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caldo verde a Portuguese soup of cabbage, pota­toes, sausage, broth, and oil.

callaloo a West Indian stew comprised of taro leaves, crab meat, pork, okra, yams, and coconut milk.

chili con carne a Southwest or Mexican dish usu­ally of ground beef, beans, tomatoes, and chilies or chili powder.

chowder any chunky seafood stew.

cioppino a spicy Italian stew made of fish, shellfish, tomatoes, onions, green pepper, and red wine.

civet a French stew comprised of wild game mari­nated in red wine and stewed with bacon and onions.

cock-a-leekie a Scottish soup of chicken, leeks, and barley.

consomme a clear broth.

court-bouillon a broth most often used to poach fish, made of water, white wine, lemon juice, onions, celery, carrots, and herbs.

daube a beef stew in a wine broth with vegetables and herbs.

egg drop soup a broth into which beaten eggs have been added.

French onion soup an onion soup topped with toast and cheese and baked in the oven.

fumet a rich broth made from boiled bones, wine, and herbs, used to flavor soups and sauces.

gazpacho a Spanish soup of pureed tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and onions, with oil and vinegar, served cold.

glace any highly reduced or concentrated stock used to enrich stews, soups, and sauces.

goulash a beef or veal stew made with onions and sometimes other vegetables, seasoned with paprika.

gumbo a soup of chicken, seafood, or ham, along with tomatoes and other vegetables, thickened with okra pods.

Irish stew a stew made from lamb or mutton, pota­toes, onions, and other vegetables.

lobscouse formerly, a sailor's stew, made from meat, vegetables, and hardtack.

madrilene consomme made with tomatoes.

matelote a French fish stew made with egg yolks, cream, wine, pearl onions, and mushrooms.

matzo ball soup a chicken soup with dumplings made from unleavened bread meal.

menudo a spicy Mexican soup made of tripe, calf's feet, chilies, and hominy.

minestrone a thick, meatless Italian soup with pasta, barley, and beans or peas, or other vegetables.

miso soup a Japanese soup made from fermented soya beans, onions, and seaweed.

mulligan stew originally a stew made by hoboes on the road, now any stew made from bits and pieces of whatever one has on hand.

mulligatawny originating in India, a curried chicken soup with rice and coconut.

navarin a French stew made from mutton or lamb, with potatoes, turnips, and onions.

oxtail soup a soup made with a skinned ox, beef, or veal tail.

pasta e fagioli an Italian bean and pasta soup, served with sausage.

pepper pot a thick, hotly seasoned soup made from tripe, meat, vegetables, and dumplings. Also known as Philadelphia pepper pot. Also, a West Indian stew made of meat or fish and cassava juice and red pepper.

potage French soup thickened with cream or egg yolks.

pozole a Mexican soup made from pork or chicken with hominy, chilies, onions, and cilantro. Also spelled posole.

ragout a spicy stew of meat, fish, or vegetables.

ramen a broth with wheat flour noodles, vegetables, and sometimes, meat.

ratatouille a vegetable stew of eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic, and olive oil.

Scotch broth a Scottish soup made of lamb or mut­ton, with barley and vegetables.

shark's fin soup an Asian soup made with shark's fin, stock, and various seasonings.

slumgullion any stew made from inexpensive ingre­dients.

soup du jour at a restaurant, the soup of the day.

split pea soup a thick soup made from peas and ham.

stock the liquid created after cooking meat, fish, or vegetables and seasonings in water.

vichyssoise traditionally, a rich, creamy soup made from potatoes and leeks, served cold. Modern ver­sions are sometimes made with apples, carrots, and zucchini.

waterzooi a Flemish stew made of fish or chicken and various vegetables with a sauce enriched with eggs and cream.

wonton soup a Chinese soup of clear broth and small dumplings filled with minced meat, seafood, or veg­etables, flavored with scallions, celery, and soy sauce.


Assam a deep red-colored tea with a strong flavor, grown in Assam, India.

astringent professional taster's term for a distinctly dry taste or sensation.

bergamot the oil of the bergamot orange, used as flavoring in Earl Gray black tea.

black tea the most commonly drunk tea, from oxi­dized or fermented green tea leaves which make a reddish-colored tea.

boba see bubble tea.

body a sense of fullness or heaviness on the tongue.

brassy having a harsh, acidic flavor.

brisk having an astringent flavor or feel.

bubble tea a dessert tea originating in Taiwan. It comes in multiple colors and flavors, such as pas- sionfruit, peach, mango, chocolate milk, black tea, and others, and contains dark balls of chewy tapioca which sink to the bottom of a cup and are sucked up with a straw. Also known as pearl tea, milk tea, and boba.

caffeine a strong stimulant found in many teas.

cambric tea a hot drink made of milk, sugar, and weak tea.

Ceylon general name for a variety of teas from Sri Lanka.

chai spiced black tea with milk and sugar.

Darjeeling a fine, highly astringent tea grown near the Himalayas of India.

Earl Gray a black tea flavored with bergamot.

flat describing teas lacking in astringency.

green tea tea made from unfermented tea leaves.

gunpowder green tea in the form of pellets.

hard descriptive term for pungent.

heavy professional taster's term for full bodied and deep colored.

herb tea any variety of tea made from leaves of plants other than the tea plant.

high tea a British custom of having a snack with tea in the late afternoon.

iced tea chilled tea.

jasmine a variety of black tea scented with jasmine. keemun a fine black tea grown in China.

lapsang souchong Chinese black tea that is dried in bamboo baskets over pine fires, giving it a distinctly smoky flavor.

macha finely ground green tea used in Japanese tea ceremonies.

milk tea see bubble tea.

oolong lightly fermented, full-bodied black tea with a somewhat fruity aroma, from China and Taiwan.

orange pekoe a variety or grade of large whole leaf tea from India and Sri Lanka but is not orange in flavor.

pearl tea see bubble tea.

pekoe a variety of small whole-leaf black tea from India and Sri Lanka.

pungent very astringent.

raw professional taster's term for bitter.

samovar an urn with a spigot, used to make tea in Russia and elsewhere.