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We were getting farther and farther from the keep.

I saw the exact moment that wonderment sprang to life in Gemma’s eyes.

It hit me square in the chest, making my hands tighten on her.

She looked up at me with parted lips that slowly curved into a smile. Suddenly, a reverberating bolt of energy jolted through my whole body, ringing through my blood, quickening my heart, and steeling my cock.

Her head lolled back, pushing her breasts up, baring her neck, which was covered in my bites. She wanted to watch the Silver Sea passing underneath us, but she didn’t realize what an erotic image she presented, stretched out with delight on her lips as her breasts rose and fell in excitement. A graceful arm reached out, and I watched with bated breath as she skimmed her fingertips across the water, sending sparks of the salty sea rising in their wake.

Gemma laughed, low and husky before it was carried away by the wind.

She was burned into my memory. Just like this. I didn’t think I would ever forget this.

How could I have ever thought her plain?

My cock gave a warning throb. The bulge at the base of my cock fluttered and tightened, a rhythmic pulsing that made me gnash my teeth together.

Abruptly, I changed directions, making Gemma gasp. Hurtling back to the keep, I flew faster and faster, pumping my wings until all I heard was a rushing in my ears and all I could see was Gemma’s delighted grin, her white dull teeth flashing in the afternoon sunlight, which spread over her skin and made her glow golden.

Vaan,” I cursed under my breath, feeling like I was on the verge of coming in my damn pants with no physical stimulation at all. I would come as I drank from her, I knew. It hadn’t happened before, but it would this afternoon.

Gemma gasped when I landed on the courtyard terrace, the impact no doubt jarring and sudden. In the next moment, I dragged her into the small space where we’d be hidden from view of the keep, tucked away among the tangled starwood vines and the stone wall of the staircase at our backs.

Gemma was gripping my vest, bunching the stiff material in her hands. Her hair was a wild, windswept mess, lovely and chaotic. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright, and she was still smiling, those plump, soft lips curling.

And suddenly, I needed to taste them almost as much as I needed to feed from her.

Pinning her up against the wall of the staircase, I ducked my head, the sensation of wild and feral desire, one that bordered on madness, overcoming me.

“Azur,” she gasped, her smile finally dying, replaced by a spark of awareness at our closeness and the roughness of my grip on her hips.

My cock pulsed with my name.

This is madness, I thought.

When our lips met, it felt like a violent thing.

Her lips were perfectly soft. Tender. She gasped into my mouth, and I groaned, digging my claws into the flesh of her hips, dragging her closer. I devoured her until she was clinging to me, until I was stroking my tongue across hers, finding her impossibly soft there too. Slick and needy.

My fangs pricked her bottom lip, and I growled, tasting the bloom of her blood. Just a small tease. A small taste.

This is madness, I thought again.

I couldn’t stop.

Chapter 21


A swirl of golden pleasure was tightening and tightening in my belly. Tightening into a single solid thread that threatened to snap at any moment.

One glorious moment, we’d been flying. I’d felt free. I’d felt other. Like I’d been this entirely new being, whose world had just opened up to endless possibilities. I’d felt powerful.

Now I had my back against a wall and a Kylorr between my thighs, wedging himself against my body like he was trying to come into my skin.

And I was parting for him.

I was breathing into his kiss, tasting my own blood, feeling my head swirl whenever he licked at my tongue.

He tasted divine. There was a roughness to his kiss that made me crazed. I didn’t know what was happening. All I knew was that I expected my pleasure and I would damn well get it.

When he tore his mouth away, I nearly groaned at the loss. My back left the warm stone of the staircase wall. The alcove we were in made a private little square, only big enough for us. Our only witness was the sea. It stretched wide, glittering and perfect, and I found myself blinking at it with a heavily lidded gaze as Azur turned me forward. As he pushed me over the banister railing of the courtyard terrace.

The stone was pushed under my breasts, and I gripped the railing hard. Azur bent over me, tugging hard at the neckline of my dress, and I heard it rip. He pushed the material down, and my breasts spilled out, the warm breeze drifting over them, making them pebble and stiffen.

His hot, roughened palm cupped one, and a ragged, shocked moan tumbled from my throat. His fingers pinched at one nipple, twisting it hard enough to make me squirm and my clit flutter, and I dug my nails into the stone, biting my lip, tasting my blood.

When he pinched again, I felt my knees tremble. My eyes flew wide, feeling the beginnings of my orgasm rising, hot and fast.

“Oh gods,” I whimpered.

His chuckle sounded strained and tight.

“I can make you come like this,” he breathed in my ear. “You don’t need my venom at all, do you, little wife?”

His venom?

I whimpered, dragging in lungfuls of air.

Our feedings were getting more and more physical.

Ever since the night in Maazin’s office, when he’d sunk his fangs into my breast and I’d felt the rasp of his chin abrade across my nipple, the feedings had been different. Like we were toying and playing at the edge of what could be. Like Azur kept pushing me and pushing me until he found my limits. Then he’d push some more.

We had an agreement. I would be whatever he wanted me to be during our feeding. I would act however he wanted me to act: fearful or submissive. I would play a role.

Only, Azur hadn’t demanded anything from me. He liked me needy though. He liked when I moaned for his bite.

The frightening thing was that I wasn’t playing a role.

Azur was bent over me, his front plastered to my back, as he tugged at my pebbled nipples. Every pull sent a flurry of sensation hurtling straight to my cunt.

Then Azur was groaning. He moved closer, and I was gasping for breath, tilting my head to the side, awaiting—no, needing—to feel that prick of pain, followed by the hot blur of pleasure.

I didn’t have to wait long.

But just as Azur bit my neck, as that first dizzying pull made me hiss, I felt his hand leave my breast and dive under the skirts of my dress.

I didn’t even tense when I felt his hand find me, so slick and warm that it was dripping down my thighs. I was lost. I spread my legs wider, sharp zaps of wicked desire skittering up my spine.

“Good wife,” he growled against my skin, and I gasped. “So fucking wet for me, kyrana.”

The callouses and the roughness of his fingers abraded sensitive flesh. I jerked and moaned, my gaze half-lidded, staring unseeingly out at the Silver Sea.

The orgasm came swiftly. From the lightest of touches against my clit, Azur made me jerk, and it set me off like a bomb. I broke. Shattered. With his fangs deep in my neck and his hand underneath my dress, I rocked and moaned and hissed and pleaded. I might have even screamed, the sound carrying over the water, and his dark laugh abruptly cut off when he ground his cock into the deep cleft of my ass.