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feral domesticated but living in the wild.

dogs 9

fiddle front forelegs that are bowlegged.

frill a fringe of hair around the neck.

grizzle having a coat that is gray or streaked with gray.

gun dog any of the sport hunting dogs, such as a setter, pointer, spaniel or retriever.

hackles neck and back hairs that bristle when a dog is angry or fearful.

harlequin having a white coat with black spots of various sizes.

haw the red membrane inside the lower eyelid.

heartworm a worm parasite living in the blood­stream of infected dogs.

heat the female's mating period.

hock the backward-bending joint in the hindleg, corresponding to the ankle in humans.

leather the external part of the ear.

litter the puppies brought forth at one birth.

liver having a reddish brown or purplish brown coat.

lop-eared having loose, dangling ears.

lupine of the wolf family, or like a wolf.

mane the long hair growing from the top or sides of the neck, as in a collie.

mange skin disease caused by parasitic mites, caus­ing hair loss.

mask the dark shading found on the muzzle of sev­eral breeds.

mongrel a mixed breed.

muzzle the mouth, nose, and jaws. Or a leather device harnessed around the jaws to prevent biting.

overshot a jaw in which the top extends over the bottom.

pack a group of dogs.

pads the cushioned padding of the feet.

parti-colored having a multicolored coat.

pastern the foreleg part between the knee joint and the foot.

pedigree a record of lineage. Also, lineage that can be traced to the same breed for at least three generations.

philocynic one who loves dogs.

pied having a coat covered with patches or spots of two or more colors.

pit fighting the outlawed gambling sport of dog- fighting in a small pit or arena.

plume a feathery tail.

pompon the sculpted tufts of hair left on a dog's tail or body when artistically clipped, especially in poodles.

prick ear an ear carried stiffly erect, as in a German shepherd.

quarter to range over a field in search of game, especially of pointers, setters, and spaniels.

rabies an infectious viral disease affecting the cen­tral nervous system, characterized by convulsions, choking, and an inability to swallow.

racy long-legged and slight of build, as a greyhound.

ringtail a tail that is carried in a tight curl or ring.

ruff a collar of thick hair around the neck.

sable having a black or dark brown coat.

screwtail a short, kinky, twisted tail, as in a Boston terrier.

sire father.

snipy a sharply pointed muzzle.

spay to remove the ovaries of the female.

swayback a sagging back.

tie a male and female locked together in intercourse for up to 30 minutes, allowing for adequate ejacula­tion of sperm.

tulip ears erect ears with a slight forward curve.

undershot of a jaw, having the bottom further out than the top.

walleye a blue eye.

whelp to give birth to pups; also, one of the young of a dog.

whip a stiff, straight tail, as in a pointer.

withers part of the back between the shoulder blades.


appointments equipment and clothing used in a specific riding event.

bag the udder of a mare.

barrel between the fore- and hindquarters, the trunk of a horse.

bloom the condition of a healthy-looking coat.

breastplate leather section strapped across a horse's chest that attaches to the saddle to prevent the saddle from sliding back.

bridle head harness used to control a horse, which includes a bit, cheek straps, crownpiece, throat- latch, headband, and reins. Also, a quick or violent upjerk of the horse's head.

bridlewise trained to change direction by laying the bridle reins on the side of the horse's neck the rider wishes to turn.

broodmare a mare used for breeding. broomtail a long, bushy tail.

cannon the leg portion between the hock and the fetlock.

canter a three-beat gait or slow gallop.

cantle the rear of an English saddle.

capriole an upward leap with no forward motion, as made by a trained horse.

caracole a half-turn.

cast the condition in which a horse lying down in its stall is unable to get up again without assistance.

cavesson the noseband and headpiece of an English bridle.

cayuse an American Indian pony.

cheek straps bridle straps that run down the side of the cheeks to hold the bit or noseband.

cinch the girth of a Western saddle.

cob a stocky, thickset, short-legged horse.

cold back a horse who bolts or bucks when a saddle is placed on its back, due to inexperience or improper training or treatment.

colt a male under age four.

conformation a horse's overall physique or build.

conformation fault any one of several faults found in a horse's build.

coronet the upper portion of a horse's hoof.

cow-hocked a conformation fault in which the hocks are too close together.

crest the top of a horse's neck.

crop a short, looped whip used in horseback riding. croup the rump of a horse.

crownpiece the bridle leather fitted over a horse's head and attached to the cheekpieces.

currycomb a horse comb.

cutting horse a horse trained to cut cattle out of a herd.

dam the mother of a horse.

dishing a movement in which the horse's feet swing sideways at a trot, usually a fault of pigeon-toed ani­mals.

dobbin a gentle farm horse.

draft horse a powerful horse bred for farm work, such as plowing.

dressage a refined riding style in which the horse's gait is smooth, flat, and graceful.

driving horse a horse trained or bred to pull wag­ons or sulkies.

equerry one who acts as a stableman or supervisor of horses in a royal or other household.

equestrian pertaining to horses or horse riding; one who rides horses.

equine pertaining to or resembling a horse.

fetlock the projection and accompanying tuft of hair growing above and behind the hoof, or the joint marked by this projection.

filly a female under the age of four.

foal a newborn horse of either sex.

forehand the front portion of a horse, including the head, neck, shoulders, and front legs.

forelock bangs or hair of the horse's mane that hangs down over its forehead between its ears.