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The situation calmed down a bit but when Trooper Young tried to take the camera again he was met by a firm push from the large farmer. That was it the troopers and the local fireman jumped into action and a shoving contest began accompanied by lots of shouting.

Don took a fist to the face as Young shouted at him, “You are under arrest for obstruction of a police officer, you will regret that you fucking hillbilly.”

Don pushed the officer away from him and went to throw a punch at him but the younger Trooper ducked out of the way. The group of teenagers who were watching with a morbid excitement had started to cheer and shout as soon as the fight had broken out.

Michael tried to radio the local fire station to call for backup and to get the local police down to them. There was no response, he tried several more times but there was nothing but static.

“Shit where is Kev, Scott? Why the fuck aren’t they here?”

“Don’t know mate but will you fucking help me here,” Ray shouted as he tried to overpower the Trooper.

“Sorry mate.” Michael roared as he jumped over and shoved Trooper Evans to the floor.

A single gunshot rang out and echoed from tree to tree, the group of men all jumped and the fighting stopped immediately. Sergeant Moore stood shaking his head. The teens split and started to run in fear but they did not get far before they stopped dead in their tracks and stood ghostly still.

The smoking barrel of a military standard rifle appeared from between the trees, the red warm glow began to fade into the darkness. Suddenly bright flood lights illuminated the area to reveal a man in military uniform. Then another appeared, and then another, soon the tiny clearing was filled with men in military uniforms. All of the soldiers were armed with M14 rifles that were aimed at the civilians.

Cal tried to shield his eyes against the bright floodlights but he could only make out the silhouettes of the soldiers. “What the hell is going on here? Who are you guys?”

The men in the military uniforms did not answer but just remained still, pointing their weapons at the shocked people.

Trooper hill pulled his comrade from the mud and then the three Troopers moved away from the reporter and went to stand behind Sergeant Moore.

Finally, a voice spoke. “Lower those weapons Sergeant.”

The military quickly shouldered their weapons and stood to rigid attention.

“At ease.” The mystery voice said.

The soldiers did not relax a bit, they seemed on edge.

Out of nowhere two men appeared from the bright light and approached Cal and Don. The men wore black Hamburg hats, black trench coats, with black pants and shoes. Under the trench coats, they wore a black tie with a white shirt. Finally, and most strongly of all they wore jet black sunglasses.

‘What the fuck, it is pitch black but these men are wearing fucking sunglasses?’ Michael thought.

The led man reached Cal and placed his gloved hand onto his shoulder. “I’m afraid I am going to have to insist on you surrendering that camera and your notepad.”

The second man in black nodded.

Cal was confused, he had started to tremble slightly when these two men approached him. They wore no identification and looked oddly similar like they were identical twins but that assumption did not feel right. These two men were clearly in charge of the situation, Cal’s mind raced as he tried to think of any known situation where civilian men were in charge of military personnel.

The first man in black’s grip tightened slightly on the reporter’s shoulder, Cal could feel the cold firm grip even through the man’s leather glove. Cal managed to stumble out a few words even as he was subconsciously handing over his camera.

“Wh… What… What about my first amendment rights?… Freedom of the press?”

The man released his grip from Cal’s shoulder, turned to his partner who had opened a black briefcase and they placed the camera inside. The man then turned back and opened his palm and gestured towards it.

“The notepad if you please!” It was an order.

Cal just dumped the pad into the man’s hand.

“Thank you, you did the right thing.”

The second man in black spoke in exactly the same, eerie accent. “You will get these items back when we have studied them.”

They spoke in unison, “As for your first amendment rights, they are subject to temporary restrictions until we have determined what is happening here. Do you understand.”

Cal nodded.


The first man in black turned to the group of dumbfounded and frightened civilians.

“The National Guard will now escort you back to your homes. You will stay there through the night and we will let you go about your business in the morning. Ok.”

Slowly the Kecksburg residents followed orders. The National Guard escorted the people back through the woods and into their homes. The people only started to shake off their primal fear as they moved away from the strange men in black.

Cal, Don, Michael, and Ray went to follow the other towns’ folk but the two unidentified men blocked their path.

“You four are to stay with us. We have some questions for you. Once they are satisfied, then you can go home.” He smiled but it was contorted and seemed unnatural.

The four men followed the two men in black like they were in a trance, unable to resist.

The first man in black turned to Sergeant Moore. “You and your men are to wait here until our colleagues arrive; nobody is to get near the device until they get here. Is that clear.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good, when they do get here you are to assist them with whatever they need.’

“Understood sir.”

The four captives were led into a large black limousine and the two men joined them in the back. The vehicle did not go anywhere but their interrogation had begun.

Kecksburg Event

It was just after 20:00 as Brian slowly peeled the curtain back, he carefully peered out of the tiny crack in the fabric. Two men in army uniform stood at the end of his driveway, they chatted casually but Brian could see they were both armed with rifles. Brian noticed that Patricia’s house received the same treatment.

‘What the hell is going on?’ Brian thought. ‘Why are the army policing the streets?’

A few hours earlier every one of the town’s inhabitants was forced into their homes without any explanation; some at gunpoint. The military had not left since and had ejected the local police force out as well, using the station as their own headquarters.

Brian went to turn the television on to see if the local news had any information but the damn box would not work, every channel was just static, the grey, white and black patterns scrolling across the small screen. Next, the old man went to the radio but again he was met with static; he swore under his breath.

The old man had a thought ‘Patricia, she must be scared to death.’ Brian shuffled over and picked up the receiver but he could not get a dial tone. ‘Christ this must be serious.’ Brian glanced over to his wife who was still sound asleep, her deep breaths accompanied by a loud snore every now and then. He thought about waking her but decided against it. Brian returned to peering out of the window.

Deep in the woods Sergeant Moore of the state troopers was startled from his sleepy conversation with Trooper Young; five figures wearing large yellow space suit like clothing appeared out of the bright lights. They wore gas masks and they walked slowly forward in a sweeping motion, holding some kind of equipment in their hands that they monitored intensively.

“Hold it! Who are you guys?” Moore challenged, “This is a restricted area and I am not authorized to let anyone enter without the proper identification!”