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a la milanaise in Milan style—dipped in egg, bread crumbs, and parmesan cheese.

a la mode de Caen in the style of Caen—with leeks, vegetables, and wine, prepared with tripe.

a la moscovite in Moscow style—garnished with caviar.

a la napolitaine in Neapolitan style—a meat served with eggplant and tomatoes or spaghetti served with tomato sauce and cheese.

a l'andalouse in Andalusian style—a soup served with eggplant, red peppers, and rice.

a la neige in snowy style—served with egg whites or rice.

a la normande in the style of Normandy—in a sauce of butter and cream, with mushrooms or apples.

a la parisienne in Parisian style—garnished with small, sauteed potatoes and braised celery.

a la perigourdine in the style of Perigord—with truffles or truffle-based sauce.

a la portugaise in Portuguese style—with olive oil, garlic, onions, and tomatoes.

a la proven^ale in Proven^ale style—with mush­rooms, onions, tomatoes, olive oil, and garlic.

a la reine in the queen's style—chicken with truffles and mushrooms in a puff pastry "crown."

a l'armenienne in Armenian style—with rice pilaf.

a la Rossini in the style of Rossini—with a sauce of madeira wine, mushrooms, goose liver paste, and truffles.

a la Soubise with onion puree.

a la tartare minced beef served raw with capers and a raw egg.

a l'indienne in East Indian style—with curried sauce or curried rice.

a l'italienne in Italian style—with artichoke bot­toms and macaroni.

a point medium.

assaisonnement seasoning.

au beurre noir with browned butter sauce.

au blanc in white style—with a white sauce.

au bleu in blue style—cooked fish in vinegar.

au brun cooked in brown sauce.

au gras in the fat. Cooked in the broth or gravy.

au gratin with a crust of bread crumbs or grated cheese and browned slightly.

au maigre lean style, without fat.

au naturel food served uncooked, unseasoned, in its natural state.

au vin blanc made in white wine.

aux fines herbes served with finely chopped chives, onions, parsley, shallots, and sorrel.

batterie de cuisine all the necessary kitchen utensils and equipment.

beurre butter.

beurre blanc a butter sauce flavored with wine or vinegar and seasonings, used on fish, chicken, or veg­etables.

beurre fondu melted butter.

beurre noir browned butter sauce seasoned with parsley and wine vinegar.

bien cuit well done.

blanc d'oeuf egg white.

boeuf epice spiced beef.

bon appetit a salutation meaning, eat well

bouquet garni herbs tied in a cheesecloth bag and cooked with sauces, soups, stews, and other dishes to flavor them. The most common combination is thyme, parsley, and bay leaf.

buisson a mound of food.

canard a la presse pressed duck.

cannele fluted; pastry crust or decoratively cut veg­etables.

carottes a la flamande Flemish-style carrots— cooked in sugar and cream.

carte de vins wine list.

carte du jour menu of the day.

champignons au gratin baked mushrooms with a crust.

chapon a breadcrust cooked in soup.

chateau potatoes parboiled and braised potatoes.

chausson puff pastry.

chef de cuisine the head chef.

civet rabbit stew made with blood and red wine.

concasse a coarse chopping of a vegetable, espe­cially tomato.

consomme clear soup; broth, bouillon.

coq au vin rouge chicken cooked in red wine.

coquille a pastry shell resembling the shell of a scallop.

Cordon Bleu Blue Ribbon, a Paris cooking school.

creme chantilly vanilla-flavored whipped cream.

creme vichyssoise leek and potato cream soup served cold.

crepe a thin pancake.

croustade a crust dish made of bread or a pastry shell fried in deep fat.

croute au pot crust for the pot; clear soup with floating toast pieces.

du jour of the day; today's.

duxelles sauteed mushroom hash.

entree the main dish in the United States; appetizer in France.

epigramme a meal having two different kinds of fish or meat. It may also include the same fish or meat cooked in two different ways.

filet mignon boned steak.

flambe flaming; any food served aflame—a brandy or rum coating set on fire.

flan custard dessert.

florentine served on a bed of spinach.

fond de cuisine stocks, broths.

fromage cheese.

galette a form of thin pancake.

garbure bacon and cabbage soup.

gar^on boy; waiter.

gratine to top with cheese and/or bread crumbs and brown in the oven.

haute cuisine artful, highly skilled, or professional food preparation.

hors d'oeuvre appetizer.

julienne to cut into long, thin strips.

limande lemon sole.

macedoine a medley of fruits or vegetables in a des­sert, sauce, or salad.

macedoine de fruits fruit salad.

maitre d'hotel flavored with lemon and parsley, commonly used on fish.

mirepoix a mixture of chopped onions, carrots, and celery sauteed in butter, used to flavor soups, stews, and sauces.

nappe napkined; lightly coated with icing or sauce.

nouvelle cuisine a cooking style emphasizing sim­pler, lighter dishes made with very fresh ingredients and presented in an artistic fashion.

oeuf egg.

oeufs a la coque soft-boiled eggs in shell. oeufs farcis deviled eggs.

omelette aux fines herbes omelette with herbs.

omelette aux pointes d'asperges omelette with asparagus tips.

pain bread.

paner to coat with bread crumbs.

pate liver or meat paste.

pate d'amandes almond paste.

pate d'anchois anchovy paste.

pate de foie gras goose liver paste.

paysanne peasant style; meat or poultry braised and served with bacon and buttery vegetables.

persillade chopped parsley garnish.

petit pain a roll.

piece de resistance set piece; the main dish or main course.

pointes d'asperges asparagus tips.

poivrade peppery sauce.