eye wall 123 eyewash 297 eyre 32 e-zine 109 Ezrat Nashim 469


f 60

F-111 344 F/A-22 Raptor 344 facade 25, 448, 621 face 527, 536, 547, 549 face-lift 339 face mask 521 faceoff 532 face off 544 faceoff circle 532 facet 91 facetiae 297 facetious 621 fachan 458 facial 557

facial identification system 399

facile 377

facilitate 621

facilitation 306

facing 17

fact-finding trip 405 faction 297, 405, 621 factitious disorder 252 factory team 496 facula 493 fade 448, 527, 552 faded 344 fade-in 438 fade-out 438 Fahrenheit 143 faille 80 fair 143 fair catch 521 fair comment 416 faire les tiroirs 428 Fair Isle 98 fairness doctrine 306 fairwater 368 fairway 527 fait accompli 621 faith healing 318, 464 fajita 192 faker 344 fakie, ride 538, 542 falafel 175 falchion 601 Falcon 361 falcon 30 falconer 2, 30 falcon-fish 458 Falconiformes 2 falconry 2 falin 458 fall 2

fallacious 621 fallacy 621 fallaway 505 fallible 621 falling band 67, 69 falling off the log 432 fall line 540

fallopian tubes 216, 246 fallout 360

fallout safe height of burst 360 fallow 393 false arrest 399 false confession 399

false edge 601 false start 555 falsetto 390 false verdict 311 familiar 318 family car 396 family room 396 famished 344 famosus libellus 306 fan 501, 527, 570 fanatical 621 fan belt 570 fan brush 58 fancy cut 91 fancy faces 208 fandango 426 fanfare 382 fang 15, 41 fanlight 25 Fannie Mae 169 fanny sweater 98 fantail 50, 589 fantail hat 70 fantasia 382 fantasy cut 91 farad 114 farce 443 farcical 621 farm 32

farmer's lung 236

farm system 501

farrarium 39

farrier 30, 552

farrow 17

far side cradle 559

farthingale 67, 69

fartlek 555

faruca 426

fascia 25, 34

fascism 411-412

fast 60

fastback 570

fastball 501

fast break 505

fast court 549

fastidious 621

fast lane 509

fast neutron 485

fastoso 377

fast track 552

fast twitch muscle fiber 555

fatal error 102

fata morgana 118, 318

fathom 154, 589

fathometer 154

fatigue cap 74

fatigue fracture 267

fatigues 95

Fatiha 468

fat shot 527

faucet spanner 566

fault 125, 135, 149, 159, 536,

547, 549, 557 faulted block mountain 144 faun 458 faunal dating 473 fauteuil 205 fauvism 53

fauwara 46 faux 91, 208 faux pas 297, 621 favissa 39 favor 448 fawn 9, 621 Feast of Weeks 470 feather 9, 91, 495, 527 feather cut 224 feathered 208 featherweight 511 feature 416, 473 fecit 53 fed 405 Fed, the 169 Federal 211

Federal Bureau of Investigation

357, 399 federal crop insurance 393 federalism 412 Federal style 36 fede ring 91 fedora 74

feed 393, 440, 448, 505

feedback 116

feeder 146

feed grains 393

feed lot 393

feet dry 344

feet wet 344

feign 621

feint 512, 516

feinting 544

feldspar 120, 150

felicity 297

feline 4

Fell 13

fellatio 262

felonious 621

felony 306

felony murder 306

feminism 273

feminizing tumor 213

femur 266

fen 141

fence-mending 405 fence pliers 564 fencing jacket 516 fender 582, 589 fend off 582 fenestra 25 fenestration 25 feng huo t'ai 42 feng shui ruler 324 feral 4, 9 feretory 46 ferme 428 fermentation 176 fermenter 176 Fermilab 485 fermion 485 Fermi paradox 476 ferret 344 ferriterion 39 fertilizer 393 fervent 621 festoon 53, 208 festoso 377 fetal alcohol syndrome 216

fetal monitor 216

fetch 120, 154, 318, 582, 589

fetish 91, 265, 318

fetishism 252

fetishistic transvestism 265

fetlock 11, 552

fetoscope 326

fetoscopy 216

fettle 62

fettucini 192

feudalism 32, 412

feudal system 30

feurig 377

fez 74

ff. 423

fiberboard 208

fibrillation 228

fibrin 232

fibroadenoma 213

fibroid tissue 213

fibula 91, 266

ficelle 178

fickle 621

fiddleback 205

fiddle front 9

fidelity 621

fiduciary 306

fief 32

field 552

field archery 495

field event 555

field goal 509, 521

field goal percentage 505

field-grown 130

field strength 440, 448

fieldwork 473

fiero 377

fiesta 96

fife 391

15 549

fifth 177

fifth finger and toe adductors

237 figaro chain 91 fighting chair 518 fight-or-flight response 252 figurative 621 figure 208 figurehead 405, 621 figures 539 figurine 53 filament 127, 493 filbert brush 58 file 102, 326 file compression 102 file drawer effect 252 filet mignon 187 filibuster 406 filigree 53, 91 fill 509 filler 416 fillet 183 fill or kill 169 fill the woodbox 509 filly 11 film 53 film noir 434

film patrol 552

film speed 60

filter 60, 109, 438

filter mike 448

fin 558, 575, 589

finagle 621

final cut 434

finale 382

final rites 396

findings 92

fine 382

fine art 53

finesse 201, 622

finesse pitcher 501

finger 109, 399, 509

fingerboard 388

finger food 175

fingering 501

finger length ratio 234

fingerstalls 495

finial 25, 30, 208

finish 92, 201

finite 622

finning 22

Finnsheep 20

fipple flute 391

fire 92

fireball 360

fireballer 501

fireballs 479

firebee 344

fire break 395

fire door 395

fire-drake 458

fireman's cradle 559

firepower umbrella 344

firestop 34

fire storm 360

firewall 109

fire wall 395

firewall 570

firing 62

firing pin 599

firn 139, 145

first and 10 521

first assistant cameraman 448

first call 396

first-degree murder 306

first-generation robot 116

first lieutenant 358

first mate 586

first-night list 443

fiscal conservative 406

fiscal year 406

fish 368, 560

fish and chips 192

fishbone braid 224

fishbowl 448

fisherman's 98

fisheye(s) 60

fisheye lens 438

fishing parka 97

fishnet 80

fishpole 448

fissile 485

fission 360, 485, 622 fission products 360 fissures 159

fistic 512 fitch brush 58 fitchets 65 fitness 482 fitted 78 fittings 582

$5 ride in a Yellow Cab 501 five-eighths pole 552 five elements 324 540 air 542 five k 555

five minutes to curtain 443 five pillars of Islam 468 five precepts 460 five-spice powder 183 five W's 416 fix 583

fixation 252, 622 fixative 58 fixed-stop robot 116 fixer 60

fjord 120, 139, 146 fl. 423 flabby 201 flaccid 262 flag 58, 438, 521 flagellation 265 flagellomania 265 flag market 169 flagrant 622 flags 496 flagstick 527 flag-waving 273 flail 393, 542 flail chopper 393 flake 473 flak jacket 521 flambe 187 flamboyant 622 flamboyant style 49 flame finial 208 flamenco 78, 382, 426 flameout 575 flamethrower 352 flame trench 595 flame war 109 flaming 109 flan 187, 190 flank 144 flanker flare 521 flank eruption 159 flannel 80, 96 flap 339, 432, 575 flap copy 419 flapper 78 flapper look 84 flare 344, 493, 595 flare dud 360 flare star 489 flash 265, 552 flashback 434 flash blindness 352 flashcaster 448 flash cutting 438 flashdance 99 flash drive 102 flasher 265 flash frame 438