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sassafras tea an herb tea made from the sassafras root, but no longer made because of its possible carci­nogenic properties.

tea ceremony an elaborate tea-drinking ritual involving multiple preparations and utensils, prac­ticed by the Japanese.

tisane any herb tea other than that using tea leaves.

woody professional taster's term for tea that tastes like hay.

Yunnan distinctly spicy tea harvested in southwest China.

wines and wine terms

Asti Spumante Italian sparkling white wine.

astringency the quality of wine that makes the mouth pucker, especially found in red wines.

Bardolino a light red wine produced in northern Italy.

Barolo a rich Italian red wine from Piedmont.

Beaujolais a light and fruity French red wine from southern Burgundy.

Beerenauslese wine made from individually picked grapes rather than bunches.

blanc de blancs French term meaning, "white of whites," referring to the lightest, most delicate white wines made from all white grapes.

body flavor intensity.

Bordeaux a city in France's southwestern wine region.

Botrytis cinerea a beneficial mold that grows on late-harvest grapes that helps to produce a rich, sweet wine.

bouquet the fragrance of a wine.

brut French term referring to the driest of all cham­pagnes.

Burgundy French region renowned for producing fine wines.

Cabernet Sauvignon a red grape used in the mak­ing of exceptional red wines, especially those of Bor­deaux and California.

Catawba an American, light red grape used in white and sparkling wines.

cave French term for cellar.

Chablis a town in northern Burgundy region of France, renowned for its dry white wines.

champagne sparkling white wine.

chateau any vineyard property in Bordeaux.

chewy wine connoisseur's term to describe great- bodied red wines, having a strong taste and after­taste.

Chianti a dry red wine produced in the Monti Chi- anti region of Italy.

claret the English term for Bordeaux red wines.

clos French term for a stone-walled vineyard.

coarse wine connoisseur's term, having a rough fla­vor with no finesse.

complex wine connoisseur's term, with multiple fla­vor overtones.

decant to pour out wine slowly into a decanter to eliminate its sediment.

demi-sec champagne term meaning half-dry.

Diamond U.S. white grape used to produce tart white wine and champagne.

Dom Perignon the 17th-century French cellarmas- ter known as the inventor of champagne.

dry not sweet.

finesse wine connoisseur's term, a distinct and deli­cate flavor.

finish a wine's aftertaste.

flabby wine connoisseur's term, having a poor qual­ity with weak, characterless flavor.

flat wine connoisseur's term, having a dull flavor; also of a sparkling wine, having lost its effervescence.

flinty wine connoisseur's term to describe a dry white wine, having a crisp flavor.

Gallo a giant winery in California.

Gamay a red grape from which Beaujolais is made.

green young, unaged, high in acidity.

Grenache a red grape used in dessert wines and roses.

hard having the flavor of tannin; barely aged.

Inglenook California winery known for its Caber­net Sauvignon wines.

Kabinett German term meaning the driest of wines.

Madeira a fortified Portuguese wine, similar to a sherry in flavor.

mellow wine connoisseur's term, soft with full flavor.

Moselle German river and adjacent area where deli­cate white wines are produced.

must the juice drawn from the grapes in the first step of wine making.

musty wine connoisseur's term, having a flavor sim­ilar to old, rotten wood, as a moldy wine cask.

Napa Valley renowned wine-producing region north of San Francisco, California.

WINES AND WINE TERMS 201 nose boquet of a wine.

petillant French term for a wine with slight sparkle.

Petite-Syrah a grape that produces a deep red wine.

Pinot Blanc a white grape used mostly for blending.

Pinot Chardonnay a white grape that produces French white Burgundies and California white wines.

piquant wine connoisseur's term, having a lively and not unpleasant acidic flavor.

port Portuguese blended dessert wine.

Rheingau renowned wine-producing region on the banks of the Rhine in Germany.

Rhine wine German white wine produced on the banks of the Rhine River.

rose a fruity, pink-colored wine.

rough wine connoisseur's term, not aged long enough and having a puckerish or coarse aftertaste.

Sauternes in Bordeaux, a wine district known for its sweet white wines.

sec French term for dry.

sherry Spanish wine fortified with brandy.

short wine connoisseur's term, having a taste that is only briefly perceived.

Soave Italian dry white wine.

soft a low alcohol content.

sommelier French term for a wine waiter who has keys to and great knowledge of the wine cellar. A wine steward.

spritzer a cold drink made of wine mixed with spar­kling water.

tannin a substance in wine known to produce an astringent flavor.

tart having a sharp flavor.

Tokay Hungarian white dessert wine.

Trockenbeerenauslese German term for a white wine produced from a very late harvest of grapes that has been infected with botrytis.

varietal wine any wine named after the principal grape it is made from.

vin ordinaire French term for a cheap, red wine.

vintage the year of a grape's harvest, as labeled on a bottle of wine.

vintner a wine merchant.

wine cooler a mixed cold drink of wine, fruit juice, and soda water.

woody wine connoisseur's term, having a woody taste as if it were left too long in its cask.

Zinfandel a red grape that produces a fruity red wine when young. When aged, it produces a rich, complex wine.



bunk bed two beds stacked one atop the other on a single, adjoining frame.

canopy bed a four-poster bed.

davenport multiple definitions, one of which is a sofa bed.

four-poster bed a bed having four corner posts for suspending a canopy. Also, a bed with four posts but no canopy.

futon a Japanese couch consisting of an adjustable frame and one large, folded cushion, which unfolds with the frame to form a bed.

Murphy bed a bed that folds up into a closet or spe­cial cabinet when not in use, designed for small spaces.