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The two volunteer fireman nodded.

The growing sound of excited chatter snapped the three men out of their trance. They turned to see a large group of people walking into the area led by a very familiar face.

“Wondered how long it would take you to get here Cal.” Ray said

“Yeah, the Greensburg Tribunes favorite reporter is never far from any drama!” Michael said as half a smile crept across his face.

The reporter approached them and as he shielded his eyes he to peak over the top of the crater. He let out a whistle.

“You know me fellas, got a knack for being in the right place at the right time.” His expression darkened, “What do you think it is?”

“The official story says it’s a meteor but if you ask me it looks manmade,” Michael said.

“It sure does!” Cal agreed, he was taking pictures as he spoke.

Cal Walter was forty-seven and at the top of his game, he had offers to work at much higher profile papers but enjoyed his friendly relationship with the other residents of Kecksburg. His round, friendly face naturally allowed people to open up to him. Cal was always clean shaven and always wore a wore a brown tweed suit that matched his eyes.

“Can we get down there to get a closer look?” Cal asked.

The two firemen shrugged, “if you can stand the heat then I don’t see why not.”

By now a large group of Kecksburg residents had gathered around the crater, the heat had subsided a bit but as Michael climbed down into the crater he began to sweat and had to pause for a minute to acclimatize.

“How is it down there bud?”

“Bit warm mate, you coming or not?”

Raymond lowered himself down carefully and slowly until he joined his colleague at the base of the crater, they were only a few feet from the object now.

Finally, Cal carefully dropped down to join the two men, he was hit by the heat and took a few steps back.

“You ok Cal?”

He drew in a couple of deep breaths and then took his hands off of his knees, “Yeh Ray, not as deep as I thought it would be considering this thing dropped from space.”

The firemen looked around, “Good point, we can nearly see over the top, can’t be much deeper than seven foot.” Michael said.

The three men took a closer look at the object as the captivated audience above looked on. The light had started to fade now so Cal quickly took as many photographs as he could, the large flash threw out intense bright light every few seconds.

The Object looked like a large acorn, roughly the size of a Volkswagen beetle. It was a bright gold color and looked smooth all over. As Cal inspected the object he had an uncontrollable urge to reach out and touch it. He reached out towards it but was pulled back.

“I wouldn’t do that mate unless you want to burn yourself so bad that your skin peels off,” Michael said, he looked into the reporter’s eyes and shook his head.

Cal stared passed him for a couple more seconds before he finally lowered his hand.

“you’re right, don’t know what I was thinking!’

“Don’t worry about it,” Michael said and thumped him on the back.

Something caught Cal’s eye, he began snapping photos furiously again. He then got out his notepad and started to draw just as quickly as he had taken the pictures.

“What has got into you Cal?” Ray asked.

Cal pointed, “Look.. look at the ring around the base.”

The two men looked and then they saw it. Around the base of the acorn a pronounced ridge ran around the circumference of the object and in the center of this ridge were pronounced drawings.

“They look like pictures?” Ray said.

Cal shook his head, “They are Hieroglyphics Ray, the writing of the ancient Egyptians!” He said excitedly.

The two firemen looked at each other and then back at Cal in complete shock, “What the hell are they doing on an object that fell from the sky?”

Cal smiled back, “I don’t have a bloody clue boys but this is amazing.” He continued to replicate the drawings.

Freedom of the Press

Half an hour had passed since Cal, Michael and Ray had dropped down into the impact crater to get a closer look at the fallen object. The sun had finally dipped below the horizon and the men now worked by flashlight.

The reporter had got all the drawings and dimensions he needed and was ready to leave and write up his story.

“I think I have enough for the Tribune so I’m gonna head back and write up the story,” Cal said.

Don who was still stood on the edge of the crater with a group of onlookers helped the reporter out.

“Hey Mick, do you want me to get some heavy lifting equipment and try and move this sucker?”

“No I think we better leave it until at least first light don’t you Don?” Mick replied.

Don nodded, “What we gonna do about it tonight?”

“I don’t think it is going anywhere but I guess me and the fire station boys can keep an eye on it until tomorrow morning.”

“Then we can decide who we need to contact about this?” Ray added.

“Agreed, I’ll leave you boys to it then,” Don said and he turned to leave with Cal.

“Hey Cal make sure you paint me and Ray in the best light.” Michael chuckled.

Cal turned and gave him the thumbs up, “Give me a call in the morning when you have decided what needs to be done with our new guest.”

“Of course Cal, wouldn’t dream of keeping you out of the loop buddy.”

The gathering of people was suffering from tunnel vision, the unexpected excitement that had descended into the woods near their backwater town, so much so that not one of them noticed they were being stalked.

Don and Cal shot a look into the bushed as a group of five men in uniforms entered the clearing. They stared in shock for a second before Cal managed to speak, “What are you fellas doing here?”

The group of intruders shone their flashlights into the faces of the group clustered around the object.

“First let me introduce myself, I am sergeant Moore if you behave yourselves you can call me Howard.” The man nodded to his left. “This is Trooper first class Garcia and the three men to my right are Police Troopers Young, Hill, and Evans.”

The men gave a curt nod.

Michael and Ray scrambled out of the crater to greet their new guests.

“Evening officers.” Michael said, “I am with the local fire department, what brings the state police to our backwater town?”

Moore laughed, “That big hole behind you might have something to do with it.”

Cal was confused, “Hello Officer Moore my name is Cal Walker and I work for the local paper… With all due respect, how the hell do you know about this?”

Moore did not say a word but he just clicked his fingers. Without warning the men on his right stormed towards the unsuspecting reporter.

Trooper Young put his hand on the man’s shoulder and started to tug at the camera strap around his shoulder. “Sorry sir but we will be taking this.”

“Oh no you won’t!” Don said and he moved to put his frame between the state trooper and the reporter. Now Don was a big man with a wide six foot 3-inch frame, he could be rather intimidating.

Hill and Evans moved to flank the big man, “We really are going to have to insist, we don’t want any trouble or have to make any arrests.” Evans said.

Michael and Ray headed the two troopers off so they could not get to the reporter.

“We don’t think so boys, not until you show us some ID and tell us why you are here.”

Trooper Hill reached towards his hip but was stopped.

“Hill relax son, show the men some ID first, best not let this get out of hand.”

The younger lawman relaxed a little and they produced their badges; in the glow of the flashlights, they looked very official indeed.