With a sudden violence he bit down hard on the back of his tongue, puncturing the surface and drawing blood into his mouth. He then opened that mouth ever so slightly.
The holy man inhaled the evening air, stinging his nostrils with chill and the scent of dried grass in fire. Softly he began to chant into the wind, keeping his voice low so that it had no chance of being overheard by the drunken oafs who called themselves his escort.
Had his retinue been paying attention they would have heard the cleric whispering the names of ancient battles, moments of carnage frozen in time, inhaling their names into his mouth and breathing them back out again, coated with the taste and vibration of blood. But the day had been long and uneventful, as had the rest of the journey thus far, and the soldiers were too engaged in their banter, too involved in their games of dice and throw-spikes to notice.
In fairness to the guards, they felt safe here, the holy man noted in the back of his mind. After all, there was virtually no chance that they would be attacked, here in the middle of the endless meadow, with the plain stretching for leagues to the horizon. There was no place for an enemy to hide in all that space, no opportunity for surprise.
He chuckled in amusement at the inaccuracy of supposition.
The wind grew colder. As he spoke the words formed evanescent clouds of frozen steam and hovered before him in the crimson sky, as if too heavy with grief to rise on the breeze now.
The raid, on Farrow’s Down, he whispered. The siege of Eethe Corbair. The Death March of the Cymrian Nain, the burning of the western villages. Kesel Tai, Tomingorllo, Lingen Swale. One by one, a litany of death and disgrace, spoken softly into the wind. The slaughter at Wynnarth Keep, the rape of the Tarimese water camp. The assault on the Southeastern Face. The evisceration of the fourth column. The mass execution of the First Fleet farming settlements.
Only the snow answered him, and even it did not appear to be listening. Flakes of ice blew about in the stiff breeze, masking his words and the frosty breath that uttered them.
He felt the flush of excitement begin to creep over him, starting in his groin and radiating outward with each beat of his failing heart. The spirits of the dead called out in the wind, as they had for centuries, the anguish of their cries vibrating over his skin in delicious ecstasy. It was the sound, or more accurately, the feel, of brutal suffering, of violence, that remained in the earth and the air, dissipated only slightly over time when the memory was recalled, like blood pooled at the bottom of a deep bowl. Even those without his unique abilities could feel the noise of it, could sense the agony that was extant in the place, and hurried to be away from here. He, of course, could more than feel it. In a way, he could take credit for it.
The holy man inhaled the vibrations of suffering from the wind, tasted the death in his mouth, savoring it. His inner demon shouted for the joy of it, roiled in the orgiastic pleasure of the destruction that had occurred here, and would occur again soon. It was all he could do to keep from being carried away on an orgasm of bloody memory.
Now, Mildiv Jephaston, he whispered into the wind. “Your Grace?” The lieutenant was standing directly behind him. He spun quickly around, struggling to mask his annoyance. “Yes, my son?”
“Is everything all right, Your Grace?”
He struggled to set his features in a smile. “Yes, of course, my son,” he said, sliding his hands into the sleeves of his robe. “And how kind of you to be concerned. Is the fire going well?”
“Fairly well, Your Grace,” said the young soldier as the two began to head back. “The wood’s a trifle wet to really catch thoroughly.”
The holy man smiled as he returned with the young armsman to the camp. “Perhaps I can be of assistance,” he said. “I’ve always had a touch with fire.”
By the time they reached the rocky swales that lay east of the city of Yarim Paar it was clear to Achmed that the lives of the slave children had been purchased at the cost of gathering at least one of the additional demon-spawn. Given his dislike of people in general and children in particular, he was not particularly aggrieved at the development, but he suspected that Rhapsody would be.
Nine living brats of the Rakshas and one yet to be born, scattered all the way across the continent—it would be a daunting task in a season without snow, when time was not working against them. Now, entering winter, with but nine weeks before the birth of the last child, and taking on this new problem, her plan to obtain all of them seemed very much in doubt.
He did not know how many tainted children it would require to extract the necessary amount of blood for him to find the F’dor, or if this insane quest for it would even work at all. Blood will be the means Jo find that which hides from the Wind, the ancient Dhracian prophecy had said. Rhapsody had interpreted it, had set the plan in place, arranging with her Lirin mentor, Oelendra, to take the children in as they found each of them, and guard them until all had been found. Then Rhapsody would take them, assuming she could find it, to the Veil of Hoen, a place she said was legendary for healing.
With each passing day Achmed had grown more impatient, more uncertain, both of the plan’s potential success and of the likelihood of their own survival. Rhapsody was certain that the Lord and Lady Rowan, the mysterious figures who dwelt beyond the Veil of Hoen, would be the ones to separate out the blood without killing the children. They healed Ashe when his soul was torn asunder, she had argued. The Lady is the Keeper of Dreams, the Guardian of Sleep, Yl Breudiwyr. The Lord is the Hand of Mortality, the Peaceful Death, Yl Angaulor. They are the only ones I can think of who can take out the demon’s blood without killing the children. It’s the place to do this, I know it is. If I can just make it there in time—time passes differently in that place; I know, because Oelendra told me. If anyone can help it is they.
He had not had time to discuss the change of plans with her; it had been a mad race to escape before dawn broke over Yarim Paar. Behind them in the distance he could hear the faint ringing of alarms, or at least he thought he could—perhaps it was more a matter of imagination and fear. After all, they had only stolen slave children who were being illegally used. And what thief reports the theft of his own stolen property?
Those of the ratty children who were willing to endure human contact had gravitated to Rhapsody as they fled; the others had tried to stay as far away from both of them as would be allowed. Twenty-two in all; some of them took turns riding in pairs on the horses, while others preferred to walk the entire journey. Two pairs had had to be tied together to keep them with the group but away from the frailer boys and the apprentices, whose maltreatment of them in their captivity was deeply resented. It made for excruciatingly slow traveling, but Rhapsody did not seem to mind.
She spent a good deal of her walking time talking with the bald apprentice named Omet, and most of her resting time comforting the yellow-haired child whose mother had been Liringlas, whose leg was infected, bordering on septic, singing her healing songs and music to keep the children compliant, applying her medicinal herbs. Now, as they made camp at sunset, breaking open the rations intended for the longer journey to feed so many starving mouths, Achmed looked east, musing silently.
It was another two days’ travel to the Bakhran Pass, the second northernmost Firbolg outpost in the Teeth. They had agreed to leave the children there, in the hands of the Bolg army garrison, all but the two demon-spawn. Every child they had rescued except the apprentice was an orphan, and Omet had assured Rhapsody that he was leaving behind nothing in Yarim Paar.
Seeing Rhapsody now, sitting near the crackling flames of the campfire with the boy named Aric in her lap, Achmed felt a shiver of a sort pass through him. The child, like Rhapsody herself, was rosy of skin with golden hair; there were definite racial similarities. Still, there was a fae air to him that made him seem alien, a feral aspect that made Achmed nervous. It was almost as if Rhapsody were cuddling a blanket-wrapped badger in her lap, cooing over it as if it were a Liringlas baby, oblivious of its deeper, threatening nature. It did not bode well in his mind for the times ahead.