So it was that upon a Tuesday morning at approximately 10:15, this being the best morning for a business man’s peace of mind according to Lemuel Shipwright’s Psychology of Managerial Practices two volumes, Ree and Ree, Mikal Margolis straightened his paper tie and knocked on the North West Quartersphere Projects and Developments Manager/Director’s door.
“Come in,” said the North West Quartersphere Projects and Developments Manager/Director.
Mikal Margolis entered, bowed politely and said in a clear but not too loud voice, “The mineralogical reports on the Desolation Road project.”
Busy with his computer terminal, the North West Quartersphere Projects and Developments Manager/Director’s back was turned to him.
“I don’t recall anything about a Desolation Road Project,” said the North West Quartersphere Projects and Developments Manager/Director. Mikal Margolis’s mouth suddenly felt like a parrot’s crotch. There was something oddly familiar about the voice.
“The Desolation Road project, sir: the ore sand extraction project. The feasibility studies the planning council requested.”
The bluff was so enormous it must succeed through audacity alone. Mikal Margolis was certain that the North West Quartersphere Projects and Developments Manager/Director did not know the face and name of every employee in his division. He was equally certain the North West Quartersphere Projects and Developments Manager/Director was so busy that he could not possibly remember all his decisions.
“Remind me more.”
The bait was being taken.
“It was found that the red sands in the region around the isolated settlement of Desolation Road contain a phenomenally high level of iron oxides, the sand being, in effect, virtually pure rust. The project was to study means of exploiting this resource through bacteriological action upon the rust sands, rendering it more easily processable. It’s all laid out in this report, sir.”
“Very interesting, Mr. Margolis.”
Mikal Margolis’s heart stopped dead for a perilous moment. The North West Quartersphere Projects and Developments Manager/Director turned to face him. At first Mikal Margolis did not recognize the elegant young man, smooth, powerful, dangerous, not the least bit blubbery or whining as Mikal Margolis remembered him.
“Good God. Johnny Stalin.”
“Shareholder 703286543.”
Mikal Margolis stood waiting for the Company police to come. He waited and waited and waited. At length he said, “Well, aren’t you going to call them?”
“They won’t be necessary. Now, your files.”
“What about them?”
“I want to see them. If they’re worth the risk of coming out of the walls and engaging in this charade, oh, I know all about you, Mr. Margolis, everything, then they must be worth seeing.”
“But you are a convicted murderer and a Freelancer… Mr. Margolis, my father was a fool and if I had stayed in Desolation Road I would be a dirtpoor farmer and not a man of business and industry. What you may have done in the past to my family is all past. Now, show me the files. I take it you have conducted a full mineralogical, chemical, biological and cost-effectiveness study to back all this?”
Mikal Margolis fumbled with his stolen briefcase and spread the papers across the North West Quartersphere Projects and Developments Manager/Director’s desk. He weighted the corners down with little paperweights in the shape of naked boys lying on their backs with their legs in the air.
“I will give her the earth,” said Umberto Gallacelli, siestaing on his bed, his head resting on a pile of soiled underpants. “Only the whole earth is good enough for her.”
“I will give her the sea,” said Louie Gallacelli, fastening his bootlace tie before the mirror. Business had been brisk since the pilgrims started coming. “She is so like the sea, boundless, untamed, restless yet yielding. For her, the sea.” He glanced at Ed Gallacelli, oily and immersed in a copy of Practical Mechanic. “Hey, Eduardo, what are you going to give our lovely wife for her birthday?”
Never much given to unnecessary speech, Ed Gallacelli lowered his magazine and smiled a subtle smile. That night he left on the Meridian Express without telling his brothers when he would be back. There were seven days to Persis Tatterdemalion’s twentieth birthday. Those seven days passed in a flurry. Louie prosecuted sixteen hours a day in Dominic Frontera’s petty sessions: the pilgrims had brought petty crime and petty criminals and though mayor and harassed attorney heard up to fifty cases per day the town lock-up was always full. The three goodnatured constables Dominic Frontera had seconded from the Meridian constabulary barely contained the flow of small crime.
Umberto had made the short move from farming to real estate. Renting his fields had proven so profitable that he went into business with Rael Mandella converting bare rock and sand into tillable farmland and letting it out at rents only slightly less than ruinous. Even Persis Tatterdemalion was so hardworked that she had taken on extra staff and was considering opting for a lease on the house across the alley to extend the premises.
“Business is booming.” she declared to her regulars, and nodded in the direction of the pinched pious pilgrims sitting in their corners with their guava cordials, thinking pure thoughts of the Lady Taasmin. “Business is booming.” Then Sevriano and Batisto would skip out together the same time every night and she would look at them and sigh and wonder how they had gotten so big in only nine years. They had their fathers’ devilish good looks and rakish charm. There was not a girl in the whole of Desolation Road who did not want to sleep with Sevriano and Batisto, preferably simultaneously. Remembering this, she would call them to the bar and fuss over them and smooth down their curly black hair which would spring up again the second they walked out the door, and while no one was looking slip packets of male contraceptive pills into their shirt pockets.
Nine years. Not even time was what it used to be. Nostalgia certainly wasn’t. With a start Persis Tatterdemalion realized her twentieth birthday was only five days off. Twenty. The halfway point. After twenty there was nothing to look forward to. Funny how time flies. Ah, flies. She hadn’t thought about flying for… she couldn’t remember how long. The sting was gone but the itch remained. She was not a pilot. She was a hotelier. A good hotelier. It was no less honourable a profession than pilot. So she told herself. When people talked about a pilgrimage to Desolation Road, they talked Bethlehem Ares Railroad/Hotel. She should be proud of that, she told herself, but she knew in her heart of hearts she would rather be flying.
With a start she realized she had a customer.
“Sorry. Way long way away.”
“It’s all right,” said Rael Mandella. “Two more beers. Any sign of that runaway husband of yours? Umberto says it’s been three days.”
“He’ll turn up.” Ed was the black clone in the brood. While his brothers were hungry for success and had made themselves attorneys and realtors, Ed was content to remain in his shed fixing small things and asking no money for the privilege. Dear Ed. Where was he?
The twentieth birthday dawned and Umberto and Louie threw a surprise breakfast party for their wife with cakes and wine and decorations. Still Ed did not appear.
“No-good bum.” said Umberto.
“What kind of husband is not present at his wife’s birthday?” said Louie. They presented their gifts to Persis Tatterdemalion.
“I give you the earth,” said Umberto the soily-fingered farmer, and gave his wife a diamond ring, hand-crafted by the dwarf jewelsmiths of Yazzoo.