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Gru softens. “I wish there was something I could say to make it all better, sweetheart….” Margo appreciates his concern. She gets up and they all hurry off.

Gru quickly turns back and zaps Antonio with his Freeze Ray, surrounding the boy’s head in a block of ice. Then he rushes to catch up with the girls by the exit.

Gru shuttles them into the car and takes off. In the background, Lucy is landing with her hang glider. They just miss each other!

Lucy enters the Cinco de Mayo party.

She looks around but doesn’t see Gru.

Suddenly, Pollito the chicken appears and flies toward Lucy. She strikes a martial arts pose, ready to defend herself against the treacherous chicken. As she does, her purse falls to the ground, and Pollito pecks at it, instead of attacking her.

El Macho appears, now wearing his regular Eduardo clothes again, cooing, “Pollito! What’s the matter?”

“Oh, hey, Eduardo,” Lucy says.

“Lucia! I apologize,” El Macho offers. “He’s usually not like this. The same thing happened the other day with… Gru….” A realization sweeps over El Macho. He has finally connected the dots.

Lucy has no idea, however. “Speaking of Gru, have you seen him? I really need to talk to him.”

“Yes, I think he’s somewhere around here,” replies El Macho. “You two are close, no?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” begins Lucy. “Why? Did he say we are close? Did he say that?”

El Macho smiles wryly. “It’s more what he didn’t say. For instance, he never mentioned that you were both working for the Anti-Villain League!” He turns Pollito around, revealing that the chicken has Lucy’s AVL credentials in his beak!

Lucy is completely unprepared for this. El Macho puts his hand on her shoulder. “You’re coming with me.”

Dr. Nefario sees this from across the party and knows she’s in trouble. “Crikey!”

Chapter Sixteen

Gru drives over his lawn and slams on the brakes, stopping his car in the driveway.

Edith asks, “So Eduardo’s actually El Macho? Cool!”

He rushes the girls into the house. “Come on! Everyone inside! Hurry up!”

As he enters the family room, red lights flash around the big-screen TV. Gru and the girls turn to see Dr. Nefario, looking nervous as he whispers from under a table at El Macho’s lair.

“Gru! El Macho’s on to you,” Dr. Nefario says hurriedly. “He knows you’re working for the AVL. And he’s got your partner!”

“Lucy?” Gru says, his face falling.

Dr. Nefario continues, “He’s out for revenge! And crikey, it’s gonna be messy!”

El Macho calls to Dr. Nefario from offscreen. “Nefario! I told you to get that shark over here!”

Dr. Nefario looks at Gru nervously. “Sorry, gotta go!”

He quickly pulls a plug, interrupting the camera feed.

“El Macho has Lucy?” asks Agnes.

Gru gets a determined look in his eye. “Not for long.” He turns to his Minions. “Let’s go.”

The girls watch them go, unable to stop themselves from worrying.

Out in the front yard, the girls’ playhouse unfolds as Gru shoots out from a hatch below it on his Gru-cycle. Two Minions sit behind him and hold on tight as it rockets down the street.

El Macho’s yard is now filled with rocket ships. His purple Minion army begins filing into the ships.

“The time has come, my Purple Army!” El Macho announces. “Today marks the return of El Macho! Soon the world will be ours! Prepare yourselves to make history! Today we will—” He looks at the Minions, who are kicking and hitting one another. “Pay attention to me! I’m talking to you!”

The Minions ignore El Macho and start tearing apart his home, using the pieces to smack one another around. Finally, he pulls out an air horn and gets everyone’s attention. “Everybody back in line!”

Chapter Seventeen

Kevin, the evil purple Minion El Macho sent after Gru, has finally arrived at Gru’s house. He walks onto the front lawn and eats a tricycle. Kyle barks at him, and he chases Kyle to the front door. Kyle runs away as Evil Kevin continues toward the house.

Inside, Margo and Agnes sit in the living room, playing a board game. They hear a noise outside.

“What was that?” Agnes says suddenly, clinging to her stuffed unicorn.

Margo stands up and walks toward the window. The drapes are drawn, so she reaches out a nervous hand and pulls them back. Margo screams. A scary purple Minion appears at the window!

SMASH! Evil Kevin crashes through the window and yells, “Blaaarghhh!”

Margo grabs Agnes, and they race out of the room. But Agnes accidentally drops her stuffed unicorn. She stops and runs back for it.

“Agnes, no!” screams Margo.

Agnes freezes when she sees that Evil Kevin already has her poor unicorn in his mouth. She screams a crazy, high-pitched scream that shatters all the glass in the room, including the glass in Evil Kevin’s goggles. This confuses the evil Minion, so Agnes grabs her unicorn, and Margo grabs Agnes.

The girls run for the elevator, with Evil Kevin close behind. The elevator drops just in time, leaving Evil Kevin to smash into the glass door.

Down on the lower level, Margo and Agnes run into the lab. Edith is down there dressed in her ninja outfit and playing table tennis with her sword. Margo calls to Edith and the regular yellow Minions. “Quick! Help! It’s coming!”

They shut the big steel door behind them. Phew! Nothing can get to them in Gru’s reinforced lab. They are safe!

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

Evil Kevin has eaten his way through the ceiling! The girls scream and watch in horror as the Minion breaks through and drops down into the lab.

The yellow Minions all dog-pile onto the purple Minion, but it’s no use. Evil Kevin effortlessly tosses them off. He then stomps toward Agnes, Edith, and Margo, backing them into a corner. The girls look at one another, thinking this is the end.

At that moment, a needle is injected into the purple Minion. The Minion falls over and begins to smoke and bubble. Then he sits up and has turned back into a regular yellow Minion.

“Kevin!” says Agnes, recognizing him.

Kevin smiles and waves, and the other Minions swarm him with hugs.

Margo looks up to see who is holding the needle: It’s Dr. Nefario!

“Dr. Nefario!” Margo says, surprised.

“In the flesh and with the antidote,” Dr. Nefario says.

Dr. Nefario produces a vial filled with yellow liquid antidote. He steps over to the vat of jelly and pours the antidote into it. “Come on. Let’s finally put this horrible jelly to some good use.”

In the meantime, Gru makes his way up the road leading to El Macho’s house. He is wearing handcuffs and being led at spear-point by Dave and Stuart. They are painted purple to look like evil Minions.

They approach the closed gate. Dave gets on Stuart’s shoulders and speaks evil Minion gibberish into the intercom. He hears evil gibberish in response. Dave shrugs and tries to respond in evil gibberish.

A green light turns on, the intercom buzzes, and the gate opens! It worked!

“We’re in,” says Gru. “Go time!”

As Gru and the disguised Minions walk through the gate, they get suspicious looks from the real purple Minions.

Dave and Stuart poke Gru with the spear.

“Curses! Foiled again,” Gru says, attempting to act. “These guys captured me.”

The evil Minions cheer. So far so good, thinks Gru.

On the long walk to the house, Gru, Dave, and Stuart have to pass by crowds of evil purple Minions. Dave and Stuart are very nervous, but all is going according to plan. That is, until one of the evil Minions makes a slobbery raspberry at Dave.