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“Football players?” Bryna asked in confusion.

Then, it hit her.

The number one sports agency in the country. “Jude…Rose. Rose Corp.”

Bryna’s own father had almost signed with them when he was going to go pro. No wonder Jude had known about the sex clubs and how football players acted and why he was gone all the time in the fall. It explained the clients he’d had at Chateau Marmont on New Year’s. He hadn’t given her his last name because that name was unbelievably well-known in Los Angeles. He wouldn’t have wanted her to be able to look him up.

Jude looked between Felicity and Bryna and seemed to realize there was no out. He was a smooth talker, but he couldn’t talk his way out of this one. “How did you figure it out?” he finally asked Felicity.

Felicity stepped forward threateningly. The bitch who had tested Bryna to find out if Bryna was good enough to work for her had returned. “I was informed by another student, who had apparently heard you two speaking about having sex and leaving the country.” She narrowed her eyes. “Is that true?”

Bryna didn’t wait to hear what Jude had to say. Her eyes moved across the room to Pace still standing in the hallway, overseeing what was going on. She glared at him, and he just smirked. She saw everything he had to say in that one smile.

Game. Set. Match.


“I know things are bad, but can’t you at least think about Alex for once?” Felicity asked, drawing Bryna’s attention back to the conversation.

“Who is Alex?”

“He’s our son,” Felicity said.

Bryna’s world tilted. Son. She couldn’t comprehend that word. Jude had a kid. Of course, she had never asked if he had children, but she had never even thought about it. He had used her to escape his life, and she didn’t even know why. He had an accomplished beautiful wife, who clearly loved him despite his flaws. They had a child together. The whole thing made her feel sick.

“Didn’t mention him either, huh?” Felicity asked with bite in her voice.

“Felicity, I didn’t know,” Bryna said.

“You’re young,” she said, her voice filled with disgust. “You’ll learn what’s yours to play with and what isn’t.”

Bryna recoiled at the comment. She had known Jude was married but thought he was separated. She had thought they weren’t getting back together. Perhaps she had just let him delude her into believing that.

“Don’t bring her into this,” Jude said. “This is my doing.”

“Yes, it is,” Felicity said. “And it’s yours to fix. You can walk out of here with me right now, promise to come home to be with me and be a father to Alex, and never see her or anyone else ever again, or I’ll alert the authorities, and you’ll never see your son again.”

Bryna gasped. Her hand flew to her mouth.

“Oh, don’t act so self-righteous!” she snapped at Bryna. “You knew you were sleeping with a married man. You had to know how this would end.”

“Why would you even want to be with him?” Bryna managed to get out.

Felicity ignored her. “Your son is waiting for you at home. Choice is yours, Jude.”

Then, she turned around and walked out of the room. Bryna stared after her in shock. Her eyes flitted to Jude, but he wasn’t looking at her. She wanted to plead with him not to give in, that she wouldn’t agree to testify, that Felicity had no proof. And another part of her wanted to see him pay for what he had done to her.

She still had such strong feelings for him that she vacillated so strongly between the two extremes. To save him or to damn him.

Jude sighed heavily and then made the choice for her. He followed Felicity out of the room. He hadn’t even bothered to look at Bryna. He had left her standing there, all alone.

Pace chuckled from the doorway and then disappeared without a word. He hadn’t even needed to land a blow. She’d had enough.

No friends. No Gates. No Jude.

Her hands balled into fists at her sides. She took a deep breath and then slowly released it. Ice filled her veins, chilled her blood, hardened her heart.

She would not be sad about Jude. How could I be when everything I truly knew about him has been shattered in a matter of minutes? How could I be when he walked out without even the decency of saying good-bye? She was a realist. She had known as soon as Felicity walked through the door that their chance was over.

But grow some fucking balls!

Jude should have owned up to what they had done and told Felicity that he wasn’t happy in their marriage. He shouldn’t have been a pussy by running back to her with his tail between his legs.

No, Jude had made it clear that he had never been hers. They were just strangers with memories.

She wasn’t sad. She was pissed. She wanted to tear everything apart. Destroy it. Burn it to the ground. Just so the world could feel a fraction of what was annihilating her heart.

She had lost everything since that first night she had left with Jude. She had abandoned and neglected Avery and Tara and then further isolated them by kicking them off the committee. Part of it had been related to Pace, but she had been so irritated about what was going on with Jude that she wasn’t able to think straight.

And Gates. He loved her. What did I do in return? Taken advantage of him. Made him deal with her Jude-induced insanity. Accused him of being jealous. Pushed him away.

She couldn’t rebuild that. How could he forgive me? How could I even ask him to forgive me?

She had let her guard down once. Just once for Jude. Now, it had all been thrown right back in her face.

Never again.

She would never again suffer like this. She would take control. She would call the shots. She already had a game plan and knew what she needed to do.

She touched the Harry Winston B at her throat, admiring her scarlet letter. If Jude had wanted to create a gold digger, then a gold digger she would become.

The End

Preorder the second book in the All That Glitters series.


July 7th


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so ask yourself if you are willing

to burn. because the moment you

open yourself to me, i will have

no choice but to scorch everything

that defines you. and without

regret, i will devour and i will

leave nothing behind.

—r.m. drake