spoiling attack 353
squint 48
spoliarium 41
sringa 42
spoliatorium 41
stabilizer 576
sponge 327
stabilizer bar 573
sponge cake 189
stable 451, 487
sponsons 514
stable marshal 31
sponsor 498
staccato 300, 378
spontoon 601
stack 121, 507, 576
spoofer 348
stacked bond 33
spoofing 114
stadium 41, 76
spook 519
staff 385
spool furniture 212
staffer 418
spoon 519, 529
stag 173, 539
spoonerism 300
stage 498
spoor 534
stagehand 445
spot 445
stagestruck 445
spot news 418
stagflation 410
spotted U.S. 19
staggered start 556
spotter 367, 507
staggers 12
spotting 353, 367, 428, 531,
stag leap 430
stagnation 641
spotting belt 531
staid 641
spotting brush 59
stair turret 31
spotting session 436
stake 554
spray 529
stakeout 402
spray dome 361
staking 132
spraying 4
stalactite 122
spread 173, 534
stalagmite 122
spread eagle 511, 539
stalemate 641
spreader 394
stall 542, 576, 578
spread it wide 431
stall gate 554
spreadsheet 105
stallion 12
spring 147
stalwart 641
springboard 515
stamen 128
spring roll 194
stamp 432
springs 573
stance 535, 543
spring sail 50
stand 158
spring tide 121, 155
Standard and Poor's Corp. 173
Sprint 363
Standard and Poor's index 173
sprint 554, 556
Standard Arm 363
sprint car 498
standardbred 14
sprite 143
Standard Missile 363
spritzer 201
standard of mail 66
spry 640
Standard SSM 363
standby guest 441, 451 stand-in 437 standing eight count 513 standing mute 310 standing set 451 standing waves 576 standup 560 stand-up 77
standup double/triple 504
stanza 385
stapedius 239
stapes 267
staphylorrhaphy 341
star 15, 124, 431, 492
starboard 514, 558, 585, 591
starboard light 576
starboard tack 585
starburst galaxy 492
star chamber 603
Stardust 594
Starfighter 348
Starlifter 348
star sapphire 152
starter 573
starting blocks 556
startle response 260
startups 69
star turn 540
stat 333
state chicken 348 State Department 415 state editor 418 state lamb 348 stateroom 367, 591 statesman 410, 415 state terrorism 415 state tiger 348 static line 348, 542 static soaring 3 station 358 station keeping 594 statuary marble 62 statuette 62 status quo 641 statute of limitations 310 statutory rape 264, 310 staunch 641 stay 310
stay of execution 310 staysail 585 steadfast 641 Steadicam 437 steak tartare 194 steal 504
Stealth Bomber 348 Stealth Fighter 348 stealth virus 114 steam 184 steed 12 steel band 385 steel drum 386 steeple 48 steerage 588 steerage way 585 steering committee 410 steering lines 542 steering linkage 573 steer roping 537
steer wrestling 537 stegosauria 8 stein 177 Steinkerk 68 stele 475
stellar guidance 361
stem 591
stem the tide 585
stemwinder 301, 410
stenciling 57
stenciling brush 59
stenosis 229
stent 327
stentorian 292
step 432
step-clap 432
stephane 63
step-in 79
step-out 531
stepover 540
steppe(s) 124, 126
stereoanesthesia 243
stereophonic 385
stereotype 275, 641
stereotyped movements 260
sterilizer 367
sterling silver 95
stern 558, 585, 591
sternal puncture 341
stern attack 348
stern destroy 343
sternman 514
sterno thyroid 239
sternotomy 341
stern rudder stroke 514
sternum 267
steroid 234, 336-337
stertorous breathing 236
stethoscope 327
Stetson 75
steward(s) 554, 586
stichomancy 323
stick 348, 513, 543
stick check 534
stick commander 348
stick style 37
stiff 554
stifle 12
stigma 128, 260, 641 stigmata 323 stigmatize 641 stiletto 224, 598 still 437, 563 stillbirth 218 stillborn 235 still life 57 still rings 531 still store 451 stimulant 337 stimulus package 410 Stinger 363 stinky pinky 293 stipple 57 stipulate 641 stirrup 221 stirrup pants 96 St.-John's-wort 336 stock 173, 199, 519, 600
stock car 498 stock exchange 173 stock footage 437 stock head 424 Stockholm syndrome 260 stocking 15 stocking cap 76 stocking shoe 86 stock watcher 173 stoic 641 stoichiometry 479 Stoker Award 421 stola 64 stollen 189 stoma 158 stomach 247 stomacher 68, 69, 71 stone 566 Stone Age 475 Stonehenge 475 stool 534 stop 376
stop-action photography 439
stop bath 61
stop down 61
stop hit 517
stop order 173
stopper 504
stop volley 551
store 105
storekeeper 586
storm daggerboard 558
storm sails 585
storm surge 143
storyboard 437, 451
stout 177
stovepipe 96
strabismus 222
straddleball 536
strafing 348, 353
straight-arm 524
straight sets 551
straight thrust 517
strain 114
strait 121
strand 121
stranding 22
strangle 348
strangle parrot 348
strangler 158
strapless 79
strappado 603
strapwork 209
strap wrench 566
strata 8, 137, 152, 475
stratification 137, 152, 156
stratigraphic column 475-476
stratigraphy 137, 476
stratocumulus 123
Stratofortress 348
Stratofreighter 348
stratosphere 119
Stratotanker 348
stratovolcano 161
stratum 137
stratus 123
straw 394
strawberry birthmark 269
strawberry shortcake 189 straw man 410 straw vote 410 stream anchor 588 streamer 437, 542 streaming 112 stream of consciousness 301, 421
stream take off 348 Street, the 173 street name 173 streptokinase 337 streptomycin 337 stress test 333 stretcher 28, 33 streulli 531 striae gravidarum 218 striation(s) 140, 152 strict liability 310 stride entry 538 strident 641 stridor 236 stridulation 16 Strigiformes 3
strike 445, 451, 511, 519, 585
strike out 511
strike pocket 511
striker 546
string 487, 511, 554
string dampener 496
stringent 641
stringer 28, 35, 418
stringes 459
string theory 487
strip 173
striper 59
stripes 79, 80, 82
strip the ball 524
strisciando 378
strobes 576
stroke 573
stroking 539
stromatolite 152
strong force 487
strong safety 524
strong side 524
strontium 90 487
strudel 191
strut 573
stubby 565
stucco 28, 35
stuck landing 531
stud 17, 35, 95
Studebaker 580
studs 82
study 57
stump 59, 410
stun 62
stun gun 402
stupa 42, 48, 460
stutter step 506, 524
stutz 531
stye 222
styloglossus 239
stymie 641
Styx 147, 456
SU5416 214
suave 641
subatomic 487
sulfonamide 337
surge 140
swoop 402
subcompact 573
Sumatran 182
surge protector 105
sword and sandal 437
subcutaneous 270
Sumerians 476
surprise dosage attack 353
sword and sorcery 421, 437
subdivision 312
summation 310
surreal 642
swordbreaker 598
subduction 137
Summerland 323
surrealism 57
sycophant 642
subduction zone 126, 137, 161
summit 415
surrealistic 301
syllabic 390
subfloor 35
summit pack 535
surrey 580
sylva 158
subhead 424