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In the sleepy town of Dayton, the horror was just beginning to dawn on the terrified population. The local police station had been destroyed in a huge blast, the surrounding buildings were burning husks.

A group of huge tanks rumbled around the outskirts of the town and were under orders to kill anything that tried to run. Smaller, quicker tanks were flanked by huge numbers of soldiers in dark full body armor, they moved through the suburban streets; the soldiers began to force everyone from their homes.

Men women and children of all ages were lined up on the pavement and ordered to stand there until they were processed.

Curtis Taylor stood quietly and surveyed the situation as he was pulled from his home, a forty-four-year-old Dayton man born and bred. He worked in the National Museum of the United States Air Force; Dayton was the birthplace of Orville Wright, one of the brothers to pioneer flight. He was widely celebrated here.

Taylor had been in the National Guard and had managed to smuggle a loaded pistol in his dressing gown. As one of the soldiers walked passed Taylor went to ask what was going on. The soldier responded by punching Curtis in the face, he stumbled backward from the blow.

“What was that for, he did not do anything!” Roland Walker said, Roland was Taylor’s elderly neighbor who ran the local grocery store.

The soldier turned and checked the old man over, he walked up to him and pulled him into the middle of the road, Roland’s wife screamed and began to cry as she tried in vain to keep her grip on her husband’s wrist. The soldier pushed Roland over onto the hard tarmac and then turned and slapped Norma Walker forcefully across the face.

The armor-clad soldier strode up behind Roland, placed the barrel of his gun to his head and without a moment’s hesitation, fired. The superheated round flew through the old man’s skull and the bubbling blood splattered over the dry tarmac.

Norma let out a devastating wail, Curtis tried to stop her but it was too late and she raced forwards towards the Soldier, he did not turn around. Norma had barely managed to get off the sidewalk before a hail of plasma round struck her, they hosed down her chest and torso, and she hit the floor and managed one last painful breath before she died. Norma’s smoldering body ignited slowly as her hair began to burn.

“This is what happens if you cannot follow orders.” One of the soldiers said in a deep tone.

Anyone who tried to fight back as they were pulled from their homes was killed instantly and remorselessly. Similarly anyone who mentioned human rights and swift American retaliation was shot on the spot. Finally, the population of Dayton was subdued.

The second phase now began. A man in full black body armor approached a cowering family stood out on the sidewalk; the man who was African American had not had time to get dressed and was out in the chilly morning air, completely naked. His wife and young child, stood behind him.

Glen King was a bank manager these days but had once served with Curtis in the National Guard, he was thirty-seven and had a young family with a beautiful child with his white wife.

The Soldier approached Glen and grabbed his wrist, a needle pierced Glen’s skin. The needle was attached to a small metal device that had a screen that after several seconds showed various readouts. The message flashed red.

The soldier smiled, he turned and nodded to his colleagues behind him, who dragged Glen away from his family and forced him into the back of an armored transport, they sedated him and the threw him into the back.

Glen’s wife Helen tried hard to hold her tears back and she subconsciously stood in front of her daughter. The soldier approached and pushed Helen out of the way.

“No!” She screamed as she took a step towards the soldier but his colleagues struck her from behind and then restrained her, but they made sure she could see what was happening.

“What are you going to do to my daughter.” She shouted.

The soldier ignored her and gripped the frightened child. He used the same device, the needle punctured the skin and the child began to cry. The readout took several seconds and again flashed red.

The soldier pulled his pistol from his belt and placed it to the child’s head.

“No! get away from her.” Helen screamed but she was again struck in the head and her vision blurred.

The child went deadly still and a second later a gunshot rang out, the bullet flew forwards and struck the Aryan in his helmet but it bounced clean off. The soldier let the child go who started to run, another shot rang out and bounced off the soldier’s chest armor.

Curtis rattled off another six rounds until his pistol was empty, the turret of the tank in the street swung round and Curtis charged towards the soldiers who were restraining Helen. He took three steps when the tank fired, a superheated ball of light rushed forwards and detonated on the curb next to Curtis, he disappeared in the amazing ball of light.

The Aryan turned to see the child running back towards the house, he took aim and squeezed off one round, it flew true and stuck the child in the back, she fell and never got up again.

Helen was dazed from the last blow but she felt a terrible pain run through her soul, she knew something awful had happened to her little girl; she felt nauseous and threw up on the sidewalk.

The soldier hauled Helen to her feet, he looked into her deep blue eyes. The device pierced her skin and a few seconds later the screen flashed green, it read 94% Nordic DNA.

The Aryan shook his head, “Shame you sullied your heritage and desecrated your body with this sacrilege.” He pushed his gun into her face and pulled the trigger. They threw Helen’s lifeless body to the floor and moved on.

The whole of Dayton was painstakingly processed in this manner. The elderly, young and sick were all disposed of on the spot. The people who were physically fit but were off non-Nordic heritage were sedated and thrown into the back of huge armored vehicles, they were often thrown on top of each other in terribly cramped conditions. A few choked on their own vomit while under sedation.

The residents who were off Nordic descent were treated a little better but were still forced into transports and taken back to Wright Patterson Air Force base where they were to be housed. None of them knew their fate but after witnessing their friends and neighbors being slaughtered, they were not confident of surviving; they prayed to God that their countrymen would be able to liberate them from this unknown evil.


Pamela lay under the bodies of her friends for a long time, she did not know how long it actually was but it felt an eternity. She felt the warmth leave them and in a couple of extreme cases, rigor mortis had begun to set in. She had never experienced it first hand before but the dead were seldom silent, with all manner of gases escaping their system.

Finally, she plucked up the courage to move, she pushed the bodies off of her and looked around in a daze, the sun was high in the sky now but was being obscured by a thick fog; smoke billowed from Dayton.

Pam checked herself over, she wiped at a splattering of dried blood on her arm but it was stuck firm, apart from a few small gashes on her face and arms from falling she was ok. She knew she had to worry about shock and needed to keep warm.

Pamela had gone into survival mode, she did not think of the rights or wrongs of what she was doing, she just did it. The young lady stumbled around and started to collect clothes off of the dead, she took socks and a coat that had only a small bloodstain; she salvaged what she could.

Steven was still cowering under a pile of bodies, he had his eyes shut and was quietly mumbling to himself. He was covered in muck and blood, he tried hard to imagine he was somewhere else. Pamela tried unsuccessfully to drag him out but he stubbornly stayed where he was, his body was a dead weight.