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Heat emanated from Gellan and the ward around them glowed orange, strong enough to make them all sweat. As the ice particles entered the heat they melted, spattering hot skin with cold water. As the figure turned to flee again, the ice storm did not subside.

‘He’s getting away!’ shouted Bel.

‘No!’ called Gellan, but Bel did not listen. As he lurched into the whizzing mist, scores of tiny shards instantly riddled his flesh. He flung a hand before his eyes, and a dozen gashes opened in his palms.

‘Bel, you idiot,’ shouted Jaya, reaching from within the light to grab him. ‘You’ll be cut to ribbons!’

Bloody and bellowing, he allowed himself to be pulled back in. He noticed that Jaya’s hands were now covered in cuts. As for his own hurts, they mattered little.

‘Put an end to the spell, curse you!’ he shouted at Gellan. ‘He’s getting away!’

Gellan grunted in response and his eyebrows furrowed. A shockwave of heat rippled out from him, which Bel felt sharply in his myriad wounds. Flying ice blasted away, and even the rock itself was suddenly dry for a moment.

‘Now stay together,’ snapped Gellan, and took up the charge.

Around the next bend they came to an open stretch, straight and narrow. Ahead, the figure was moving unnaturally fast, making full use of the time it had gained. Fireballs and energy bolts flew back and forth between them, each impact halting the receiver somewhat, so the already wide distance between them did not grow.

‘Faster!’ shouted Bel. He grabbed Hiza’s sword and hurled it, but this time the distance was too great even for him.

Below the river disappeared into the rocks of its source, and the two sides of the ridge joined into one flat area. About a hundred paces on, the land ended abruptly, dropping away into a great valley ringed on all sides by towering peaks.

The skeletal figure did not halt, but took a great running leap off the edge.

‘He cannot float fast,’ said Gellan. ‘We may still catch him!’

They came to a skidding stop at the edge: a sheer drop yawned sickeningly before them. Gellan continued sending fireballs at the figure as it drifted away like a puff of dark smoke. Each impact smacked it about in the air but did not stop it slipping further away. Abandoning fireballs, Gellan reached out his hands, gritting his teeth as sweat formed on his brow.

‘What are you doing?’ asked Bel in despair.

‘Trying to drag him back,’ replied the mage. ‘It should be easy, as he’s made himself so light …but …his power is so strong!’ With a great sigh, he relaxed his hands.

Bel fell to his knees, unable to believe his failure. He still felt a tenuous thread that reached after the departing figure …How was he meant to follow? Was he supposed to jump from the cliff? Anger came, anger at his stupid ‘gift’, useless and maybe even dangerous, tempting him to his death.

What kind of gift leads to suicide?

Jaya crouched next to him, frowning at his wounds. She licked her sleeve and wiped his brow, stopping droplets of blood from running into his eyes.

‘A shame,’ she said with a half-smile. ‘You’ve mucked up your pretty face.’

He barely heard her. How am I supposed to follow?

‘No!’ He screamed in frustration, rising to his feet, making Jaya start. ‘Stop, curse you! Come back!’

The figure was a tiny blur now, floating high above the immense valley.

Bel moved even closer to the edge, nudging it with his toes, straining his sight after the figure as if force of will alone could bring it back.

‘By Arkus,’ said Hiza.

‘Look!’ said Jaya, pointing.

It was hard to tell from this distance, for the dark figure was so far away – but had it turned around? For a moment it seemed to grow not smaller, but larger.

Suddenly all traces of the pattern’s last threads disappeared.

The figure was coming back.

‘Everybody get behind me,’ said Gellan. ‘And this time, if you leave my protection, you’re on your own.’

As the figure drew near, the wind pulled back its cowl to reveal a mottled skull, grinning and charred. It set down on the ground with a click of bony feet, and Gellan raised a warning hand.

‘Hold!’ he said.

The thing made no move other than to turn its eyeless gaze towards Bel. It was unnerving to stare into the empty sockets.

‘Why have you returned?’ said Bel.

‘Because,’ replied Fazel in a dry, cracked voice, ‘you commanded me to.’

Fahren waited just beyond the walls, a small complement of blades with him. It was a nice day, he thought, the kind of day that may once have seemed peaceful, had it not arrived polluted by undercurrents of concern.

He reached into his shirt and drew out a small vial, inside which a beetle whirred its wings. Well done , he conveyed to it, more in warmth than words, and it stilled in anticipation. He unstoppered the vial and tipped it gently, allowing the beetle to walk to the edge and flit away. A couple of the blades were watching curiously and he gave them a wink, although he was sure they hadn’t the slightest idea what he was doing.

‘Performed a service for me,’ he told them, gesturing after the beetle. ‘Wouldn’t be fair not to let him go.’

The blades nodded uncertainly and Fahren smiled. When you were a mage you were allowed to be strange.

The beetle reached a copse of trees and disappeared. A good little spy, that one had proved. Riding along in its mind, Fahren had flown unnoticed into Thedd Naphur’s chambers more than once, and never had he liked what he’d heard. Thedd still had sympathisers, and though they did not exactly counsel open treason, they skirted its edges rather closely. Had Thedd seemed that way inclined, possibly Fahren would have had to do something drastic. The man, however, did not dare to speak openly the hate that Fahren sensed so clearly in his heart, was not so brash as to reject Arkus, which was effectively what he’d be doing if he questioned the fitting of the Auriel.

Fahren knew he wasn’t free from backlash, even if Thedd tended towards pettier recriminations. As the Trusted of Tria, the man would be responsible for raising significant numbers for the army – thus his resentment of Fahren could express itself in dangerous ways, such as questioning orders or being slow to react to them, or simply not doing his best to find soldiers. It was not an attitude that Fahren could afford to let go unchecked.

Noise sounded from the gate, as Thedd’s entourage made its way out of the Halls. Horses pulled a carriage built for appearance over haste, flanked by blades on horseback. Fahren moved towards them, holding up his hand, and the carriage driver drew the horses to a stop.

‘What’s the delay?’ came Thedd’s voice immediately from inside, and a curtain whisked back to reveal his scowling face, along with two mage companions. When he saw Fahren, he made a half-hearted attempt to change his expression, but the curl of his lips did not well conceal his displeasure.

‘Fahren,’ he acknowledged, pointedly dropping the title.

‘Would you mind stepping out for a moment, Thedd?’ said Fahren.

There was a click of the door unlatching from inside, and a blade slid from his horse to help Thedd alight. Fahren walked off without checking to see if Thedd followed. Thedd did, arriving at Fahren’s side with a deal of colour in his cheeks.

‘I trust you have not come simply to wish me well on my journey home,’ he said.

‘No,’ said Fahren, keeping his tone even. He would have to hide his dislike of the fellow. ‘Though I  do wish you well, for although you must consider yourself robbed of your rightful appointment, you still have an important part to play.’

‘Yes, yes,’ said Thedd. ‘I am to organise my soldiers to their deaths in this ridiculous campaign.’