Unitarian Church 466 United Nations 415 universal joint 559 univocalic 293 unleaded 182 unleavened 179 unlisted security 174 unmitigated 644 unnecessary roughness 524 unorthodox 644 unplayable lie 529 unretouched photo 61 unscrupulous 644 untouchables 467^68 unzip 106 up 529 upbraid 644 upcutting 441, 452 updraft 123 uphaul 559 upland 137 uplift 137 uplink 594, 596 upload 106, 113 upper 85 upper class 275 uppercut 513 upper endoscopy 333 upper G.I. series 333 uprights 524 upside-down cake 189 upstage 445 upward dog 561 upwardly mobile 275 upwelling 156 uranography 492 uranometry 492 Uranus 457
urban contemporary 441
urbane 644
urea breath test 333 ureteroscopic ultrasonic
lithotripsy 341 ureters 247 urethroscope 328 urinalysis 333 urine test 554 urn 397 urolagnia 266 USA PATRIOT Act 410 user-friendly 106 usher 31 US Roland 363 ustrinum 41 usurp 644 usury 311 uterus 247 utilitarian 644 utility knife 563 utopia 644 uvular sound 292
V-8 573
vaccine 114, 337 vacillate 644 vacuum chamber 563 vacuum tube 115 vagina 247 vaginoplasty 341 vair 66
Vaishnavism 468 Vaisya 468 vale 158 valency 479 valerian 337 valet 554 valetudinarium 41 valley rafter 35 values 275 valve 391 valves 573 vambrace(s) 66, 69 vamp 85, 385 vampire 368 Van der mint 195 Vandyke 224 vandyke 184 vanes 50 vanguard 644 vanilla nut 182 vanishing point 57 vanity press 421 vapor barrier 35 variable star 492, 494 variation 428 varicose veins 229 varietal wine 202 variometer 578 varnish 209 vascular 229, 508 vascular retinopathies 222 vase and ball turning 209 vasectomy 341 Vaseline 61 Vaseline ball 504 vasoconstrictor 337 vasodilator 337 vastus 240 Vatican 466 vaudeville 385 vault 28, 531 vault horse 531 vaulting 28 V-chip 452 vector 349 vedas 468 veduta 57 veejay 452
veering wind 163, 559, 585 vehement 644 vein 152
veins 229, 232-233 velar 292 velarium 41 veld 126 velociraptor 8 velour 83 veloute 197 velvet 69, 83 velveteen 83 venation 16, 22 vendetta 644 veneer 209, 644 veneer saw 565 Venera 594 venerable 644 venereal disease 264 venery 264 Venetians 69 vent 156, 161 ventifact 152 ventilation 333 ventricle 229 venturesome 644 venturi 573 veracity 644 verb 286
verbatim 301, 644 verbiage 301 verdict 311 verisimilitude 421 vermicide 337 vernacular 301, 644 vernacular Victorian 37 vernalization 133 Vernier engine 596 vernix caseosa 218 veronica 513 Veronica Lake 225 vertebrae 267 vertical lift bridge 29 vertical stabilizer 596 verticillium 133 vertigo 221
very deep draught ship 368
vesicle 270
vestige 476
vestigial 483
vestments 466
vestry 48
veto 411
via 41
Via Appia 41 viable 644 viaduct 29
Viagra 264 via munita 41 vibraphone 387 vibrator 264 vibrissae 5, 246 vicar 466 vicarious 644 vicarious liability 311 vicar of Christ 466 vice admiral 358 vice crimes 311 vice division 403 vichyssoise 199 vicinage 311 vicissitudes 645 Victoria 580 Victorian 645 victory garden 133 vicuna 83 vide 378 vide. 423
video conferencing 113 video operator 452 videotape 452 Vienna 182 Viennese roast 182 viga 44 vigil 397 vigilance 645 Vigilante 349 vigilante 403 vignette 57, 61, 418 vigoroso 378 vihara 42 vihuela 389 Viking 349, 594 vilify 645 villa 41 villa rustica 41 villein 32 villi 220 vina 389 vinaigrette 188 vindicate 645 vindictive 645 vineyard 133 vin ordinaire 202 vintage 79, 85, 202 vintner 202 vinyasa 561 viola 389
viral advertising 113 virga 123 virgate 32 virginal 376 virgin fibers 83 virgin forest 158 virility 264 virtual 113 virtual reality 106 virtuoso 385 virus 114 visceral 645 Vishnu 468 visitation 397 vis major 311 visor 66
visual approach slope indicators
wake 397,586,591
Waldorf salad 196
visualization 261
wale 83
vital capacity test 333
walk 556
vitamin 337
walking ring 554-555
vitreous humor 223
walkover 531, 555
vitriolic 645
walk-through 445
vitrum 41
walkway 45
vivacious 645
wall 543
vivo 378
walla 437
viz. 423
wallboard 35
vlog 113
Walleye 349
VO2max 556
walleye 10, 223
vociferous 645
wallower 50
vodka collins 180
wallpaper 106
vogue 427, 645
wallpaper ball 537
vogue word 301
Wall Street 174
voice 422
Walpurgis Night 324
voice exemplar 311
walrus 227
voiceless 292
wand 496
voice-over 441, 452
wand shooting 496
voiceprint 403
wane 484, 525
voice recognition 106
wanton 311, 645
voice vote 411
war babies 174
voile 83
war brides 174
voir dire examination 311
ward 31
volatile 174, 479, 645
wardrobe 204
volcanic pipe 161
ward-robe 588
volcanic winter 161
wardrobe mistress 445
volcanologist 161
warez 113
volenti non fit injuria 311
warfarin 337
volition 645
war-flail 598
volley 537, 546, 547, 551
warhead 361
volt 12, 115
warlock 324
volti subito 378
warm colors 57
volume 174
warm glacier 140
volunteer 133
warning coloration 16
volupere 66
warning track 504
volute 28
warp 83, 525
vomer 267
warrant 311, 403
vomitory 41
warrant officer 586
Voodoo 349
warrior gene 261
voodoo 324
Warsaw Pact 415
voracious 645
Warthin's tumor 214
vortex 147, 324
wary 645
Vostok 594
wash 57
voting stock 174
wash-and-wear 83
vowel 292
washboard 540
vox populi 411
wash brush 57, 59
Voyager 594
washerwoman's style 226
voyeur 264
washout 439
voyeurism 261, 264
washy 555
vug 152
wasting 525
Vulcan 353
watch 403
Vulcanus 161
watch cap 76
watch commander 403
water bath 184
waterbed 203
waders 85
waterboarding 603
waffle 301, 411, 645
water cannon 395
waft 525
watercolors 57, 59
waggle 529
water ingestion 603
wagon 597
water jackets 573
wagon-lit 597
water leaf 41, 210
wagon stage 445
Waterloo 645
wagon vault 28
watermelon tourmaline 152
wainscot 28, 35
water on the brain 243
waistcoat 69, 71, 73
water pump 574
watershed 147
wet brain 243
waterspout 163
wet dream 264
watertight door 589
wet nurse 235
waterway 394
wet suit 538, 548
water witch 324
wetted area 559
waterzooi 199
whaleback 124, 588
watt 115
whammy 324
wattle 3
whangee 73
wattle and daub 31, 44
wheal 270
wax 484, 525
wheat beer 177
waxed 227
wheelbase 574
wax reading 324
wheels 508
waxy 153
wheeze 236
Ways and Means Committee
whelm 525
whelp 10
weak force 487-488
whiff 504, 529
weakon 488
whimper 235
weak side 525
whimsical 645
weald 158
whinny 12
wean 235
whip 5, 10, 184, 403, 411
weasel word(s) 301, 411
whipping boy 603
weather 586
whipsawed 174
weather balloon 143
whip-up 531
weather deck 368, 591
whirlpool 147
weathering 137
whisk 184
Web 113
whiskey sour 180
webcam 113
whistler 143
web designer 113
white blood cells 232
webmaster 113
white bucks 86
Web page 113
white coat rule 452
Web ring 113
white cosmo 180