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scone a biscuitlike cake, sometimes flavored with currants and usually spread with butter.

sourdough a slightly sour-tasting bread made from dough that is allowed to sit in a warm place for a time while its yeast ferments and produces a sour flavor.

spelt an ancient wheat variety occasionally utilized by specialty bakeries.

tortilla a flat round of unleavened corn flour bread, baked on a griddle.

unbleached flour flour that has no chemical addi­tives and lightens naturally as it is allowed to age.

unleavened referring to bread with no yeast or other leavener to make it rise.

whole wheat bread made from wheat that has not been overprocessed and which has its bran or husks intact.

yeast the single cell fungi used to ferment sugars and create carbon dioxide, which makes bread rise.

yeast bread any bread whose leavening agent is yeast as opposed to baking soda or baking powder.


Alexander a drink made of gin, cream, creme de cacao, and a nutmeg garnish.

Barbary Coast a drink made of gin, rum, scotch, white creme de cacao, and light cream.

bird of paradise a drink made of tequila, white creme de cacao, amaretto, and cream.

black Russian a drink made of vodka and Kahlua.

bloody Mary a drink made of vodka, Worcester­shire sauce, tomato juice, and seasonings.

bourbon slush a drink made of hot tea, lemon­ade concentrate, orange juice concentrate, bourbon, sugar, and water.

bull shot a drink made of vodka, beef bouillon, a dash of Tabasco sauce, a dash of Worcestershire sauce, and salt and pepper.

cocotini a drink made of coconut-flavored rum and triple sec, with the edge of the glass rimmed with shredded coconut.

cosmopolitan a drink made of vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice, and lime juice.

daiquiri a drink made of rum, lime juice, and pow­dered sugar.

gimlet a drink made of gin and sweetened lime juice.

gin rickey a drink made of gin, club soda, lime, and ice.

gin and tonic a drink made of gin and tonic water, garnished with a peel of lime.

Harvey wallbanger a drink made of vodka, orange juice, and Galliano.

highball a drink made of whiskey and a carbonated beverage or water.

hot toddy a drink made of bourbon, boiling water, sugar, cloves, and cinnamon.

hurricane a drink made of dark rum, light rum, lime juice, and passion fruit syrup.

Irish coffee a drink made of Irish whiskey, brown sugar, and black coffee topped with whipping cream.

kamikaze a drink made of vodka, triple sec, cura- (jao, and lime juice.

Long Island iced tea a drink made of gin, rum, tequila, and vodka on ice.

Manhattan a drink made of rye or Irish whiskey, vermouth, angostura bitters, and a twist of lemon.

margarita a drink made of tequila, sweet and sour mix, and orange-flavored liqueur, with the lip of the glass rimmed with salt.

martini a drink made of gin, dry vermouth, and an olive.

mint julep a drink made of bourbon, sugar, water, mint leaves, and rum.

mojito a drink made of mint syrup, light rum, lime juice, and club soda, and garnished with a lime wheel.

old fashioned a drink made of bourbon, bitters, soda, and sugar.

pina colada a drink made of rum, pineapple juice, and coconut cream.

pink lady a drink made of gin, grenadine, and cream.

Rob Roy a drink made of scotch, vermouth, and a cherry garnish.

rusty nail a drink made of scotch and Drambuie.

sangria a drink made of red wine, fruit juice, and brandy.

screwdriver a drink made of vodka and orange juice.

sea breeze a drink made of vodka, cranberry juice, and grapefruit juice garnished with a wedge of lime.

sex on the beach a drink made of peach schnapps, vodka, pineapple juice, and cranberry juice.

shark bite a drink made of rum, orange juice, sour mix, and grenadine.

Singapore sling a drink made of gin, cherry brandy, lemon, club soda, and powdered sugar.

sloe gin fizz a drink made of sloe gin, sweet and sour, soda, and a cherry garnish.

slow comfortable screw a drink made of sloe gin, Southern Comfort, and orange juice.

sombrero a drink made of Kahlua and cream.

tequila sunrise a drink made of tequila, orange juice, cranberry juice, and ice.

tidal wave a drink made of rum, vodka, brandy, bourbon, and lime.

vodka collins a drink made of vodka, lemon juice, club soda, and sugar, and garnished with a cherry.

whiskey sour a drink made of whiskey, sweet and sour, and a cherry.

white cosmo a drink made of Cointreau, vodka, white cranberry and lime juices, and a twist of orange.


acerbic professional taster's term for an acrid and sour flavor.

acidy professional taster's term for a sharp but pleasant flavor.

affogatto a dessert of vanilla ice cream drenched in espresso.

alpine cafe a dessert coffee made of instant coffee, brown sugar, and vanilla extract.

Americano an espresso with hot water added to make a full cup of coffee.

Arabian coffee a specialty coffee made of coffee, sugar, cinnamon, cardamon, and vanilla.

arabica the most popular variety of coffee bean, which is native to Africa but is also grown in South America. Also known as Arabian coffee.

barista an espresso bartender.

battery acid slang for a bad cup of coffee.

blackstrap slang for a bad cup of coffee.

blond and bitter slang for coffee with cream and no sugar.

blond and sweet slang for coffee with cream and sugar.

body professional taster's term for the sense of heaviness, richness, and thickness a coffee stimulates at the back of the tongue.

bon bon a cappuccino with chocolate mint liqueur topped with whipped cream, shavings of white choco­late, and a cherry.

bouquet the combined aromas in coffee.

brackish professional taster's term for salty or alka­line flavors.

bready professional taster's term for coffee that has been inadequately roasted.

breve an espresso with half-and-half or partially skimmed milk.

brew to make coffee.

briny professional taster's term for coffee that has been roasted too long.

buttery professional taster's term for coffee rich in natural oils, exuded from beans with a high fat content.

cafe amaretto a latte with almond syrup.

cafe au lait a coffee with boiled milk.

cafe con leche a dark roast coffee with sugar and heated milk.

cafe creme a large cup of espresso with an ounce of heavy cream.

cafe mocha a latte with chocolate.

caffe con panna a demitasse of espresso topped with whipped cream.

caffe corretto an espresso with cognac or other liqueur.