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“Drink?” Eric offered.

“Yeah,” she said, leaning her chest against the bar. “What’s good here?”

He smiled down at her and pressed himself into the space between her and the guy behind him. They were nearly touching.


She glanced away from him and back toward the bar. She knew he was only flirting with her because the coach had told him to accommodate her. Couldn’t lose any of their booster money. But still, he was good at it.

“I’d like a dirty martini,” she finally told him.

“If you like martinis, I’d recommend the Peppermint Posse.”

“I’m in.”

Eric flagged the bartender, and she scooted out from the bar. If Jude weren’t in her life, she would have been all over Eric. But not tonight. When the bartender appeared in front of him, Eric ordered her martini and himself a beer. Gates already had one in hand from another blonde bartender. She must have recognized him because her mouth was dropped open in surprise.

Her Peppermint Posse drink was not only delicious, but it was also potent. She could feel her buzz setting in quickly.

By the time their group walked outside, she lost count of how many martinis she had consumed. Eric was talking to a couple of football players nearby. They kept shooting glances in her direction. Gates was by her side but talking to another blonde. She kept looking at Bryna as if wondering her relationship to Gates and how soon she could get him away from Bryna.

Bryna ignored the girl and motioned for another martini from a passing waiter. The waiter brought her the drink, and she started downing it. God, this stuff is amazing.

“Gates,” Bryna whispered, leaning into him.

“Bri, not right now.” He moved closer to the other girl.

“I’m going to call Jude.”

He furrowed his brows. “Not a good idea. You’re drunk.”

“I’m fine,” she slurred.

Her eyes wandered back over to Eric. He met her gaze and smiled before continuing to talk to the other players.

“Oh, and, Gates?”

“Yeah, B?”

“Don’t you think Eric is hot?”

Gates sighed and shook his head. He excused himself from the girl he was talking to and walked them a short distance away. “I don’t think that’s a good idea either. You’re really drunk.”

“Do you think he thinks I’m hot?” she asked. Her head felt beyond fuzzy. She could barely keep her eyes open. What the fuck was in those drinks?

“Every guy in this place thinks you’re hot, Bri. Because you are. And if I didn’t know you loved someone else back in Los Angeles, I would drag you out of this bar, back to our hotel room, and fuck you.”

Bryna softly patted his cheek. “That sounds fun.”

Gates closed his eyes and ran a hand back through his hair. “We should go. I should take you back to campus.”

“But I’m having so much fun!”

He moved her to a lounge chair and sat her down. “I’m going to let Eric know we’re leaving. Don’t move your crazy ass out of this seat.”

“Or you’ll spank it?” she asked, giggling.

“Just don’t move it, okay?”

As soon as he walked away, she pulled out her phone and dialed Jude’s number.

He answered groggily, “Bri?”

“Jude! Oh my God, I miss you.”

“Are you drunk?” he asked.

“No. Okay, maybe.”

He sighed. “Where are you?”

“Las Vegas,” she told him. “I fucking love this city.”

“Are you safe? Is everything okay? Do I need to come out there and get you?” He was gradually growing more fearful.

“No, don’t worry. I’m with Gates. He’s taking care of me,” she said completely nonchalant.

“Who the hell is Gates?” Jude asked. His voice shifted to something dark that she didn’t recognize in her state.

“My ex-boyfriend, but don’t worry. We’re just friends now.”

“You are in Las Vegas with your ex-boyfriend…instead of in Los Angeles with me?”

“Yeah. But I’m visiting LV State, and Eric Wilkins is here!”

“Bri, what the fuck is going on with you? You’re with your ex and a college football player? Do you even know what those guys are like?”

“It’s not like that,” she insisted. “We’re just having a good time.”

“I know guys like him and their idea of a good time,” he said menacingly.

Gates walked back over right then. “Bri, what the fuck are you doing? Get off the goddamn phone.”

“Who is that?” Jude asked.

“That’s Gates. Here, talk to him!” She handed the phone off to Gates and flopped back on the lounge chair.

Gates took the phone out of her hand and stared at it before answering, “Hey, man. I’m sure this sounds really bad, but I’m just taking your girl back to her room, so she can sleep.”

After a few seconds, Gates responded again through gritted teeth, “Yeah. I understand you perfectly.” He hung up the phone and tossed it back into Bryna’s purse. “Let’s go.”

“Is Jude coming?”

“No,” he said, putting his arm under her shoulders and helping her up.

“Can Eric come?”

“You’re not his type.”

“But why? I thought I was everyone’s type.” She squinted up at him, and then her eyes went wide. “Oh my God, is he gay? Is that why he never made a move?”

“Yeah. Sure.” Gates shrugged. “Let’s get you back to campus. Now, Bri.”

“Will you stay with me?” she asked, leaning her head against his shoulder.

He closed his eyes and sighed, clearly restraining himself. “Yes.”

“You’re the best,” she told him before blacking out.

Bryna woke up with a headache from hell.

She sat up in bed and felt her stomach roll. “Oh God,” she groaned, covering her mouth. She stood up as quickly as she could, tripped over something on the floor, and stumbled into the wall.

“Jesus, Bri,” Gates grumbled from where he lay on the floor.

She didn’t even respond. She rushed to the bathroom and emptied her stomach. After a few minutes of retching, she stood on uneasy feet, brushed her teeth, and wandered back into the room. She felt like absolute shit.

“What are you doing on the floor?” she groaned. She collapsed back into bed.

“Because I’m a gentleman,” he joked. He scooted her over and climbed into bed next to her. “How much of last night do you remember?”

She looked up at him uncertainly. “We went to Posse. I was drinking martinis.”

He ran a hand over his eyes and then filled her in on the rest of the night. If she hadn’t already been sick, then she was pretty sure she would have been again. Her face paled, and she clutched the comforter in her hands.

“Oh my God,” she murmured. “I need to go home and see Jude.”

“What about your meeting today?”

She shook her head. “I’ll tell them I’m sick. I can’t believe I said those things to Jude. I can’t believe you talked to him. I can’t believe Eric is gay.”

“All a rather shocking night,” Gates agreed. He looked so concerned about her, but she couldn’t even function right now.

“Hey,” she said, turning to face him. “Thank you for taking care of me. I know this wasn’t easy.”

Gates smiled wearily and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Anything for you, B.” His hand lingered a second too long. “Well, let’s get you back to L.A. before you do anything else stupid.”

After a quick shower and a call to the administration, Bryna and Gates were on their way back to Los Angeles. Bryna tried to reach Jude on the drive, but he didn’t pick up. She was disappointed but not surprised. It seemed to be his MO to hole up whenever he was pissed off. She didn’t really blame him for being angry this time. She had a good excuse for being in Vegas, which she would explain to him when they finally spoke. She honestly didn’t think she needed an excuse for being there with Gates since they were just friends and nothing had happened besides her drunken ridiculousness. However, she did need to apologize for how she had acted on the phone. What the hell was I thinking?