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pomme de terre potato.

potage creme d'orge cream of barley soup.

potage puree a la reine puree soup in the queen's style; cream of chicken soup.

potage puree de marrons chestnut soup.

potage Rossini cream of onion soup with grated cheese.

potage velours velvet soup; a very smooth carrot and tapioca soup.

potpourri rotten pot; hodgepodge; a mixture of things.

poulette a young hen.

printaniere springlike; refers to mixed vegetables cut into decorative shapes.

puree to mash or grind-up food until it is smooth. ragout de mouton mutton stew.

ratatouille a stew composed of eggplant, squash, tomato, onions, and olive oil.

ravigote revive; strongly seasoned white sauce.

remoulade remolded; mayonnaise seasoned with anchovy paste, capers, gherkins, herbs, and mustard.

ribaude baked appled dumpling.

ris de veau sweetbread of a calf.

rissole to brown potatoes in deep fat.

riz au lait rice pudding.

roulade rolled up.

roux reddish brown, browned butter and flour mix­ture, used to thicken sauces, soups, and stews.

saignant underdone; bloody.

sauce supreme a rich white sauce made from chicken stock and cream.

saute to cook or brown quickly in preheated fat or oil in a pan.

serviette napkin.

smitane sour cream.

sommelier wine steward.

souffle inflated; a light and fluffy baked dish made as a dessert or as a main dish.

soup^on suspicion; a pinch or hint of an ingredient. soupe a l'oignon onion soup. talmouse cheesecake. tourte a round, meat-filled pie.

vinaigrette salad dressing of olive oil, vinegar, and seasonings.

zephir anything light and frothy.



angel food cake a light, white cake with a spongy texture, made with egg whites.

baba a small cake flavored with candied fruits and a rum glaze.

baked Alaska a sponge cake topped with ice cream, which is itself topped with meringue, that is quickly browned in the oven.

batter the mix of flour, eggs, and milk used to make cakes.

blintz a pancake filled with cottage cheese and fruit.

Boston cream pie a two-layer cake with frosting and a cream filling.

Bundt cake any cake baked in a Bundt pan.

Bundt pan a tube cake pan with fluted sides.

carrot cake a cake made with carrots, spices, eggs, sugar, and flour.

cheesecake a rich cake usually made from cream cheese, eggs, and sugar.

coffee cake a sweetened bread flavored with spices, nuts, or fruit and sometimes topped with icing or a glaze.

cupcake a small muffin-shaped cake baked in a cup­like mold and often topped with icing.

dacquoise a cake made from nut meringues and layered with whipped cream or a chocolate filling.

devil's food cake a rich cake made with chocolate or cocoa.

election cake created in the 18th century to cel­ebrate election day, a yeast cake flavored with nuts, candied fruit, and raisins soaked in sherry.

fruitcake traditionally made at Christmas, a cake made from candied fruits, nuts, citron, and spices.

gateau a rich, layered cake with cream filling.

genoise a rich sponge cake made from eggs and but­ter and often filled with cream.

gingerbread cake a cake flavored with ginger and molasses.

jelly roll a layer of sponge cake that is spread with jelly and rolled into a spiral.

kuchen a German coffee cake sometimes containing nuts and raisins.

kugelhopf a yeast cake flavored with currants, rai­sins, or almonds, typically eaten at breakfast.

ladyfingers small, fingerlike sponge cakes.

layer cake any cake having two or more sections, one atop the other, and separated by icing or jelly filling.

madeleine a small cake baked in a shell-shaped mold.

marble cake a cake made with two different colors of batter to give the illusion of marbling.

panforte a rich cake flavored with candied fruits and nuts.

pannetone an Italian cake made of a dough loaded with candied fruit, raisins, and nuts.

petit four a small sponge cake or slice of sponge cake, usually with icing.

pound cake a cake made of about one pound of each of the main ingredients of sugar, flour, butter, and eggs.

Sally Lunn a flat, sweetened tea cake shaped like a wheel.

savarin a ring-molded cake soaked in a rum syrup.

savarin pan a ring mold used to make savarins.

strawberry shortcake a biscuit smothered with whipped cream and strawberries.

simnel cake a fruitcake.

spice cake any cake flavored with spices.

sponge cake a light cake with a spongy texture, made from flour, eggs, and sugar, and no shortening.

stollen a sweetened German bread with fruit and nuts.

tiramisu an Italian sponge cake layered with cheese and chocolate sauce and drenched in an espresso syrup.

torte originating in Austria, a rich layered cake with frosting and ground nuts.

upside-down cake a cake that is baked with fruit on the bottom but is overturned when served so the fruit serves as a topping.

wedding cake a rich, multitiered cake, topped with frosting and figurines of the bride and groom.


almond cardamom a cookie made from flour, but­ter, sugar, ground cardamom, cream cheese, almond paste, eggs, and vanilla.

animal cracker a small, crisp cookie cut into the shape of an animal.

biscotti hard, dry Italian cookies flavored with almonds, hazelnuts, chocolate, or anise seed.

chocolate chip a cookie made from shortening, sugar, eggs, flour, chocolate chips, and vanilla.

date cookie a cookie made from dates, pecans, but­ter, sugar, eggs, and flour.

drop cookie any cookie formed by dropping dough from a spoon onto a pan, rather than rolling, shaping, or cutting them.

fortune cookie a thin, hollow cookie shell stuffed with a small slip of paper with one's "fortune" or a bit of wisdom written on it, served in Chinese restaurants.

ginger snap a crispy cookie flavored with ginger and molasses.

gingerbread cookie a cookie flavored with ginger and molasses and often cut into the shape of a man.

hermit a spicy cookie made from butter, sugar, flour, eggs, allspice, cinnamon, cloves, molasses, raisins, and walnuts.

honey drop a cookie made from butter, sugar, eggs, orange zest, honey, and mace.

jumble a thin, ring-shaped cookie topped with sugar.

macaroon a chewy cookie made from egg whites, coconut, sugar, and sometimes almonds.